VoteVets; Ya know what this war needs? A clean energy program.

| March 4, 2010

TSO Sent me a link to this mess. VoteVets has just discarded any semblence of concern for the troops and swallowed hook, line and sinker MoveOn’s talking points. Instead of demanding that we drill and process our own oil reserves, somehow Jon Soltz is convinced that we need to put all of our energies into developing unicorn shit as an energy source. Because it will save troops lives;

Of course, veteran Chris Miller doesn’t say unicorn shit should be used as an alternative fuel – but what else could he be talking about? What other energy source is more close to being marketed and can be rolled out in enough time and quantity to drive down the price of oil so the Iranians can no longer afford to make IEDs.

The link between oil money and those who harm our troops is clear. We need Congress to pass Clean Energy legislation now, which would cut our oil imports in half, and deal a real blow to those who support terror.

Yes, once unicorn shit is a viable energy source and everyone is driving the special cars, some time around this Saturday, we’ll stop Iran cold, won’t we?

Soltz spent a million bucks on that ad run. Can you believe it? That’s how VoteVets represents the troops – spending money to advertise for an energy source that doesn’t exist and won’t impact the troops for at least another 20 years. He should have stuck to the repeal of DADT – it’s an equally useless issue, but at least it wouldn’t make Soltz look so stupid.

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If anyone wants to connect a few dots, then I suggest going over to and clicking on their association links. You will see all the usual suspects listed there, including ANSWER and in multiple spots.

BTW is a Marxist clearing house and they are quite proud to be the creators of the NY Marxist School (which gets taxpayer funding through NY State under the “arts” endowments, so yay NY taxpayers!) and they are unabashed commies. I wonder if Joe hangs out there, since it’s his crowd?


I keep wanting to do an exhaustive post on their policy positions on energy, but damned if I can find any. Go to that horseshit website of theirs and I challenge you to find anything deeper than “pass this bill.” There literally is nothing. Keep hearing about the Environmental impacts and war and all this, and nothing to back any of it up. It’s like if they don’t justify their positions, no one can ridicule how sophomoric this crap is, and alas, it is working.


I never liked VoteVets since Freidman tried to say that MacBeth resembled some sort of legit, and that Limbaugh never supported the troops.

It begs the question: How much money have you raised for troops as opposed to shooting your mouths off and *not* getting a whole lot done…unless of course, they think Soreass’s talking points mean something to Veterans hurting for resources. I’m betting that it doesn’t matter a rat’s ass to vets and currently serving soldiers if they’re *clean*, hey?

Casey J Porter

EFP’s were not designed by Iran and have been around a hell of a lot longer than the war on terror. Furthermore, EFP’s can be made anywhere. It’s much easier to build one in-country than to sneak it across the border. I’m not saying I’m a fan of Iran or big oil, but please, don’t twist the facts around to sell your point of view.


Yeah I agree with Casey here, especially giving that Sunnis funded by Saudi Arabia have been responsible for a lot more deaths in both Iraq and Afghanistan than Iranian EFPs.

That and it’s not like Iran has a monopoly on the EFP market. Has Iran sent EFPs to Special Groups in Iraq to kill US troops. Certainly. However, who is responsible for more deaths in Iraq? Iranian backed Shia groups or Saudi funded Sunni Islamists?

Cedo Alteram

Jonn your right, shouldn’t our goal be as domestically self sufficent as possible. I’m all for developing new technologies, but nothing remotely practical, cost effective, or sufficent in energy production exists.

Mike Bradley

The vote vets won’t work because you have Ass Holes like Adam Kokesh of IVAW– I would not vote for that SOB to be a Shit Burner. He pulled off a real boner when he got Fonda to do a fund raiser for IVAW. — what a dick head!

Adam Kokesh– yep— Mike Bradley said that!


[…] we started burning unicorn farts instead of oil in our cars, we could get out of the Middle East. At the time, over two years ago, we questioned the motives of VoteVets’ expenditure of a million bucks to run that ad […]