Beck discovers that Massa is a self-serving pervert

| March 10, 2010

At the end of the hour-long, much-touted interview with former congressional butt plug, Eric Massa, Glen Beck apologized to America for wasting our time;

You can read Dana Milbank’s account of the interview at the Washington Post.

The Beck-Massa affair was a case of two political extremists who have gone so far in opposite directions that these strange bedfellows have wound up on the same mattress: They are both avowed foes of the Obama administration and its efforts to enact health-care reform.

Like I said yesterday, Beck lost sight of the fact that the reason Massa was prepared to vote against the healthcare bill was because it didn’t contain the single-payer and public options. Massa was/is a scumbag who admitted he wouldn’t vote in the interests of his constituency last year.

His own staff reported him to Steny Hoyer for groping them.

He was a POS and Beck should have seen that rather than give him a moment’s air time.

Wesley Clark should be proud of his former staffer.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck

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F*cktarded, in a word.


I watched the interview and I still contend that the purpose for having Massa on was to potentially have the nutjob drop a real turd in the Democrat’s punchbowl. I got the impression that Massa more than likely claimed to have some sort of revelation on the inner workings of Congress and the intimidation tactics that the parties use to rein in their wayward members. What was presented was actually far less than what anyone with half decent Google skills could procure in less than 5 minutes time. In the end, I think Beck looked like he’d been had (something the slobbering leftards will undoubtedly relish in today) and Massa got an opportunity to show his former bosses that even in “Satan’s Lair”, he was still loyal enough not to throw them under the bus. Massa will now slink back into his hole and will be forgotten in a month’s time and Beck will have some minor fodder for a couple of days on his radio program.

B Woodman

Haven’t seen the episode (yet), but have heard & read plenty about it this AM.
My opinion — Revealing the truth, pleasant or not, on purpose or accidental, especially past the self-imposed blinders of the great unwashed sheeple, is NEVER a waste of time.

I just wish such an unpleasant tactic had been used on Obeyme before the Nov 2008 election.


I think Claymore’s assessment is spot on.


Concur with Woodman.


Yeah, Massa must have said he had some dirt to reveal. Beck kept prodding him to “name names”, but Massa’s only dirt was that left-wingers threatened to not give him any more money unless he voted reliably left-wing. Which is how our system works. Massa seemed like a moron and Beck was clearly frustrated.

Massa’s other bit of “dirt” was that members of Congress have to spend a lot of time raising money. And his solution is government campaign financing. That way you don’t have to grub for money, the government just pays you to campaign. This is a standard left-wing position. Massa is a moron.
