Daily FGS

| August 14, 2024 | 10 Comments

Beretta 1301

Teen arrested for carjacking, shooting in North County

ST. LOUIS, Mo. (First Alert 4) – A teen was arrested Sunday after being involved in car break-ins in North County.

The incident occurred on Shawnee Lane. Police say Martrevion Eskridge and three other teens pulled up in a stolen car and began checking car door handles. One of the suspects approached a car with somebody inside.

The victim noticed the suspect coming towards him. The two started a confrontation and exchanged gunshots. During the shooting, Eskridge got out of the car and attempted to shoot at the victim. However, he shot through the back window of his own car, striking his partner in the head.

Eskridge and the other teens attempted to escape in the stolen car but crashed into a parked car. They then left the scene on foot and later stole another car to escape. Police later arrested Eskridge and his crew. Officials issued warrants for attempted assault first degree, three counts of armed criminal action, discharging a gun from a motor vehicle, and stealing a car and tampering with a car.

Eskridge is currently being held on a $750,000 bond, while the other two teens were taken into juvenile detention. The teen that was shot was sent to the hospital in critical condition.

0 / 4 / 0
First Alert 4

St. Louis? “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” doesn’t work so well against car jack victims. Thanks Gun Bunny.

I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself.
Robert E. Lee

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

HAD to follow the linkie to check for a booking pic. Yep. Melanin content, just as I thought.
Shot his own crew member in the head? Intelligence level, just as I thought.
Hopefully Claw has the Whiz Wheel in good condition. No high point Scrabble letters in his name, but an interesting name anyway. What WAS his mother thinking?

That content was to be expected, Tox. It was as high as the level of teh stupid for this choir member. Considered sending this one in for Mason’s SPoTW Thread, but FGS are getting harder to find these days for…reasons. I do believe that a lot of these Baby Mamas throw a scrabble game against a wall and whatever letters land face up are the ones they pick. Good chance that these miscreants will show up again on these pages….eventually if not sooner. I’ve been thru St Louis several times and there are places I’d would’ve like to have visited but I didn’t have a re-enforced Rifle Platoon with me. My planned trip out west in 2020, that was canceled by the Bat Flu Scamdemic, was going to avoid St Louis, and other sh*tholes, completely.

That Bay-Rhetta is nice and all that but at the level of spendy it is, I can buy 6 maybe 9 Mossy Mavericks for when I’m going into the danger zone. And a Mossy Maverick will do just as good a job of putting a bad guy on ice, man.

If anyone here doesn’t know of my level of admiration for Robert E. Lee, then they haven’t been paying attention. Salute!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

As a son of Falls Church, VA, I concur.


I have R.E. Lee Jr.’s collection of his father’s letters, as well as a collection of Gen. R.E. Lee’s quotes.

A Christian man of integrity and honor, and well worth emulating.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

At $1400 for that BayRetta, I think I’ll pass.


Did everybody vote?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

YOu have the option for a write-in.
Your vote isn’t wasted.


“The problem of being an outlaw is the company you have to keep.”

I think that’s a line in a Louis L’Amour book one one of my shelves. But it’s a pretty good one.


The Whiz Wheel®™ spins:

Martrevion (NMN) Eskridge (DAM) 29 x 4 = 116