We’re not sure how you hicks will vote
Reader Jason passes on this link from Newsbusters;
On the syndicated, “The Chris Matthews Show,” Kim Genardo, a political reporter for NBC Raleigh, North Carolina affilate WNCN, predicted that “smart, educated” North Carolina primary voters wouldn’t be swayed by Jeremiah Wright but was unsure how “conservative, white, rural voters” would vote as she admitted she’s not, “in touch with them.”
You damn right you ain’t in touch with them, you cow. That’s how the Left has controlled the vote for years – calling conservative people stupid and making the brainless sheep feel like they’re smart for following the herd. It’s how the good Reverend Wright soaked his congregation, it’s how Bill Clinton stayed in office for eight years. It’s how the “smart, educated” Democrats ended up with two candidates who can’t summon enough common sense to answer truthfully – or even the same way twice.
It’s how the Democrats ended up with two candidates neither of whom they can justify voting against because of purely superficial reasons.
It reminds me of the piece that Aunt Agatha at Bloodthirsty Liberal wrote yesterday about the professor who decided she’d sue her students because “My students were very bully-ish, very aggressive, and very disrespectful,” she told Tyler Brace of the Dartmouth Review. “They’d argue with your ideas.” This caused “subversiveness.” (as quoted in the Wall Street Journal).
I’m glad I’m not smart if that’s what smart is.
I would say the Democrats success has little to do with what some reporter says or some “trick” they have pulled to label Republicans as “dumb”.
The reality is they are successful because they “buy” votes with promises of government handouts. It is estimated that currently over 50% of the US population is a net recipient of government aid. ie- what they receive in government aid outweighs what they contribute in taxes.
It has been said that the downfall of democracy is baked in the cake once the masses realize they can vote themselves a raise.
I agree that by and large the Democrats have been successful in “buying” votes by promising larger and larger handouts, but to be fair we should also acknowledge that Republicans have been just as guilty (if not more so) of expanding the size of government.
Ever since the Republicans enjoyed a congressional majority in 1994 (up to 2006, I think), they have presided over the largest expansion of government spending in the history of our nation. The “Contract for America” was touted as the savior for irresponsible (Democrat) government spending, but it failed–miserably–to achieve its stated goals. From “No Child Left Behind” to increased social security, medicare, and medicaid entitlements, Republicans are just as guilty as Democrats when it comes to government expansion.
Republicans used to stand for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and a general “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” approach to life. Sadly, Republicans have succumbed to the very evil they used to fight against.
“Kim is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.”
That explains it.
Ah’s a hick in NC and ah voted, ta-daaay. I voted fer Bob Orr and agains all other in-cumb-ants. It’s time fer a change, just not fer Obambi or Hitlery. I wrote my vote in…