Nancy’s Choice: Corrupt Criminal or Bat Shit Crazy Lunatic
Nancy Pelosi (presiding over the most ethical Congress evah!) has a real problem on her hands and it is frankly quite entertaining to watch her spin in the mire of her own making.
Last week’s announcement by the House Ethics Committee that Charlie Rangel is in fact a lying, corrupt, douchebag ushered in calls for Rangel to step down as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. These calls came mostly from Republicans but that is all changing now.
Politico is reporting that a growing number of Democrats are joining the chorus calling for Rangel’s head.
Republicans plan to bring to the floor this week a resolution calling for Rangel’s ouster as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic aides say defections from vulnerable Democrats may give the GOP enough votes to prevail.
“It’s going to be very hard for us and others to vote against this,” said a senior aide to one vulnerable Democrats.
If all House members vote and all 178 Republicans vote to remove Rangel, the GOP would need 39 Democrats to turn against Rangel to win the vote.
Thirty nine is a not a big number in the current environment in Washington. Several Democrats have already come out publicly against Rangel and the number is only going to get bigger.
Already, Democratic Reps. Paul Hodes (N.H.), Bobby Bright (Ala.), Gene Taylor (Miss.), Mike Quigley (Ill.), Betty Sutton (Ohio), Harry Mitchell (Ariz.) have said publicly that they plan to join Republicans in voting to remove Rangel.
So, why doesn’t Pelosi just fire Rangel and move forward trying to socialize the government?
To answer this question is understand what is important to Democrats. Pelosi doesn’t care that Rangel is a demonstrated criminal but she does care that his activities are gaining momentum in the media. Chair of Ways and Means is a critical position for her to press her socialist agenda and though she obviously needs a close ally in that chair, she also wants someone toiling away destroying the American way of life with little or no media fanfare.
And therein lays the problem for Pelosi. You see the next in line for the Chairmanship if Rangel is jettisoned is one certifiably bat-shit crazy Fortney Pete Stark.
Here are just three small examples of this idiot in action.
Pelosi sees the danger of turning this unhinged moron loose with as many cameras as the Chair of Ways and Means always attracts, and it could derail the entire Democrat majority.
Interesting times in deed.
Category: Politics
Pete Stark may be scary, but he’s not the issue. Pelosi will have a hard time cutting Rangel off at the knees while maintaining the support of the Congressional Black Caucus, which she needs badly for healthcare “reform”.
Excellent point St. Patrick but those wheels appear to be coming off as well:
Rangel suffered a significant blow Tuesday afternoon when Rep. Artur Davis – a member of both the Ways and Means Committee and the Congressional Black Caucus who’s running for governor back home in Alabama – issued a statement in which he said the chairman “should do the right thing and step aside.”
Blue on Blue action! What’s not to like?
At least with Chuckles you knew what he was motivated by. Wow, Marion Barry and Rangel in one week. I guess it would bee too much to ask for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton too.
Oh, I think the FDR and “moderate” Dems ought to see up close and personal just how batshit crazy their party has become. By all means, let Stark take the chair! Let the loony fringe run the asylum for a few months!
You can add my rep. Mark Schauer (D. MI) to the list calling him to step down, I just heard him say so on the radio. Of course Schauer is facing the Republican (Tim Wahlberg) he unseated this fall and is in an uphill battle. All of a sudden Schauer is voting against a bunch of Dem. bills….go figure….
Yeah, my moonbat (Carol Shea-Porter, aka “Che-Porter”) gave the donations she got from Rangel back. Don’t know if she gave back Murtha’s donations, though. I’m guessing not. She knows she’s in for a fight this time around, and is going to try to play this one for all the political mileage she can get.
AW1 Tim Says:
March 2nd, 2010 at 8:08 pm
Blue on Blue action! What’s not to like?
That’s how I feel when the Rag’eds blow eachother up. Let’s just sit back and watch the show.
More damned fun than sittin’ in a lawnchair at the local boat ramp on a Saturday morning of a Bayliner Weekend.
Looks like ol’ Stark didn’t last too long. Seems like even the Dems know he’s batshit crazy…