Glen Beck’s new hero

| March 9, 2010

See, this is why I dislike Glen Beck, for those of you who have asked me. Last night (yeah, I watch him) he announced his kinship with Eric Massa, the perv that the Democrats just booted from Congress;

Rush Limbaugh vowed to make a “national story” out of Massa’s claims that Democrats orchestrated his downfall because he voted no on health care reform — adding that Massa is “going to have so much support from people.”

Matt Drudge led his site for much of the day Monday with all-caps links to POLITICO’s coverage of Massa’s statements: “RAHM ‘WOULD SELL HIS OWN MOTHER,’ ‘SON OF THE DEVIL’S SPAWN.’”

And Glenn Beck took to Twitter to announce that he’d have Massa on his show for “the full hour” Tuesday because “all Americans need to hear him.”

It’s as if Beck and Limbaugh forgot that Massa was voting against the healthcare bill because it wasn’t “robust” enough. It didn’t include the single-payer option or the public option. So if Massa had his way, the healthcare bill would burden US citizens even more than it does in it’s present form.

Beck’s 9-12 Project also supports Adam Kokesh, last I knew. All you have to do to get on Beck’s good side is mouth the words he wants to hear regardless of your underlying intentions.

Category: General Whackos

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Ringo the Gringo

Although I did allow Beck to use some of my pictures on his program, I too am not a fan of his. Basically he comes off looking like a kook 90% of the time, even when what he’s saying is true. Conservatives need more rational, even-tempered representatives if we want to win moderates to our cause. People like Beck and Limbaugh simply preach to the choir and drive everyone else away.


My disgust with Beck is due to his calling Dutch hero Geert Wilders a ‘right wing fascist’ yesterday!
Beck is being dishonest as he clearly knows differently —he had Geert on his show for an interview last year!!

I am not sure what he is up to, but something is starting to stink.

Too bad, as I was enjoying his ‘lessons’ on certain themes lately and felt he was helping a lot of people understand some areas of the political landscape a little better.



This day is getting more surreal by the minute. I can’t wrap my melon around all this crap0 today. We have Glenn Beck doing what he does best, hyperbole for ratings. We have one guy that was an actual Vietnam Vet acting like he was Audie Murphy and another that is Rambo’s evil cousin, or so he thinks…………..

Jonn, can we please get that thing we talked about started??

My brain is turning to oatmeal trying to process all this shit today. I’m glad Curt stopped by to show me I’m not as fucked up as him, so I have that going for me; which is nice.


I’m not convinced that either Beck or Limbaugh are suddenly enamored with Massa as much as they’re interested in having the little douchebag spill his guts and further marginalize Rahm “Fucking Retarded” Emmanuel. In as far as the 9/12 thing, Beck has said that he’s not leading the project per se, but more or less sponsoring it and letting the organizers at the local level, so it’s entirely likely that the dipshits in NM are responsible for the Kokesh endorsements.



FTR, I think you’re wrong. I think the objective here is to let Massa hang himself with his own words. I heard his program today and Michele Malkin was on and they got into it. That was my take. Let the little bastard hang, because he *will* hang himself.

Old Tanker

Can’t speak to Beck as I never really cared for him and don’t watch but I didn’t get that Limbaugh was thinking Massa was the darling of the right….just pointing out a Drudge story. Rush was playing a soundbite of the Massa radio interview in which Massa was asked “why not rescind your resignation?” Massa replied “The only way I could do that was if this became a national story” Rush interjected over the soundbite (as he often does) “So Congressman Massa, were doing our part here to make it a national story” I don’t think he was making Massa out to be anything other than a kook which he is also doing right now….


Let’s see here… Jonn, I know you wade through a bunch of crap so I don’t have to, for that you have my thanks.

I think I’ve watched Beck for a total of roughly 15 minutes, but I do worry some about you. [grin]

AW1 Tim

Claymore is spot on with his comments. Beck is letting Massa hang himself, and also further push the knife into the Dems.

As to the 9/12 group, that is entirely done at the state and local level. It has Beck’s support, but the organization and monthly, and day-to-day stuff is all developed locally.


Beck is alright. Yes he’s an attention-craving, spotlight hogging clown, but that’s ok. And he gets on the wrong side of issues sometimes. And he feels compelled to pull a McCain and bash both the right and left to make himself look good …

… but all that said there has been no more fearless critic of Obama — especially during that first 6 months. Nobody said anything bad about Obama on TV, and Beck was there day-in, day-out calling him a lying, leftist weasel. That took guts.

That first few minutes intro of his show was awesome. The, “If you love your country, but you think the govt is …” schtick was great. He stopped doing it for some reason. I think he got afraid he would encourage some nutter to go psycho. But it was raw red-meat conservatism.

The Left prides itself on being morally superior and Beck went right after that, saying they were lying, evil, weasel leftists. That’s why they hate him so much. Instead of saying, “well I admire your desire to help the poor, but I think your welfare solution won’t have the desired effect” — he went at the jugular and said, “Your welfare program is purposefully designed to keep the poor poor so they keep voting for you. It is not just wrong, but pernicious and immoral.”

For all his faults, Beck does a great job at attacking the moral legitimacy of the left. He attacks their strengths and weakens their claims to moral superiority. Which is why they want to destroy him.

Beck has almost single-handedly made “progressive” a dirty word. And that’s worth a lot.


I find Glenn Beck entertaining. I also think he may be inadvertently making many on the left soil themselves with the idea that they may have to go find another word to describe their bullshit political leanings; as Don so eloquently noted, “progressive” is fast on its way to being just as reviled as “liberal” has become. That being said, I don’t particularly think Beck is all that profound, and frankly, I think he’d agree with that assessment. The vast majority of what he’s peddling on his tv program is sadly what’s being left out of the typical classroom in our public schools. The fact that this self described clown can sit there with a chalkboard and discuss Woodrow Wilson and Cloward/Pivin and somehow rake in 3 times the audience that Keith Olberdouchenozzle can muster week…and to do that at 5pm when most people are decompressing from a commute home that …well, he’s clearly tapped into something, and it’s not just the angry unemployed white dude cleaning his guns and taking online Cessna 172 flying lessons. I’m just sayin’.

SSG Medzyk

Beck is an entertainer first, pundit second. His passion centers on history and inforamtion that is sadly lacking in America nowdays.

When he rails on Communism/Socialism/Progressives with his showman antics, he is trying to make you think and remember that the left has long been doing their damndest to destroy the representative government we enjoy, and replace it with Soviet style Marxism and Leninism.

Limbaugh and Beck wants Massa to hang himself and what liberals he has associated with, by letting him spew his weird shit on Americas most watched news channel, and the #1 radio talk show ever. The MSM won’t allow Massa to dance in public, showing the few that watch them how fucked up he really is.

Yup, Beck can get anal and really wild at times, but he speaks with passion and guts, and he’s correct nearly all the time. If that pisses of the American leftists….that’s good enough for me.


John, that Kokesh website is not an offical 9/12 project website. That was put up to decieve people. The only offical website that I know of all the other 9/12 project websites are not Glenn Beck approved websites that includes my own 9/12 Project website