“Hope” for “Change”

| May 9, 2008

So Barak Obama pulled his snotty little kid act because John McCain, in a conference call with bloggers last month, hinted at the fact that Obama is endorsed by Hamas (USAToday link);

 “I think it’s very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president,” the Republican nominee-in-waiting said. “If Senator Obama is favored by Hamas, I think people can make judgments accordingly.”

So what does Barak say? (Yahoo/Politico link)

Obama responded with the same sort of high-road message that seems to have worked fairly well against the gas tax holiday: The suggestion, he said, was “offensive,” and furthermore a mark that McCain is “losing his bearings” as he pursues the presidency.

“My policy toward Hamas is no different than his,” said Obama, who called McCain’s comment a “smear.”

So a smear is actually the truth now? Because what Hamas spokesman Ahmed Josef actually said was (Powerline link);

 “We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election.” Why? “He has a vision to change America.”

It’s kinda hard to misinterpret that, isn’t it? Why shouldn’t John McCain take advantage of Hamas’ support for Obama?

Clearly there is no “change” nor any “hope”. Obama is campaigning the same way Al Gore campaigned and the same way John Kerry campaigned. Whining little pussies who can’t take a punch.

Obama hopes to control the debate by trying to shame John McCain into avoiding questions regarding Obama’s judgement and ability to lead. If Obama can’t take a couple of jabs involving actual facts, how can he lead this country in a world full of rogues? Is he going to call Ahmadinejad a racist everytime he threatens the US? Is he going to try to shame Hugo Chavez into ending his anti-American rhetoric?

I’ve said it a thousand times – Obama is no leader, he’s just another drama queen who’ll be more fun to watch lose than either Gore or Kerry were.

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Jimmy Carter, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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509th Bob

I just HOPE Obama does lose. I think he may actually be worse the Carter. Obama is an appeaser and marxist. Carter was “just” an appeaser who has since lost all contact with the rational world.


“be more fun to watch lose than either Gore or Kerry were.” I dunno, I sure did enjoy seeing Kerry lose. But, point taken, if grudgingly.

I do rather wish that he’ll be losing to someone other than McCain. Voting twice for Bush as the lesser of two evils was tough, it’s just sad that our choices this year actually offer so little real hope.



I agree completely with your comments, as well as those of 509th Bob and ponsdorf, but I confess to being a bit confused. Was your “Drama Queen” remark meant to be perceived as Rascist, Sexist or Homophobic? (Aside from obviously being absolutely Dead Nuts on of course.) Just want to know which Defense to prepare for the assault that is sure to come should any of my Liberal Friends have read it.


This is kind of like how the anti-Bush anti-Iraq War folk just can’t face the fact that their opposition to President Bush’s prosecution of war against America’s enemies, gives our enemies aid and comfort. Saying the terrorists are on their side when they attack our president and want us out of Iraq, isn’t the same thing as saying “you’re unpatriotic, you can’t criticize the war, you’re on the side of the terrorists, etc”. That’s not what I’m saying. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the reality that when Bush is fighting our enemies, and you’re fighting Bush….the enemy likes that, even if you don’t like the enemy.

What’s so hard to understand? Just accept it and quit living in denial.


The enemy of my enemy is my bestest friend.



When faced with questions such as yours, I usually default to Choice D – All of the above.

Ponsy – don’t worry, friend. I hope that Obamadinejad will will change the standard for Democrat campaigning. We’re all going to be really clingy before this is done. Particularly if he campaigns in all “sixty states” with his ever charming and gracious Michelle.

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