When Lori Lightfoot sez you’re crooked….

| August 13, 2024 | 44 Comments



Today we are following up on Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard. She’s the mayor of a small Chicago suburb who seemed to think becoming mayor was equivalent to having the town’s assets dumped into her checking account, and in a coup0le of years has run a small town bazillions into debt. The town got fed up and hired Lori Lighfoot (who as the ex-Chicago mayor herself does not come cheap) to look into the spending spree.  This is what Beetlejuice Lightfoot found:

On Thursday night, Lightfoot revealed to residents the extent of Mayor Henyard’s alleged misuse. Lightfoot stated that in April 2022, Dolton’s general fund balance was $5.61 million.

By May 2024, the balance had dropped to a deficit of $3.65 million.

Lightfoot also disclosed that Henyard used the village credit card to make purchases at Amazon, Target, Walgreens, Wayfair and other retailers.

One jaw-dropping statement revealed that the embattled mayor had dropped $33,000 on Jan. 5, 2023 on Amazon.

Hey, my wife bows to NO BODY in spending… and even she wouldn’t do that.

The investigation revealed that two police officers had received overtime pay exceeding their annual salaries.

One officer’s salary for fiscal year 2024 was $87,295, yet the officer received $114,800 in overtime pay. The second officer, with a salary of $73,515, received $102,077 in overtime pay for fiscal year 2024.

The reports have been a pressure point for the city, which has a population of slightly more than 20,000, according to a July 2023 estimate from the U.S. Census Bureau.

So in two years she spent $9,200,000 from a tax base of 20,000? Are all those residents Scrooge McDuck nephews?

The accusations of financial misdeeds have prompted an ongoing FBI investigation.

She has also come under fire for an alleged sexual assault by one of her allies during a Las Vegas trip, where the alleged victim claims to have been fired after speaking out.  Fox News

Well, Henyard is a Democrat so I do not expect much from the FBI investigation. But when Lori Lightfoot casts aspersions on a Chicago suburb, you KNOW something smells seriously amiss. Hopefully we’ll get another update one of these days with Henyard’s inmate number.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime

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If only there were laws on fraud and embezzlement.

And Trump is looking at 100 years for paperwork from a lawyer he never looked at.

Two tiered justice system?


She better come out as gay or something because the black/woman thing may not be enough points to carry the day here. May keep her out of the clink, but I don’t she’ll be mayor for much longer. . . even in the Chicago area.


She will come out as a non binary lesbian and convert to Islam to really go for the Gold in the Victim Olympics


Nah, if Kackela wins in November, she’ll probably end up as Attorney General.


Governor Pritzker may have set the example. The article listed is from 19, but if you search pritzkers toilets, there are articles as late as 22.

I guess she figured a precedent has been set, and only 2 governor’s were cross trained into the art of metal shaping, that she stood a good chance of getting away with it. And she still may being a black female Democrat from Chicago.


Hack Stone

If he needed to drop a Phil Monkress, he could always call the Secret Service to open up a retail establishment for him.


Now that it is Dem v Dem she will flee the country within six months, at least till the statue of limitations runs out.


Is it wrong of me that this makes me laugh?

I mean, they elected her after all.

A people always gets the government it deserves.


You have no idea how much truth is in your words. Dolton, by every measure, is a crap hole exceeded in depth only by nearby Phoenix. The problems have nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with corruption of the “leaders” who enrich themselves. The money doesn’t come from the local community – there is none there.

Green Thumb

You ain’t wrong.

They elected her.

MSG Eric

They did elect her, but fairly quickly tried to recall her. The recall vote passed, but she went to a judge and got the recall thrown out for some technicality. So she’s doing two jobs that pay her over 300K a year, just in salary and they can’t get rid of her from either job. They’ve tried multiple times.

To stay in power, she also passed a bill that once SHE leaves her position as mayor, the next person will only make 25K a year as a salary. So, no one wants to do run for the office. Among other things.

There’s a YT channel called “Actual Justice Warrior” who is a lawyer and he’s been following this situation for a while. The fact that the State level and federal level Justice departments have let it go on for so long is ridiculous. Her and her crew have stolen millions, committed fraud and embezzlement, and they have the evidence of it, but no charges were filed against her yet.

The local news channels have been covering the story for years as well and nothing is done.

Granted, Illinois is the #1 state for the most corrupt officials of any state in the US.

He also did a video on Tim Walz that is pretty fun to watch about the COVID scam in Minnesota done with money for children.


Marine 0331

Nope, nothing here to see.


Nothing but D here. Nothing to see here.


At least she didn’t spend 1.5 million on chicken wings.


How can you be sure?


Hope those wings were worth 9 years.

Hack Stone

And you all mocked Hack when he said that he was the victim of a vast chicken wing conspiracy.



Nobody mocked you. Their fingers were slippery from all the sauce on the wings which caused mistyped words.


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to democrat politics. The top democrat wants this type of policy through out the country. A little lying or cheating doesn’t hurt. Just ask Waltz an Harris. Maybe they could steal Trumps whole agenda. At least long enough to get elected. It’s a democrat thing!


When Kum-hella is (s)elected, Tiff will be made SecTres.


Scatman and Swallow


I’ve actually been following this for months now. Yesterday the acting Deputy Chief Lacey was indicted for bankruptcy fraud in federal court.

Forest Bondurant

Lightfoot is only repeating the obvious, and is upset because she wasn’t in on Henyards game

Nothing will become of this because there is no accountability for Democrats, and the FBI shields them

Hack Stone

Let the clock run out with the statute of limitations. It’s kown as the Hunter Defense.

Forest Bondurant

^^^ Word.

Prior Service (Ret)

What’s the female equivalent of “the B%#!£ set me up!”??

(Asking for a normal person who doesn’t engage in fraud, corruption and shenanigans.)

Hack Stone

(Asking for a normal person who doesn’t engage in fraud, corruption and shenanigans.)

You’ll never it at All Points Logistics with that attitude.

Hack Stone

You’ll never make it at All Points Logistics with that attitude.

Hack was in a hurry to get out the door at the world corporate headquarters formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda to make his blood donation at the American Legion. Donating a pint in the name of Elaine Ricci.

Hack Stone

It was pretty awkward when during the screening, Hack came to the part where he was asked if had sex with a man. He asked if fucking with Paul counts.


A municipal government without a Treasurer or accounting department? Sounds more like a collusion than a mere defalcation.

Probably can’t get a legitimate CPA firm to touch those books in the State of Illinois.

Too bad for their bond rating and fidelity insurance.


Probably a “thrustee” letting her blow through 9 million in 2 years.


Sounds like he represents his community.


And she is gone.

Green Thumb

She is probably headed to All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, FL.

Phildo cannot let that type of talent go to waste.

He is probably spinning up Lori Benton as we speak.

Hack Stone

She is on the road with her Security Detail trying to rescue Elaine Ricci. She has a certain set of skills, which includes but is not limited to running two sets of books.

Forest Bondurant

She’s probably joining up with Kamala’s campaign with hopes to be appointed as head of the Treasury Department Bureau of Printing and Engraving.

More free money and such …


Maaaaaaaan, dat bitch din do nuffin.

I loved when she attacked her black constituents for complaining about her, because she too, is black.

That’s next level shit. She’s Judge or DA material.


Wow….That sort of corruption would impress Z-Money himself.

Hack Stone

She is in good company. Usually when you write a bad book, they crush you in the reviews. Catherine Pugh got sent to prison.


Hack Stone

So, is the IRS going to examine the books on her “cancer charity”? Between her fundraising and Joe Biden’s moonshot, cancer should be cured by the end of the week.

Hack Stone

Colton Illinois; Come for the bowling, stay for the corruption.


A Proud Infidel®™

Well, she DID sucker the town into electing her, but she has a (D) next to her name which will make the FBI let her skate.