Senator Chuck Schumer rolls out bill to strip Donald Trump’s immunity
Senator Schumer advanced a bill called “No Kings Act” intending to strip Donald Trump’s immunity as well as that of other presidents. Schumer argued that the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding presidential immunity was “dangerous and devastating.” Schumer also claimed that the “MAGA Supreme Court” subverted the will of the American people.
From Fox News:
“The MAGA Supreme Court has once again subverted the will of the American people, and the very idea of democracy itself,” he added.
“The Founders were explicit — no man in America shall be a king. Yet, in their disastrous decision, the Supreme Court threw out centuries of precedent and anointed Trump and subsequent presidents as kings above the law. Given the dangerous and consequential implications of the Court’s ruling, legislation would be the fastest and most efficient method to correcting the grave precedent the Trump ruling presented. With this glaring and partisan overreach, Congress has an obligation — and a constitutional authority — to act as a check and balance to the judicial branch.”
The legislation was backed by 34 Democratic co-sponsors. Vulnerable incumbent Democratic Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin were among those who joined the measure.
Biden’s recent Supreme Court proposal also included requests for justice term limits and an enforceable code of ethics.
After the president’s announcement, Schumer praised the proposed overhaul. “I am particularly pleased President Biden called for undoing the damage of the Court’s recent immunity decision,” the leader said earlier this week.
Schumer foreshadowed the No Kings Act, remarking, “An option I am considering is drawing up legislation clarifying that the President is not immune from violations of federal law.”
The measure would declare that there is no legal immunity for former presidents or vice presidents that violate the law while in office or in an official capacity, as Schumer previewed.
Additional Reading:
Johnson, J. (2024, August 1). ‘No Kings Act’: Schumer advances Biden SCOTUS overhaul with bill to strip Trump’s immunity. Fox News. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Government Incompetence
Trump obviously broke Schumer. This is the sort of thing that could turn around and bite the Democrats, if Republicans ever get the hammer again.
Yep. Be careful what you wish for, upChuck. Like the “Chinese” curse sez, you may get it, and then find out you don’t like it. Too late!
Like some of the crap that Dingy Harry Reid got forcefully passed BITD, and then when Teh Gooberment changed hands from DildoCrat to RepubliTard, and those SAME laws/rules were used by the RepubliTards, the DildoCrats were squealing like stuck pigs, “NO FAIR! NO FAIR!”
I all for term limits on Cuck (yes, Cuck not Chuck) Schumer. He sucks worse than his no talent relative, Amy.
Who was the Democrat guy from New York who got a sexual harassment bill passed for the sole purpose of getting Trump only to be caught up in his own bill. That was awesome.
Dems are so blinded by rage against Trump and us, they just don’t see the end results until the results bite them in the ass.
If this goes through, Biden would have some problems as well.
Start lining up the charges on every living democratic president. And, if death counts as in absentia, against the dead ones, too. Might as well ensure the history books accurately reflect their true characters. Will Killary “assert herself” when Slick Willy is going under? (Watch your back, Schumer!) Will Obama stand for it? At least Carter will be able to plead off as too old for trial.
He’s about to fold like a house of cards.
I have always found Schumer to be one of the more
distasteful democrats.
Well, he isn’t smart enough to grill burgers.
Ex post facto laws are un-Constitutional or is that “racist” to say now?
Chucky proposes a “No Kings Act”, yet the dems appoint and annoint Kamela as the heir to the throne. How’s that for “subverted the will of the American people”.
Shhhh. It’s only subversion or insurrection when R’s do you know, the thing

I’ve heard her potential presidency (barf!) being referred to as, Kamalalot.
And they accuse US of being a cult?
Kamalot. If only it would be as funny as this.
Yeah I trust this guy…..
Chuck should put his weiner on the grill, but it would probably slipped between the spacing.
You assume he has one. Gender mislabeling, or whatever stupid nonsense is being pushed this day.
yup.. Or qwanZ?
The most dangerous 6-foot space in the world is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.
So, we’re not doing the “respect the verdict” thing anymore?
Respectability is essential for respect. Do we need to respect the Dredd Scott case, Roe v. Wade, or any other case where injustice is enshrined as law?
Our First Amendment protects our right to say ‘fuck the verdict, and fuck the judges that issued that verdict’.
Hack Stone has a problem with the Progressives who scream that abortion is a constitutional right and cannot be overturned, even though abortion is not referenced in the US Constitution; then say that the right to bear arms, which is explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution, can be rescinded. The Supreme Court exists for a reason, not to be swayed by emotion or political bias. They were not just plucked off of the street and provided a robe then let loose. They have decades of experience, underwent extensive background checks and were interviewed and voted upon by the Senate. Too bad Chuck Schumer doesn’t like this ruling, it is what it is.
A fundamental principle of the Progressives in government is that whenever they lose an argument or a contest, it is time to change the rules so they are bound to win.
That is after all how communism works!
“The Supreme Court exists for a reason, not to be swayed by emotion or political bias. They were not just plucked off of the street and provided a robe then let loose. They have decades of experience, underwent extensive background checks”
Hack, I hate to disagree, but I can think of three examples where a strong argument can be made against what you posted.. Sotomayorrrr, Brown, and Kagan…ALL were DEI hires, crammed through with the help of spineless rinos afraid of being called racists or mysogonystic..
You are correct, but that’s the way the game is played. There was a Democrat President, he nominated them, a vote was held in the Senate, and they were confirmed. We can’t bitch and moan when the established rules are followed and we get a judge we do not like. That’s why Presidential elections have consequences. Really hate when they say that Trump “packed the court”. How did he pack the court? Seats became available, and as his right as President he nominated candidates who were confirmed by the Senate.
Ask the progressives to show one where in the constitution abortion is written and tell them you’ll wait.
Just hitting refresh waiting on the WOT to drop.
Queens are OK, though, right?
Asking for those of us who aren’t Demonrat donors
What a whiny little fucking school girl! Cryin’ Chuckie didn’t get his way!
If this bill passes, does that mean Barack Obama could be charged with murder for authorizing the drone strike that targeted and killed Anwar al-Aulaqi, an American citizen by birth? Admittedly a member of Al-Qaeda, but a case could be made he was executed without legal due process.
Well, no, because the D-rats control the federal courts in the District of Criminals, and the bill specifies that its courts have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to determine what is a presidential crime not subject to immunity. And the president must be tried in its courts. You may recall, its courts determined that the bogus charges against General Flynn could not be dismissed, even when requested by the DOJ prosecuting him there.
I should add that this Legislation would likely be held unconstitutional, since the basis for the Court finding of immunity is Article II of the Constitution’s grant of powers to the office of President.
Pure grandstanding…even Crying Chuck knows this bill has a Popsicle’s chance in Hell …
But he and others of his ilk can now campaign, “We TRIED to uphold your will…” 🙄
The Constitution’s ex post factory clause says this only applies ‘going forward’.
Besides, this bill is unnecessary. There’s this thing called ✨impeachment✨ which can be used if the President commits crimes.
I say go ahead and pass it, if only to get Biden on the sex offender list.
F*ck Chuck The Cuck. THE epitome of a self serving, despotic, power hungry POS that is well past his “Best By Date.” His “Sell By Date” is still current, tho he sold his worthless soul to Satan many years ago. Satan should get a refund because this waste of oxygen has no soul. He is properly named so there is that
Swiss German: probably an occupational name for a dairy man from his activity of milking cows, which produces foam, from Middle High German schūm, German Schaum. North German (Schümer): nickname from Middle Low German schumer ‘good-for-nothing, vagabond‘.
I call him Cucky Schemer. But “Chuck the Cuck” works, as well.