Marion Barry censured

| March 2, 2010

The Washington Post reports that the DC City council has voted to censure Marion Barry and refer him to the US Attorney General for corruption charges;

The move stems from a report by Washington attorney Robert S. Bennett that concluded that Barry personally benefited from a $15,000 personal service contract he secured for his on-again, off-again girlfriend Donna Watts-Brighthaupt.

Barry has apologized for poor judgment. However, he has maintained that he broke no laws.

Barry has been rousted by Park Police for hanging around the parks in DC, probably to purchase illegal drugs and he hasn’t paid a penny of his taxes for the last 11 years, despite the fact that he was so ordered by a Federal Court.

I wonder which bitch set him up this time.

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Junior AG

The crackhead x-mayor is still ALIVE??? I guess Lucifer looks out for his own!


Like anything will happen anyway.


Only took them 30 years to do anything about it. Amazing, simply amazing.


Apologized…He didn’t even try to play the race card first? The guy is slipping…


MB is waiting for the CBC, or the Attorney General to play the race card for him. Wait……..If he hasn’t paid his taxes, could he be in line for a cabinet post?


A convicted crackhead is found to have continued breaking laws, even after being given a complete mulligan by his constituency?

Is anyone here surprised?