Daily FGS

| August 27, 2024 | 9 Comments

Home Intruder Brings Knife to Gunfight

A man forced his way into an apartment leased to other tenants. Upon entry, he approached an actual tenant. Unfortunately for the invader, another tenant had a gun and was not afraid to use it. The man was “dead right there” by the time the cops arrived.

From KOBI Television:

MEDFORD, Ore. — Medford Police Department has released information regarding the fatal shooting Saturday evening.

The incident happened at an apartment complex in the 400 block of Berrydale road.

MPD says one resident fired on an intruder in self defense.

Medford Police says officers were dispatched to the complex just after 6 p.m. Saturday, following a report of an unknown individual attempting to force entry into an apartment.

Within minutes, a second call was received reporting gunshots at the same location.

Upon arrival, officers located a deceased male with apparent gunshot wounds, who preliminary investigations revealed had forced entry into the apartment and was advancing towards a resident with a knife.

Another resident fired in self defense.

The investigation is ongoing and MPD will provide further updates as information becomes available.


Stirling, K. (2024, August 25). Intruder fatally shot by resident during apparent break in says MPD. KOBI Television. Link.

Bringing a Knife and Hammer to a Gunfight

Our next contestant did not just have a knife, but also a hammer. He entered a residence where he was later found by the actual resident. The intruder attacked the resident and then found himself in possession of more than just a knife and a hammer… Gunfire related injuries. He was later found dead.

From the Jamaica Observer:

MANCHESTER, Jamaica — An alleged intruder was fatally shot by a licensed firearm holder in the upscale community of Ingleside in Mandeville, Manchester on Saturday.

Residents told Observer Online that about 6:00 pm, the firearm holder returned to his home and saw the intruder inside. The intruder reportedly attacked the firearm holder with a knife and a hammer.

Residents said the firearm holder opened fire on the intruder. The injured man then ran from the house.

Residents said about 2:00 pm on Sunday, during a search of bushes near Ingleside Boulevard, a body fitting the description of the intruder was found.

This latest incident comes a week after an off-duty policeman fatally shot an alleged intruder on New Acres Drive in Mandeville.


Jamaica Observer Staff. (2024, August 25). Alleged intruder shot dead by licensed firearm holder in Mandeville. Jamaica Observer. Link.

Knife and Golf Club Negated by Possible Drunkenness and Toxicity

The third contestant had better odds working in his favor. He was armed with both a knife and a golf club. He chased the victim with the golf club. Apparently during the confrontation, the victim pulled his own knife, which caused the perpetrator to back down. However, as soon as the victim put his knife away, he returned to being in danger. Luckily, the victim got away. However, the perpetrator continued to threaten other people, which lead to a chain reaction of events that ultimately lead to his arrest.

From Herald & Review:

Rolfs said the victim, who had been armed with his own knife, had pulled it during the attack and used it to threaten his pursuer, who had then began to back off.

“The victim said he had then put his knife away at which point the suspect raised his golf club back up and began chasing after him again,” Rolfs added.

Police arriving to investigate the incident found the suspect was already under arrest after he had been implicated in another attack. Rolfs said police reports show a female victim was shoved down some stairs, and her assailant had been “banging on doors of first floor apartment units threatening to kill people.”

Rolfs said the suspect was briefly booked into the Macon County Jail and released with a notice to appear on preliminary charges of aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon, disorderly conduct and battery.

Rolfs said the man was “well known” to police because he has “struggles with alcohol” and a track record of conflicts with people in his neighborhood and the wider community.

All preliminary charges are subject to review by the state attorney’s office.

Additional Reading:

Reid, T. (2024, August 25). Suspect armed with golf club and knife chases victim, cops say. Herald & Review. Link.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Feel Good Stories

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Haha. Like the AI picture. Don’t know what it’s supposed to be, but it looks like Jason running a home version of a leg of the relay Olympics, using a pool noodle as the baton.

First story, fairly routine. Knife to a gun fight. Perp is now a “good” perp. Recidivism rate now zero.

Second story is a little more interesting. And again, perp becomes a “good” perp, recidivism rate =0. By themselves, a knife or a hammer are fairly common and routine. But together? Kinky. Seems to be trending upwards. Worthy of inclusion in the 3″ three ring loose leaf binder of T2NB2AGF. Do I need to start a new section for “Duos” or “Combos”? (btw, are things so desperate domestically that we need to look overseas for FGS?)

Third story mimics much of the second FGS, but with knife and golf club. Also will be included in the book of T2NB2AGF, new “Duo” section. But he’s more lucky than the previous two perps, he’s still wasting oxygen. “Well known” to police. And he’s not locked up on a more long term basis? I wouldn’t be surprised if soon the people that he terrorises gets fed up with his shenanigans and he finds himself on a slab, or maybe gets so lost in his alcohol fog that he’s never found again.

Perp not too sharp taking his knife to the gun fight. Bet he won’t make that mistake again. Oh…wait…

Paul Pigalousy was unavailable for comment. I understand that he likes to get hammered. (thebesig is a man of international resources, using the World Wide Web)

The intelligence level of the perp taking the golf club to a gunfight is below par.

One thing that will make me a Feel Good Story is the escort duty today will include a noon meal of cube steak, smashed taters (with gravy), steamed cabbages, bisket, and ‘nanna pudding.


I wonder if the fella is a Member of the Decatur Country Club since he brought his golf club to the knife fight and wanted to kill everyone in the neighborhood?

While I am not a medical expert, I would suggest that this individual might also have some untreated mental condition that he has been self medicating for some time.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Ya’know, KoB, I’m glad that you do a follow up on my comments.
You’re awake enough to come up with the remarks that I’m still to pre-caffeine, pre-ready-for-the-day to realize and scribe onto these pages myself.

Jerry, meet Dean. Dean, Jerry.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

WoW, we are really getting hammered with all these knife/hammers posts this morning. Gives a bad name to arm&hammer products.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

thats Armed&Hammer products. Came to the old noodle as soon as I punched the send button, sorry about that as get smart would say.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

There is an edit button at the lower right corner of a posting. It looks like the Setting (gear) icon. Ya have to hover to find it, and use it right away, there’s a timer.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks for the heads up on the edit button


Jason Voorhees with a pool noodle?
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