Do your research, IVAW

| May 12, 2008

While researching for an upcoming post on Eagles Up! Talon, I ran across this from Sir! No, Sir! that purportedly is dedicated to “exposing and debunking military lies”;


Ok, it’s becoming apparent why you’re all so confused politically. You don’t do your research very well. Now, I do my research well enough to know that many of you will find your way here from the IVAW OneStop tracker that tells you guys who’s writing about you. So here’s the deal. I’m not Robin, this blog is not called “Chickenhawk Express”. We live several hundred miles apart, Robin is a grandmother and I’m a grandfather – so it’s pretty easy to distinguish us.

If you have a problem with me, take it up with me, not with Robin.

Since you’re too lazy to look at my “About” page, I spent twenty years in the infantry, my son is currently in the Air Force, I volunteered to go back on active duty last year. I don’t fit, even remotely, your definition of a chickenhawk.

Oh, and my name is spelled J-O-N-N. Anything else I can research for you today?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Only Checkenshits screech “Chickenhawk”.

LT Nixon

In their defense, I spelled your name wrong once too =).

Jonn wrote: The Army misspelled it for 13 years, but they never thought I was a woman or spelled it Robin.

509th Bob

I’m afraid I have repeatedly mis-spelled your name, Jonn. Sorry.

Jonn wrote: You’re in good company. Michelle Malkin, the Gateway Pundit and Charles Johnson have all spelled it wrong, too.

Thus Spake Ortner

I think I spelled it with a silent “k” once, so sorry for that, Ghahn.



IVAW doesn’t run that blog, FYI. A VFP member does.

Jonn wrote: And there’s a difference?


Army Sergeant,

V.V.A.W. = V.F.P. = Control of I.V.A.W.

Who set up Winter Soldier 2.1? Same people that set up Winter Soldier.

You even had Tod Ensign providing the legal opinion as to the potential legal exposure of those who “testify”.


Key point to remember, I.V.A.W. gets it’s tax free money via V.F.P. and A.F.S.C. Plus, $10 says that the VFP puke that runs that blog is VVAW and one of the original Winter Soldier bastards.

This isn’t a peace movement, it’s a repeat movement.


What do you expect from the “D” Team, Jonn.

Jonn wrote: Hey, Skye. Two-thirds of the Troika met at the Irish Times last week – we missed you.


Sorry too Jonn

I blame my cheap glasses for not realizing that was an “n” and not an “h”… that’s my story and I’m stickin to it.


I miss the two-thirds of the troika as well, Jonn.

Never fear, we will be reunited!


[…] Jonn responds with, Do your research, IVAW […]