Teabagger the terrorist

| February 19, 2010

Of course you knew that sooner or later the left would start calling Joseph Stack, the lunatic who flew his plane into that building in Austin, a teabagger, despite evidence to the contrary. Well, for the daily Kos and Democratic Underground it came sooner than most expected. At DU, they predictably flew off the rails proving to each other that they could be more crazy than Stack;

Teabaggers who agree with this fucker are terrorist. When they get all whipped up and shit I feel fucking Terror.

There I said that shit.

And Glenn Beck and Rush, and that crazy Michelle Bachman, that crazy munchkin bitch from SC Wolf…Grassley, Palin, all those fuckers need to be rounded the fuck up and sent to GITMO. There. I SAID THAT SHIT TOO. They caused those fuckers to get all whipped up and now they need to pay the goddamned price for that.

I bet people in other countries are laughing their asses off @ us and that whole cry wolf thing will go into a-fucking-fect.

They always say…homicidebombers and how could they do that shit well one of theif fuckers did that shit. Now they fucking know that maniacs talking bullshit 24/7 on Faux and Clear Channel can cause the same impact as a Mulah in Afghanistan. The fucking proof is in the pudding in Austin.

Like that? Me, too – I feel much safer now that this stick-boy wants throw Americans in Guantanamo because they don’t like the IRS.

I’ll admit that it was harder to find the same level of insanity at Kos, but not impossible;


I guess that they’re fairly frustrated that the leftist lunatic who shot three of her colleagues turned out to be a Obamaniac, so they’re eager to tie this one to us. Unfortunately for them, his rantings don’t bear that out. He was against taxes, but he quotes Marx. Stack railed against corporations, but failed at his own businesses.

In fact, I thought that if he was as good at being a software engineer as he seemed to be at picking his politics, it’s no wonder he failed at his business. His family and community are better off without him since he seemed like a big whiner.

Don’t forget to read this at Ace of Spades by Dave in texas.

Category: General Whackos

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But Joo-onnn!! You *know* that when you don’t believe in big government that is the label you get!!

And, besides that, Stack’s escapade takes the eyes off the fact that five Muslim soldiers tried to poison the food supply at Ft. Jackson in (ahem) December!!

Malkin has a write up today about the same phenomenon.


Its like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. If there is anyway to label a bad guy a teabagger then the frothing at the mouth lefty types will label them a teabagger.

About that Ft Jackson thing…I am currently typing this from Ft Jackson and I find it funny that the first I’d heard about this was on the news this morning. I am a fairly senior civilian on post, I would think I’d have heard something about it even if it was just “Hey did you hear” at the NCO club over lunch before today.

Marine 83

Any time you hear someone lash out against the Catholics or the Jews, you can bet your bottom dollar they are lefties. This idiot’s anti corporation drivel accompanied by his string of poor life choices, makes me suspect he voted for the BHO in the last election.


The liberal media likes to throw the term “terrorist” around. Taken correctly, a “terrorist” is one who attempts to enact change in policies or politics of a second party, by terrorising, through actions or words, a third party.

Terrorist have a goal, otherwise they are just muderers.

Stack was a nut, pure and simple. Anti-tax folks have been killing themselves and others for decades.


Let’s not forget there was a “Bush’s fault” screed in there at a couple of points. Fact is, he tried to run a business in CA (twice) and got shut down by the CA Franchise Tax Board both times–I’ll leave it to your fevered imaginations to figure out why.


The left has to have a right wing terrorist or the fact it’s entire policy is failing will somehow make it into the MSM.

AT least Gibbs hasn’t been on every day changing the WH position.


Frankly Opinionated

Do any of the readers here know where the phrase “Teabagger” originated? Methinks not. The reference to the Tea Party movement people, or “Tea Partiers”, was made by the piss stream media, most notably the flake known as Olbermann. Actually the descriptive phrase “Teabagger” has been around for much longer than the current Tea Party movement. A progressive liberal gay, (whole lotta redundancy there), says that a “Teabagger” is a guy who fondles his lovers nutsack as he fellates him. Much more applicable to Barney Fwank than to those he continuously denigrates, eh?

“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”


I read Stacks suicide note completely.
I think dude just failed too many times at life and decided to commit SUICIDE in a fashion similar to “death by cop.”
He decided he wanted to die and choose a method that would (in his mind) send a message.
I do not think that he did a terrorist attack.
He wanted to die because life sucked and chose to take out some IRS people.
I think there is a big distinction their.
Suicide / homicide bombers do not want to die, they want to attack the enemy, but the most effective way to do it is to blow themselves up.
If he was a terrorist he probably would have chosen a better method; like an AR-15 or the FN-57 like the terrorist at Ft. Hood.
Now for the obligatory PC-CYA: I do not condone his action nor do I share his sentiments.

Marooned in Marin

Frankly Opinionated: I think besides that being one of their favorite extra-cirricular activities, that phrase is a part of liberal “humor.” Case in point: Mrs. MIM and I had the misfortune of watching (or we attempted to watch) this Will Farrell movie called “Step Brothers.” That word is used in connection with something done to a drumset to get back at his step brother. That movie was dreck!


Um, “Teabagging” (and the personified Teabagger) is one who dips their nutsack in anothers face or mouth.

It has nothing to do with a specific sexuality, despite FO’s best effort to make it gay with an incorrect definition, unless possession of a nutsack makes one gay. Why the obsession dude?