The Audacity of BS

| May 10, 2008

Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs catches Susan Rice, Obama’s foreign policy advisor in an outright lie;

In yet another New York Times advocacy piece for Barack Obama, we discover that the Obama campaign is trying to rewrite history again.

Susan E. Rice, a former State Department and National Security Council official who is a foreign policy adviser to the Democratic candidate, said that “for political purposes, Senator Obama’s opponents on the right have distorted and reframed” his views. Mr. McCain and his surrogates have repeatedly stated that Mr. Obama would be willing to meet “unconditionally” with Mr. Ahmadinejad. But Dr. Rice said that this was not the case for Iran or any other so-called “rogue” state.

Allahpundit finds more proof that it’s not the Right who initiated this whole thing;

Not only did the Prince of Peace say at the YouTube debate last July that he’d meet personally and without precondition with Iran, he reaffirmed that position in November in an interview with — ta da — the New York Times, a fact, incredibly, that’s omitted from today’s article. Memory lane:

Senator Barack Obama said he would “engage in aggressive personal diplomacy” with Iran if elected president, and would offer economic inducements and a possible promise not to seek “regime change” if Iran stopped meddling in Iraq and cooperated on terrorism and nuclear issues…

Making clear that he planned to talk to Iran without preconditions, Mr. Obama emphasized further that “changes in behavior” by Iran could possibly be rewarded with membership in the World Trade Organization, other economic benefits and security guarantees…

Well here’s the YouTube video of the question and it was very specific about every rogue leader, and Obama’s answer was equally specific.

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So this is Obama’s “new brand of politics” – same as the old brand of politics. He’s no different than Clinton or Kerry or Gore. He’ll say what he thinks people want to hear at the moment.

Hat tip to DrewM. at Ace of Spades for the title.

Category: Politics

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Not only that but it’s RIGHT ON HIS WEBSITE !!!!!

I think there have been about a million screen shots taken of that paragraph, so there’s no way his campaign can get away with this. Yikes.