Pre-blue jeans George Will
Back in 2001, I had the pleasure of a few minutes conversation with George Will at the University Club in DC. Since then, he’s gone off on weird tangents and I’ve pretty much ignored anything he’s said.
But, this video from CPAC is the George Will with whom I talked that winter evening. It’s 25 minutes long, but worth every second.
For those of you who think you know Conservatism and found it lacking, this will set you straight in plain language – if you just stick out until the end.
Thanks to Rurik for the link.
Category: Media
Excellent, and very entertaining, too!
So…I guess you all saw the results of the CPAC straw poll??? Very inspiring to me. Seems the young folks, who are the future, the ones who will have to bear the responsibility and burden for the decisions of the politicians, are Ron Paul’s greatest supporters. May the seniors make way…