Bush running for third term?

| May 29, 2008

I just got an email from the Barack Obama campaign begging me to help defeat George Bush in November. Here’s the email headed “You vs. George W. Bush”



It appears to me that Obama would rather run against anyone other than John McCain. I remember the Democrats telling us in 2000 to “get over” Clinton – that he wasn’t running in the election. So what do they do? “A different sort of politics”, indeed.

I wonder who the super-secret donor is who’d match my contribution.

So where do I send my donations to support the third Bush term?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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Since GWB was “selected, not elected” his first term, shouldn’t that qualify him to run again? After all, he wasn’t “elected” to two terms, only one.


I wonder who the super-secret donor is who’d match my contribution.

Let me take a guess…

George Soros?

If not Soros, perhaps it’s Hugo Chavez! 🙂


Obama/Soros 08!

(since it seems that’s what’s really going on….)


If we could get Dubya in for a third term 3/4 of code pink would go Code Blue. LOL.


wouldn’t someone that has already reached the max for donations to any one candidate adding money to someone’s donation be considered illegal?? i think this is something the FEC should know about if it is, as well as the non-MSM, oh wait there isn’t any besides Fox, and no one on the left believes them

Richard Wheeler

Jonn,Rochester,Jacob Sorry guys no left wing conspiracy here.Obama has nearly 1,500,000 donors large majority having given between 25-50 dollars.New donor like Jonn giving $25 matched by existing donor giving additional $25.Beautiful plan. McCain should try it.


Thats fine if the existing donor hasn’t reached their max for donations. But how do we police this to make sure that the law isn’t being broken? And I agree, if it is legal, then by all means McCain needs to try it as well.



I’m sure that Obama has small-time donors, but the major financial backer of Obama and the organizations he’s been involved with over the years is George Soros:

The Soros-Obama Connection

There’s no doubt that the Alinsky mentored radical socialist, Barack Obama, is the Presidential candidate that Soros would do anything to get into office.

Richard Wheeler

Max I believe is $2300 which is policed carefully.Large % of Clinton donors are there.Believe me,very small % of Obama’s 1.5 million donors are over $100 TOTAL

Jonn wrote: For the record, here are Obama’s largest donors as of May 25th from Open Secrets.org;

Richard Wheeler

Jonn.The letter you received sent to individual donors max cap $2300.At any rate McCain has alot of catching up to do with an obviously unenthused Repub.base.What happened to Fred and Mitt?