Some Pennsylvania Donald Trump supporters received threatening letters
Using tactics normally found in third world countries, someone, or a group of people, sent threatening letters to Trump supporters. The letters used a Trump 2024 letterhead and started with thanking the reader for being engaged in the election. Then the letter progresses towards negativity; attacking Donald Trump and hinting of consequences if Donald Trump wins.
From the Post Millennial:
“Should your candidate win,” it threatens, “the consequences will be staggering. The country will continue to be divided, the economy will falter and a recession will be accelerated, the deficit ballooned. The majority will live under the rule of a minority. Government will be in my business, the business of my family, the deficit will grow. The rich will get richer and judging by your house you don’t qualify for rich, as much as you think you may.”
“But more importantly,” the threat continues, “we know where you live, you are in the data base. In the dead of a cold winters night, this year, or next and beyond, there is no knowing what will happen. Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.”
The letter then recommends that the reader “spend some time” with their religious advisor “and dig into the morality and reconcile the hate with your maker. Face the truth and understand the facts. Stop being lazy. Question your commitment to a cult. He is the biggest threat to the country and does not understand the idea of America as defined George Washington by the founding fathers.”
The end of the letter is perhaps the most threatening of all, it reads: “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*cker. We look forward to visiting in the future.”
Additional Reading:
Post Millennial Staff. (2024, October 17). Exclusive: Anonymous letters threatening violence mailed to Trump supporters in Pennsylvania. The Post Millennial. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Society
Wow. That letter lists reasons to vote for Trump. For example, which party’s DOJ considered parents who spoke out at school board meetings to be terrorists? Or jails grannys who get too close to an abortion clinic but lets violent offenders off with a warning? Which party loves lots of government regs so they can “be in my business”?
But, but but Trump is Hitler, Stalin AND Mussolini all rolled into one?! It was in the Atlantic it must be true. Anne Applebaum warned us correctly in 2016 that if Trump were elected it would be the end of NATO, the EU and the entire liberal world order. If he is reelected that will be the end of the world! We will all die in nuclear fire! Save yourselves and your pussy cat!
Just the “tolerant” left showing their true colors once again.
AND proving that liberalism is a Mental Disorder while they do so!
My message to these letter writers…
AKA bring it bitches.
Amen. And then bring some more, your gonna need it.
Damn straight. Pack a lunch and bring friends. Don’t forget your Kevlar.
I wouold hope this was reported to USPS postal inspectors but shit, nothing is gonna happen abotut this. Fuck Republicans and Conservatives and Trump Supporters.
I can see why they’re in a panic…PollyMarket is looking at Trump 60.3 % today and then Cuntzilla 39.6% but I can’t say that still as accurate after the Al Smith dinner last evening. That was epic and horrific for Clambiter and Trump just SMOKED her and the SNL thihnk was just next (if it’s possible) level Cringe and they just keep upping exponentially , the cringe if that’s even possible.
The big dancing man with the red hat is beating the lying ass hooker in practically all the swing states as of today. RCP is predicting 302 EC votes. Since polls always favor the dims things must be falling to pieces and it will likely be a lot worse.
Democrats have a plan:
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Fuck the post office. That letter needs to go to local law enforcement and the FBI.
I doubt the Fools Born Inept organization will be of much use in a political case. They showed their hand a long time ago and have no interest in helping the other side.
The Friendship Before Integrity organization is ONLY interested in persecuting Conservatives. Protest at an abortion clinic? GUILTY, you need to be reeducated. Screech, torch, loot and burn a city for antifa? “OKAY, we only see that as a “peaceful protest”.”
Several years later they might figure it too, just like everything else.
“… additional households told her they had received the letter as well, both by mail and in the mailbox without postage.”
Some local loon’s basement kid or person-friend is on the loose.
Check the demographics and politics of Lower Merion Township, PA.
Hard blue suburban Philadelphia, part of the Main Line,
upscale whitey-ville, the type of liberal folks
who want to work and profit from the city of Philadelphia,
but mostly don’t bother to associate with the minorities,
and clearly preferring to live in a predominantly whites only area.
Meaning, relatively wealthy Democratic Party hypocrites.
FBI should be on this, if the local Lower Merion Township Police Department can’t, or won’t.,_Pennsylvania#Demographics
Placing correspondence into a mailbox without the required postage is against the law. Launch the FBI SWAT team for a predawn raid, much like they did against abortion protesters.,pay%20for%20postage%20is%20considered%20a%20serious%20offense.
This is a job for Postage Stamper.
Back in the day when you had to lick stamps he was on the
job stamping out the crime of re-using postage but then the
PO switched to self stick and the whole program came
Hey, it’s only wrong and worthy of a pre-dawn SWAT raid when a disabled conservative makes grouchy remarks on social media! /sarc
Where the fuck is commissar? We know what you did. Those are like direct quotes of shit you already posted here.
The lines “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*cker. We look forward to visiting in the future.” is right out of the trans-tifa SOP manual, so I immediately thought Lars was the author too. Those balaclavas and umbrellas don’t offer much protection in these here parts. My neighbor from Trinidad would bag his limit and come back his seconds, thirds…
He hates Lefties like nobody’s business.
You guys should be like those people in my community who recognize my superior knowledge. They praise me by telling me that I have the stunning cougar effect.
More like Dunging-Chugger.
He’s just repeating the approved party line, as disseminated by their press office. One might describe their actions as “cult-like”. Imagine that. And here I was, thinking we were the cult.
You are going to have to up your game to writing anonymous threatening letters.
And done much like him — shit and run tactics.
Little coward bitch.
Put your words where the action is.
Best come heavy and in a group greater than capacity, or get aired the F out.
In the dead of a cold winter’s night, there’ll be no problem putting rounds on target with thermal optics.
Looking forward to visiting in the future!
Oh boy…
If they ever bother to come to my neck of the woods, me and my neighbors would sum it up in two words, TARGET PRACTICE!!!
Publicize that letter, far and wide. Mayor, police, governor, local “news”paper, everywhere you have access. Don’t cry, don’t scream, don’t rant, just show the letter to everyone you can reach. Why? That letter just might change some minds to vote PDJT. And if it doesn’t, it might also expose others to drop their masks to show their true “blue” LibTard selves.
Believe them when they tell you what they’re going to do.
Then arm up….and wait. Pull rotating night guard shifts.
If your neighbors, friends, and family got the same letter(s), organize a local neighborhood militia. (but keep out of sight as much as possible).
Good luck to all.
I’ll just leave this here:
Democrats have a plan:
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This is like 2008 when Obama had his thugs threatening people and following them into the polls throughout the low income area of Pennsylvania
I am reminded of the words of one Tim Kennedy for whom I have a deep and abiding respect.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said something similar–
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
If someone proudly says “it’s all about who you know” they’re a corrupt dirtbag. If they the say “there will be consequences” they’re a movie villain and a corrupt dirtbag.
It will come to this…Prepare