Under the Bus with the Whole Lot of You!

| June 1, 2008

CNN is reporting that Barack Obama has officially “resigned” from Trinity United Church. How exactly does one “resign” from a church?

Has the vitriolic sermons from that church changed in the last 20 years? Nope
Has it suddenly turned to a Black separatist’s theology? Nope
Has it just now started fomenting “White hate”? Nope

So, what happened?

Barry has simply pimped this racist church until it offers no more political advantage. No more complicated than that, the pimp pushed the whore under the train.

After 20 years of using this church to prop up his street cred and obviously to make him black enough, Barry has realized that this flavor of hate makes him “Too Black”.

Now the question is what will Jeremiah Wright’s response be? Something tells me that this shameless, racist, media-whore is not going to like being rejected by the very man that he helped to create.

My prediction? Brace yourself Barry, this is going to be painful.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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It’s with people like “Reverend” Wright, “Father” Pfleger and the American terrorist, Bill Ayers, that Obama garnered the support that propelled him into political power. With the way they love to run their mouths, I can’t imagine Wright nor Pfleger to remain silent on their betrayal by Obama.

BTW, I’m a practicing Catholic, and Liberation Theology was disavowed by the Vatican back in the early 1980’s. I’ve never, ever heard anything even close to the hateful vitriol of Pfleger’s sermons at any of the Churches I’ve attended. Why he’s still a pastor is beyond me. I’m guessing his Diocese is looking the other way.


Rochester…I don’t think any of us have ever heard that kind of vitriol in a church. That Obama really thinks we’ll turn the other cheek by his lack of association is beyond the pale. There are still many who will keep a blind eye, because “anyone is better than GWB”!!


defendUSA Said:

There are still many who will keep a blind eye, because “anyone is better than GWB”!!

We’ve been having this discussion on the local newspaper Democrat and Chronicle Editorial Board Blog. A friend who participates there, asks:

Charlie said…

So back to the question I have asked so many times without a proper answer.
He associates with Bill Ayers, Jodie Evans, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev Wright, Father Phlegm the list goes on and on.
What is there about this guy that has everyone losing their sense of reason?
I understand that a lot of people don’t like Bush and the war, but that is no reason to tear down just about every principle America was founded on.

Even when the facts about Obama’s associates and allies are repeatedly exposed, people look the other way!