Developing: Afghan man planned to conduct a terrorist attack in the US on Election Day

| October 9, 2024 | 16 Comments

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, liquidated his family’s assets and moved his family members overseas. He was planning to conduct a terrorist attack on Election Day. He was planning on conducting this attack on behalf of ISIS.

From Fox News:

An Afghan citizen living in Oklahoma has been charged with plotting a terror attack on Election Day on behalf of the Islamic State, the Justice Department said Tuesday.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent attack on U.S. soil, as well as taking a number of steps to prepare for the plot, authorities said. He entered the United States on Sept. 9, 2021, on a special immigrant visa and is currently on parole status pending adjudication of his immigration proceedings.

He is charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS and receiving a firearm to be used to commit a felony or a federal crime of terrorism. He appeared in an Oklahoam [sic] federal court on Tuesday.

Additional reading and latest updates:

Casiano, L., & Spunt, D. (2024, October 8). Afghan man in Oklahoma plotted Election Day terror attack in US on behalf of ISIS, Justice Department says. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Terror War

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Thank God they caught the one guy.


I still say look for the feebs behind him.. this close to an election, the deep state will stop at nothing to keep President Trump from being reelected.. Does ANYONE think they aren’t capable of staging something like this to make themselves and the Ho look competent? Kinda a reverse Jan 6th, with the same scum behind it…

As KoB say… Prepare!


Yep…to all of the above, Fyr. Been predicting this ever since the C-17s full of young, military aged, potential terrorists started landing here during the “evacuation” of Affy. There are many more potential “recruits” for the ones that want to stir up trouble all over the country. Not only foreign enemy recruits, but recruits for the domestic enemies that want to make themselves look “good” and show that they are “catching” the bad guys. If only 1 – 10 % of just the Affy types are recruited for nefarious activities, that’s a bunch of people. And we all know what a small group of well trained and armed troops can do on the multiple “soft targets” that we have here. Now do the math on all of the other invaders of various and assorted nationalities and see what those numbers look like.

It is well past the time to get mean…Mad Dog Mean…and to…Prepare


Civilized people need to take Naik at his word. They intend t spread like locusts, with the same result as that kind of plague. If there’s hope for the world, we need to stand against it.


And these dudes in Germany:


Of course, terror attacks are horrifying, but in many ways this terrifies me a lot more.

I hope there is no such thing as reincarnation. The last thing I want to happen to come back as a woman in Islamic society!


Another Harris-Biden import on the express path to citizenship.


Ahh these young muzzies.. they blow up so fast…


He sold his goats?


Islam is incompatible with the US Constitution.

Forest Bondurant

Any Muslim serving as a U.S. politician is also incompatible. To them, Islam is the law of the land.


Islamic society is completely incompatible with US society. Note that US Muslims historically supported Dems at a rate of 2:1 over Repubs. In just the last five years it has gone from that to 3:4 support with the four being literally anyone else.

Forest Bondurant

When asked about vetting during a press briefing on August 24, 2021, Jen Psaki responded:

“Well, first, I would say we have a stringent vetting process, which includes background checks before any individual comes to the United States. So I can’t speak to one individual, but I can tell you and confirm for you that we take the vetting of any individual who comes to the United States, and comes out, incredibly seriously. And it’s an extensive process.”


See, clearly Trump’s fault.


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Ooooooooooaklahoma where the wind goes whippin down the plain.