OFA: Keep elections fair (for us)

| January 22, 2010

Organizing For America, the DNC’s front group for Obamabots, sent another BFF email to me this morning warning that corporations now have a free-for-all opportunity to pour their money into elections;


Of course, they fail to mention that the Supreme Court also freed up contribution limits to campaigns from individuals and unions in addition to corporations. Chuckie Schumer blames the Court’s decision for the losses the Democrats expect at the polls in November, instead of their own incompetence;

“The bottom line is, the Supreme Court has just predetermined the winners of next November’s election. It won’t be the Republican or the Democrats and it won’t be the American people; it will be corporate America,” Senator Charles Schumer, a Democrat from New York, said.

That’s why Schumer thinks that a Congressional investigation of the Court’s decision doesn’t violate the separation of powers of the three branches of the federal government. Buncha idiot drama queens.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Of course what they don’t mention, is that now unions can convert those worthless pension funds into valuable Democratic campaign ads.


Maybe Chucky would like to comment on all the Soros money going to groups created specifically to fill the void left by McCain-Feingold?

Yeah, it’s ok if it’s Soros pouring tens of millions into getting the leftist message out, but we can’t have any counter message get out.

F-ing hypocrit POS

Just A Grunt

Chucky might want to check with the boss first before he goes railing about corporate donations to political campaigns.


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


Damn, you mean the leftard 527’s won’t be able to outspend conservative ones by a 5-1 margin anymore? It’s just not fair!!! (sounds of libtard stomping feet)

Old Tanker


That link to opensecrets is pure gold…..it shows the farce that is the Democrats anti corporate lip service. By that chart they would stand to gain even more……


Democracy is doomed. Soon we’ll have the senator from Walmart and the representative from AIG…..


Hey Joe–beats the shit out of the Tides Foundation and every other asshat that sucks on Soros’ crank.

Old Tanker


Do you realize that the FEC said that even if the anti Hillary movie that sparked this whole thing had been released as a book they would have banned it…..that’s right, the FEC lawyer said that they could and would ban political books based on the same law…..BAN BOOKS!

Do you really believe this changes anything? Money always found it’s way before and it always will. Now it will just be easier for us to see where it’s coming from, why is that bad?


I am having a hard time telling Joe he is a freaking idiot today.

Lil Chucky isn’t happy, wahh. Someone needs to set him down and explain to him that the country is not an Oligarchy and he is not a Noble.


Joey, Joey, right now Wal-Mart is busy donating money to Haiti relief, don’t worry your pointy little head. And last time I checked, if he/she, that may work for AIG, meets the qualifications, you know, like being a citizen and all, he/she can be a representative, if they can get elected.
Guys, Joey is just beside himself because now Soros and trial lawyers and lobbyists aren’t the only game in town.
Joey, go to opensecrets.org, and get back to us on how many on the list of recipients have an R after their name, how many have a D, and the amounts, would ya? And look up who got how much and from whom. Just for the Presidential race, make it easy on you.


Chuckie says that this Supreme Court decision is “un-American”.

“Un-American”. Give me a fucking break. Politicians are notorious for prostituting themselves to special interest groups and corporations, so this charade is laughable.

Notice every time a decision thwarts the Dems crackdown on free speech, they go into a tailspin of rage.

The majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare, so Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid threaten to go over the heads of the electorate. Chuckie and company don’t like the Supreme Court extention of free speech rights to corporations, so they threaten to “investigate”. This law lets stand the rules on corporate and union disclosure. They can give what they want, but the amount will be matter of public record. Which means Schumer’s cash cows will be that much more obvious.

“Special interests”….like the stampede of SEIU and AARP special interest lobbyists who visit the White House on a regular basis? The same unions and special interests who poured millions into Obama’s 2008 campaign?
Fuckin’ hypocrites.

The Supreme Court’s decision upholds political speech—which means whether the donor is a ‘corporation’ or an individual, the government cannot restrict 1st Amendment rights.

Which, of course, has the leftwing doing the jitterbug on the ceiling.

Last I checked, corporations were comprised of individuals. And they’ve been supporting political candidates since politics was invented.

Members of Congress are already sustained by wealthy special interests. Washington lobbyists may as well have their own desk inside each politician’s office. The whole tantrum being thrown by the Left is disingenuous crap.


We’re screwed. You guys who defend the decision either are in that top 1% we read about, or the corporations have you under their thrall, framing it as a free speech issue, and you buy it! Frickin’ amazing! So now corporate shareholders who are not American citizens and may have a nefarious agenda get to determine the results of our elections! Sweet!

How about limited contributions from individuals only, or better yet, publicly funded election campaigns where the issues are paramount, and corporations can’t buy their own senators and representatives?


“Corporate shareholders who are not American citizens and may have a nefarious agenda get to determine the results of our elections”! Joey, where the hell were you last year, when Obama disabled the security feature on his website, so that he could take contributions from said “not American citizens”? You didn’t seem all that worried about “nefarious agendas” back then, now did you? Guess it’s only Americans that you distrust.
How about we substitute unions, or lobbyists or Hamas into the last sentence in post #13? “where the issues are paramount, and ___________ can’t buy their own senators and representatives” or maybe even presidents?
Why don’t you go back to doing what Jane described so well, “the jitterbug on the ceiling”?


Mussolini said facism should rightly be called corporatism, since it is the marriage of state and corporate interests. Any doubt that’s what we have now?


Joe, you may be on to something with that analogy. However, it cuts both ways on both sides of the aisle in our country. The difference between fascism and communism is who does the planning. Fascism allows the big companies to do the planning in partnership with the dictatorial regime, which allows the coporations to keep some of their profits. In communism, it goes to central planning by the government and the government controls all the managing of the companies. It’s still a dictatorship, however, the state and only the state, makes the money and plans the business model.


Forgot to add that fascism can survive only as long as the dictator who cultivated his cult of personality. Once that is gone, it is very hard to start over. Communist/socialist dictators use the “state” as the driving force and are able to survive a little longer, even if the dictator is a cult of personality. Lenin, Stalin, Moa, etc. were in communist countries and it still existed after they were gone. Franco, Mussolini, Pinochet(to some extent),etc. were examples of fascism not surving after they were gone.


Joe, so you’re more comfortable with the government defining who may and may not participate in the electoral process? The government knows best? Really, that’s kinda naive, don’t ya think?
By the way, after you ranted about “corporate shareholders who are not American citizens”, I asked you a simple question about your guy turning off his security feature on his website to rake in money from folks “who are not American citizens”, remember, it was just up the hill in post #14, so how about you address that, if you can? I’d be interested in your thoughts on that, and how that squares with your outrage about “nefarious agendas”.


I think the corporations have so thouroughly insinuated themselves into our legal system, they will be hard to dislodge, demagogue or no demagogue. I find the whole thing very disturbing and scary.

I don’t know anything about that, and it seems pretty trivial compared to the seismic shift that the supreme court decision has created.



The SCOTUS decision was right. It isn’t a matter of the corporations being unleashed, but if I want to get together with like minded individuals and form a group for or against something and be able to put adds out, that should be my right. If we want to look deeper, howmany Soros funded groups became front and center benificiaries of McCain-Feingold? Moveon, OFA, ACORN, etc. all had funding from one source? He put a lot of money into getting his communist wet dream pushed forward and I don’t think that’s fair, either. I don’t think one person should be able to benefit from stifling free speech, which is exactly what that ludicrous law did.


Get rid of all of the corporatins and special interests from whatever side of the aisle. I mean how screwed up is it that there are 34,750 registered lobbyists for 535 senators and congressman? Go back to simple elections where candidates and ideas succeeded or failed on their own merits. Strictly limit campaign spending or have publically funded elections. And create a 28th amendment that abolishes once and for all the preposterous notion that corporations are people too. At this point we are so screwed. You guys may not realize it in your lifetime, but your children and grandchildren sure will…


Joe, blah blah blah, and blah blah. Let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear?
So, the taxes we pay aren’t enough for you, you want US to pay for campaigns? And elections? And, we’re no more screwed because corporations can contribute than we are that Soros, and the unions can contribute.
And, the money quote, “it seems pretty trivial compared to the seismic shift that the supreme court decision has created”. So, you have no problem with Hamas and Hezbollah and maybe the Iranians contributing money to one particular candidate. Or, one candidate making it impossible to track who gave him money. If “corporations” so get your panties in a wad, I guess I’m at a loss to understand why a terrorist org. giving cash to a presidential candidate doesn’t equally disturb you.


“So, you have no problem with Hamas and Hezbollah and maybe the Iranians contributing money to one particular candidate”?
Thanks for helping make the case for publically funded elections.