Rob Diamond; another HuffPo hack

| March 9, 2010

I wrote about Rob Diamond a few weeks back when he criticized Republicans daring to have troops in their audiences. Today he’s complaining that Glen Beck is stealing from military charities over at the Huffington Post;

What is actually happening — and what is so obviously wrong — is that the rally is not actually raising money for SOWF [Special Operations Warrior Foundation]. SOWF is raising all the money to pay for the rally.

Don’t believe me? Just read the plain-as-day, italicized font on the SOWF website:

All contributions made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010. All contributions in excess of these costs will then be retained by the SOWF.

That’s weird, I thought. I give $100 to SOWF and it goes to Glenn Beck first, college scholarships for children of deceased special operators (maybe) second? Why would Glenn Beck be using a charitable organization, whose mission it is to provide college scholarships to the children of deceased special operators, as the financing arm of his “non-political, non-partisan” rally?

Is that really what it says, Rob? Is that how they taught you to read at Annapolis? Do you think that they meant ALL of the costs of the rally, or did they mean that they were going to recover the costs of their representatives going to rally and sleeping in hotels, paying for gas and actually eating – or do you expect them to sleep on sewer grates for their stay?

Permits in DC cost everybody money, whether they’re a charity or not. How do you expect them to pay for it? The rally is billed as a non-partisan, non-political event and Beck is just one of the speakers who will draw the donation money.

Do you really think that greedy-ass Beck, who you admit makes $18 million a year, is going to sit by the pot and count out his share of donations. “One for me, one for them”.

Rob claims that he’s a fellow of the Truman National Security Project. The mission statement of the Truman National Security Project says;

The Truman National Security Project is a national security leadership institute, the nation’s only organization that recruits, trains, and positions a new generation of progressives across America to lead on national security.

I guess if Diamond is the type of whiney, whitebread, illiterate crybaby that Truman National Security Project is producing, they can’t be spending much time on national security policy.

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is now serving as a financial front man for the right-wing, Fox News demagogue that is Glenn Beck. This so-called “rally” has nothing to do with SOWF’s stated (and noble) mission of giving college scholarships to children of deceased servicemembers.

Really? Why would you want to sabotage a worthy charity with your hyperbole, Diamond?

Actually, The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is one of the most efficiently managed charities;

We are proud to announce that the Special Operations Warrior Foundation has earned its fourth consecutive 4-star rating for its ability to efficiently manage and grow its finances from the nation’s leading charity watchdog group, Charity Navigator. Only 7% of the charities rated by Charity Navigator have received at least 4 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Special Operations Warrior Foundation consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.

To date, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation has provided over $900,000 to wounded special operations personnel.

Those scum bags.

I’ve only read two posts written by Diamond at Huffington Post – he comes off as a petty little creep. And a hack.

Category: Liberals suck, Media, Phony soldiers

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Yeah, but John you are just in love with Mr. Beck. I mean look at how you study his Heros!
It is not fair to point out how Rob is not doing his homework, he means well. All he wants to do is get kudos from the alternate reality people at HuffPoS.

I would not be surprised if Beck was being paid for the rally; after all it is the USA. On the other hand I expect beck to be donating his appearance to raise money and awareness.
Shoot I wouldn’t be surprised if Truman National Security Project was actually a front organization to write national defense talking points for Democratic candidates.


I see he is a votevets front pager as well.


Jonn, ya better watch out, he’s an Annapolis grad and has vastly more knowledge and experience in everything, compared to you. I mean, 2 tours on a ship and sipping latte with congresscritters gives him much more insight into the world of military matters and national security than you.

Sorry to be so harsh on ya, Jonn, but he’s got you outflanked 🙁

I really hate being the bearer of bad news like this.


BTW- What is that shit about IAVA being a charity? Right in IAVA’s annual report it says that they are a advocacy organization and education, not a charity.

This guy is full of shit.


Why does anyone read Huff & Puff? Losers writing for losers. It’s all BS and always had been.

Cedo Alteram

Jonn, I was waiting to see when you stumbled on those asses over at the Trueman National Security Project. Damn, this is a great site.

They present themselves as the pseudo-intelligencia of the new progressive movement. Brothel madams to VoteVets(notice they’re ad) street pimpery. With alum, like Brandon Friedman and Phil Carter. Sound familiar? Its like these organisations recycle the same two dozen people over and over again.

Rachel Klienfeld is the president and all around big kahoona over there. Awhile back, she was trying to imply that COIN was some kind of liberal orthodoxy, and not as it is an operational context. It has no political affliation. It simply is a course of action. Most conventional wars were fought in the 20th century by democratic Administrations, does this mean they possess a monopoly on conventional war? Ironic, considering 7 out of 10 Democrats oppose the war in Afghanistan, according to a poll a few months ago(sorry can’t remember which off top of my head).

Again, great site, good work.


No wonder I never liked Academy pukes.


[…] For the record, I’m thinking neither party deserves the votes of veterans in this election because both sides have sold us down the river on the things we earned based on an unwritten promise. But, neither should they take for granted our votes. But anyone campaigning for barack Obama can’t tell me they’re looking for veterans, like this dimwit Rob Diamond, another HuffPo dingus, who sent me this email. […]

Sgt Kirtlink

Wait… Huffington Post is supposed to be taken as real news?

I seriously thought that it was supposed to be a funny fake news outlet, like the daily show.

Then again, Obama will probably win again because of the Jersey Shore watching assnozzles that read HuffPo and watch Fox news as if they were legitimate news outlets.