Daily FGS

| August 19, 2024 | 8 Comments

Beretta Tomcat
State police investigating robbery after suspect was shot by homeowner in Fayette County

By Patrick Damp
HENRY CLAY TOWNSHIP, Pa. (KDKA) – A man was shot during a robbery after he attempted to enter a home in Fayette County on Saturday night.

According to Pennsylvania State Police, they were called to a home in Henry Clay Township in the 800 block of Mae West Road around 11:30 p.m. for a reported burglary in progress.

Police arrived at the home to find the suspect had been shot in the face twice by the homeowner.

They learned that the homeowner retrieved a gun, confronted the intruder who refused to leave, and fired multiple shots, hitting the intruder in the face twice.

The intruder was identified as 62-year-old David Luczak of Cleveland.
Luczak will ultimately be charged with burglary.

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CBS News

Wrong house. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Never run a bluff with a six-gun.
Bat Masterson

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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My Tomcat (officially the wife’s, but she’s not into guns for some odd reason)… I was probably barely 21 when I bought it; back then the mouse gun wasn’t as refined as it is now. The Tomcat is still a finely made gun, but these days you can get a .380 in a similarly sized package that’s lighter and offers more capacity. Beretta 3032 Tomcat vs Ruger LCP MAX size comparison | Handgun Hero. Anyway, mine’s got a custom trigger guard, being dented from falling out of my pocket over 20 years ago.

For some, the mouse guns are too small, and just last week a young lady bought a Ruger Security-380. She was looking at the Beretta 80X Cheetah as well, but at half the price and with a lighter weight, she went with the former. The Security-380 seems like a decent gun; I have a Security-9 and it’s okay. Of the maybe 15 9mms I own, it’s near the bottom of the list for carry.

Speaking of Beretta, today starts 25% off employee discounts for them, Benelli, Winchester, and more. I’ve got a Swarovski scope in my cart to claim the 50% discount on it, and there’s one 80X Cheetah left in the store that I might pick up today, unless a coworker beats me to it. I might look into an A300 Ultima Patrol instead, or maybe something else (Benelli M4 is still out of my price range, even at $1500). Maybe I’ll get my first hunting rifle… my neighbor’s been wanting to get me out to his hunting camp, and my license should be free. I think we even do the licenses downstairs, but what do I know? I stay trapped upstairs in the Gun Vault and occasionally get to run the range or help a customer pick something out at the gun counter.


“I stay trapped upstairs in the Gun Vault and occasionally get to run the range….” Oh you poor thing…Bless your heart! I’ll bet the vault is climate controlled too. The struggle must be really real. And get FIRST ( 😀 ) crack at all the goodies that come in? Pretty good duty…if one can get it.

A mouse gun named Tomcat. Gotta be a joke in there somewhere. Bay-Rehetta has a sense of humor, huh.

Shot in the face twice? Kum-hella Heelsup says…”Hold my knee pads and watch this…” She was probably in the wrong house too.

Last edited 26 days ago by KoB

Yeah, it’s not that bad, just a bit stressful sometimes when things get busy, and I have to do other peoples’ jobs.

I bought the 80X Cheetah today but ol’ NICS got me on a Delay. It’s been a while, so I’m not surprised, but I was looking forward to taking my new .380 home tonight. The Tomcat and Cheetah should be good pals soon, and I’ll probably carry my Berettas in pairs (92F/Cheetah backup or Cheetah/Tomcat backup for deeper concealment). I was set back $497 for the Cheetah, and I’m sorely tempted to get that Ultima Patrol while I can for @$750. I’ve got a few riot and tactical shotguns but they’re all pumps, so I can try to convince myself I need a nice semi-auto home defense gun.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Shot twice in he face?
That’s meeting the problem head-on.


He’s gonna have to rob a bunch of people to get some plastic surgery to cover up the scar tissue.
Good shooting, he made his point !!!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Is that a mouse gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”


Just sayin’:

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


A follow up to today’s/Monday’s story.
The homeowner will not be charged (except maybe his choice of firearms/caliber).