Weekend Open Thread

| July 26, 2024

Dave dropped a post explaining that Facebook was accusing This Aint Hell of posting “clickbate”. There is a possibility that a male Karen was behind this. He may not have gotten his way with someone at this site, which may have prompted him to “speak to the manager”. When the manager did not resolve his issue, he may have decided to start reporting posts to Facebook as “clickbait”. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Never underestimate the power of luck…or The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST! I do believe that The Gun Bunny can lay claim to another FIRST on the Vaunted TAH Weekend Open Thread, giving said Gunny Bunny an ACE of Five (5) in a row FIRSTs (WOT, WOT,WOT,WOT, and a HOT). For all the haters and jealous pots out there…you must SUFFER.

The coals are hot, pick the type of beast you want grilled, the beverages are cold and refreshing.

Hack Stone

Some of us have jobs. That outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software ain’t going to sell itself.


The coals are hot, but we have no one to rake over them. Bah.

Gimme one of them frosty beverages!

Commissioner Wretched

Great job, King! How many does this make in a row now?




Good thing I wasn’t drinking or eating when I scrolled past this Beauty…. 😀


Spew alert for certain on that one…






Not First

Hack Stone

Admin slash counterintelligence? So he was the guy who made sure that you signed the sheet when you went to S-1 for a new ID card?


He never made it out of basic training


Yeah, cuz we all know guys who were both Remington Raiders and counterspies.


I told a waitress I was a counterspy. I leaned over the counter and spied down her blouse.


Clerk typist E-2 after AIT, if he made it.
See, if he would have claimed to be a Ski Instructor we wouldn’t be having this conversation !!!
My business partner is a Marine, Combat Veteran, and still has no idea how to read a damn map, let alone ski…
It’s no wonder I’m so f**cked up…


In my Army, they taught me to do both.


I worked with a couple of ski bums in my misspent yute, one was a former F4 mechanic, the other an SP. Both spent a lot of their Germany assignments as ski patrollers at Garmisch. Tough duty.


In the 10th Group we had NCO ski instructors that taught downhill skiing and cross-country skiing every year at our annual three weeks of ski training.


Hadn’t heard about this guy. That’s a hell of an MOS he’s claiming.


After stolen valor started posting this story on X
The dickweed blocked them then deleted he deleted his page on X




Stolen valor has it on there X page also

Uncle Marty

The RE-3 code at the lower right hand corner means he did something wrong. If he tried to enlist again he would require a waiver.


RE-1 Full qualified to reenlist

RE-2 Usually something to do with medical. Most often found on DD214 be females who got out for pregnancy.

RE-3 Got chaptered out for something stupid. HT/WT, PT failure etc. Will require a waiver to re-enlist.

RE-4 Retired


That would explain the RE-04
On my last 214
I thought it meant I was a shit bird
They gave me this interesting box too
At Lewis and sent me another one via mail
The one in the photo


When people ask if I’ve served
I tell them I didn’t
They ask about the plate on my truck
And I tell them it was the German shepherd
That earned it I’m just being drugged along for the ride. It confuses the shit out of people
And I get to laugh my ass off


Screen shots from SVs X page


Second one


Last one
This idiot and his enablers are the reason why no one trust politicians

Hack Stone

It has been my greatest honor of my life to serve as your Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business that sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software. While it has been my intention to seek the title of First Comment for TAH Weekend Open Thread, I believe that it is the best interests of my company and chicken wing conspiracy to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as Employee of The Month runner up for 132 consecutive months.

E. Conboy

and. is that your final decision? Asking for…well, you know.






Will you get some spending cash? Sorry I couldn’t resist.


Yakkity Yak.

Commissioner Wretched

Good grief! Even when I try to be in early, I miss the drop. Whoever’s doing this is definitely keeping me on my toes, however. Good job! And it’s never a problem for the King to get that cherished FIRST. So with that being said, how’s about some trivia?

Did a soccer player’s actions help to end a civil war?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Now, fully immersed in the summer of 2024, let’s take a moment and enjoy the fun things in life.

Sunshine. Warm weather. Gainful employment. Trivia.

Ah, you knew I’d mention trivia, didn’t you? If you’ve been here for all 400+ columns, you know me very well by now.

If it weren’t for trivia, I might not be able to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather because I might not be gainfully employed.

See how it all fits?

Let’s make another fit right now … this week’s trivia, on tap for you!

Did you know …

… a popular 1970s television show was based on a real-life musical group? In 1970, ABC premiered The Partridge Family, a situation comedy about a family that becomes a popular musical group. The show, which lasted until 1974, was based on the real-life musical family the Cowsills, which was a popular band in the late 1960s and early 1970s. That family too banded together (pardon the pun) to become hit recording artists. (The Cowsills didn’t have Susan Dey, though, so the Partridge Family wins!)

… lions have a unique method of identification? No, they don’t have fingerprints or stripe patterns, but they do have a whisker pattern, and no two lions have the same pattern. (So when they tell you their ID, you know they ain’t lion.)

Commissioner Wretched

… Walt Disney alone didn’t create Mickey Mouse? Of course, Disney (1901-1966) came up with the idea of the little rodent character, based on a mouse he saw crawling around the garage where he did his drawing. But the actual sketching of the first Mickey (then called Mortimer) Mouse was done by an artist and animator named Ub Iwerks (1901-1971), who worked for Disney and sketched the character at Disney’s direction. (Nothing Mickey Mouse about that, not at all.)

… a popular song performed by the Muppets was originally written for a pornographic film? Beloved by Muppet fans everywhere, the song “Mahna Mahna” was written in 1968 for an Italian soft-core porn movie titled Sweden: Heaven and Hell. Composed by Piero Umiliani (1926-2001), it moved from that rather seedy beginning to being featured by the Muppets on Sesame Street and on The Ed Sullivan Show. (I have a line here, but it would close the show.)

… a soccer player ended a civil war? From 2002 to 2007, the African nation of Côte d’Ivoire, or Ivory Coast, was embroiled in a bitter civil war, as rebels and government loyalists fought. Soccer player Didier Drogba (born 1978), a native of the country and a striker for the Chelsea Football Club in England, pleaded with the warring factions to have a cease-fire, and amazingly, they agreed. Drogba suggested a soccer match between Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar, and that the match be held in the rebel capital of Bouake. The game brought the entire country together for the first time in five years. Government troops provided security, and it was remarkable that the troops were in the north of the country without any violence. Following the game (which Côte d’Ivoire won, 5-0), the rebels and government military worked together to control the crowds. The spirit of cooperation continued, and the civil war came to an end. (The power of athletics to help the world!)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I have enjoyed many Ub Iwerks cartoons (Silly Symphony?) over the years. Pretty good for its day considering the technology of the time.

Last edited 1 month ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
Commissioner Wretched

… a popular candy bar had to be sold in Britain under another name? The much-loved Snickers™ candy bar, created in 1930 by candy maker Forrest Mars (1904-1999), was sold in the United Kingdom initially as the Marathon™ Bar. The reason? “Snickers” sounds a lot like “knickers,” which was colloquial British slang for someone’s underwear. It was not until 1990 that the candy bar was sold under its original name in Britain. Additional trivia note: The Snickers bar is named after a favorite horse owned by the Mars family. (It wouldn’t do to go into a store and ask for an underwear-named candy bar.)

… the earliest games of baseball had four basemen on the infield? Not counting the shortstop, that is. Between 1840 and 1850, “home base” and the “batter’s plate” were two different spots. Early lineups included a fourth baseman as well as a catcher. By 1850, though, the two were combined and the fourth baseman eliminated. In those early days of the game, a fielder could also put a runner out by hitting him with a thrown ball, and there was originally no distinction between fair and foul balls. (And you thought modern baseball could be confusing!)

Hack Stone

Isn’t “Snickers” a brand of edible underwear sold in the UK? 🥴

Commissioner Wretched

… a President’s pet almost caused an international incident? During his time in the White House, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) owned a bull terrier named Pete. During a visit to the White House by French Ambassador Jules Jusserand (1855-1932), Pete reportedly chased the ambassador down a corridor and ultimately tore out the bottom of his pants. That incident, which the French government was understandably piqued about, caused Pete to be exiled from the White House to the Roosevelt family home in Sagamore Hill, New York. (TR, of course, just laughed the whole thing off.)

… a plant in Australia is extremely poisonous? The gympie gympie bush is so poisonous, in fact, that brushing up against one can cause extreme pain for months, or even years. The good news is that the plant is only found in Australia in the state of New South Wales, and also in the Molucca Islands and in Indonesia. (Good.)

… white rhinoceroses are not white? They are gray in color. A critically endangered species, the white rhinoceros’ name is said to come from a mistranslation of the Dutch word wijd, which means “wide” in English. Other theories debunk that, but there is no real explanation for why the gray rhino is called a “white” rhino. (Color blindness?)

Now … you know!


White rhino… diversity, misappropriated culture or inclusion.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

In Australia, EVERYTHING is out to bite, scratch, punch, poison, eat, or otherwise kill you.


TR was heard to say: “If my dog doesn’t like you, then I don’t like you either “.

Hack Stone

Originally the Cowsills were to portray themselves in the show, but the “suits” wanted to recast the mother. Their manager/father blocked that move, and that is how we all now know the name Danny Bonaduce.

And keeping the tradition of the overbearing manager/parent stereotype alive, their father was rumored to be just as physically abusive as Joe Jackson of The Jackson 5 fame.


Danny’s (aka Danny Bonadouchebag) ex-wife, Gretchen, is currently running for mayor of Bisbee AZ. There’s some trivia for ya!

Dennis - not chevy

The one thing I like about Bonaduce is he has made a dumpster fire of his life and he admits it. No whining or blaming others with him. It’s like the old saying, “If you are the subject of a safety briefing, own it”.

I am not a fan of Bonaduce’s; but, I say give credit where it’s due.

Hack Stone

Back in the early 1990’s when former child television stars committing crimes was the trend, there was some talk show doing a segment the subject, and they were interviewing Danny Bonaduce. He said that he called up Todd Bridges and told him that there was a television special being produced that the network wanted them to appear in, Battle of The Network Felons. He said Bridges response was “Hey, I’ve never been convicted of a felony.!” Hard to believe that out of all of the cast members from Different Strokes, he is the last one standing.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Never been convicted” does not mean “never committed”.

You sir, are correct. Pretty sure that Todd Bridges had Johnny Cochran representing him a few times.


Lois is doing a fine j.o.b. keeping you distracted for me. Tell her “The check’s in the mail.” The time frame drop has made it a little more difficult, but I usually do the difficult immediately. The impossible takes me a little longer. Be of good cheer, tho. I may be on another seekrit squirrel mission next Friday and not be in contention.

The Partridge Family Show was for the birds. Never even watched at it, but during that time I didn’t watch much of anything on TeeVee. Was it them or The Brady Bunch that had all kinds of issues between the casts? Didn’t watch the Bunch either.

Lions are ok I guess, but I prefer loins, beef or pork beast.

Walt weeps over what his company has become.

Kermit liked to jump on Miss Piggy; hence the pr0n music. And THAT would be a…wait for it…”A Reely Big Shew!”

And there’re still numerous “Civil Wars” in Africa. And it’s no game.

If she snickers at what’s in your knickers, you may want to offer her a Snicker’s to get into her knickers Otherwise, you may not even get to FIRST (grin) Base.

A Bull Moose with a Bull Terrier. And that’s no bull.

There’s another type of “bush”, covered in knickers, that is a dangerous as the gympie gympie. Even causes brain damage.

Rhinos are racist? Who knew? remove all rhino statues and burn down the village trading post.

Thank ye, CW…another Home Run!


So somebody else may stand a chance of snagging the coveted first?


Everybody has the same chance Odie. The question is whether they have the desire and determination to fight for the prize. Keep in mind that I have pretty much nothing to do and all day to get the nothing done. I spent years just lurking here and more years honing the skill set. However of late it is more luck than anything else.

Hack Stone

The Partridge has the privilege of of having Farrah Fawcett before her career took off, and another episode with Richard Pryor and Lou Gossett Jr. you can win a lot of money in bar trivia contests knowing that second bit of information.

Hack thought that the Partridge Family episode was Farrah Fawcett’s first credited role, but he was wrong. Among her earlier roles were appearances on Mayberry RFD, I Dream of Jeannie and The Flying Nun.


Late again. I was prepared, yet once again distracted. Fuck!


I almost made it today after a 10 plus year drought

Hack Stone

If you could pass on Karen’s contact information, Hack Stone would be more than happy to reach out to him/her and offer the individual a wide array of software that could filter out any offensive material they encounter on the Internet and it will also provide a lotion to lubricate his/her rectum to make it easier when it is time to insert or remove the stick up their ass.


You could use this image to show this Karen, male or female, the effectiveness of said offensive material filter.

comment image?w=518&ssl=1


Not to dampen the mood for the weekend, but 6 years have flown by, and while we have lost important members, the original was lost on this day. RIP Jonn.

Commissioner Wretched

Indeed. Jonn is definitely missed.


He’s Missed
Here at the house of Skippy


I’ll raise a Shiner Black Lager to his memory later this eve.
A great guy, and scrupulously honest.


Beat me to it, BennSue. It’s been on my mind for the last several days. Took me a minute to find this. Was from the WOT that Ex-PH2 posted on 27 July 2018.

RIP, Platoon Daddy…we’ve still got the watch…and you are still sorely missed

comment image?resize=500%2C313&ssl=1


I tend to think of my fellow paratrooper as chilling with that .338 magnum bolt rifle on the front porch.


I didn’t realize it that I don’t actually say hello to Jonn but every time I open this blog and see his picture I do internally greet him, but I will now add him to my daily list of individuals. Ex-PH2, Poe, & Frankie Cee, and my family and friends no longer with me and those universal soul connections unknown to me, but connected to me… And my guardian angels, 👼 I will now consciously add Jonn, And this family of which has become a significant part of my existence.
And for that…. you bunch of stinky turds, I am thankful. 🥹 🙏

Last edited 1 month ago by ChipNASA

Wilted-Willy as well.

We’ve been honored with some outstanding DW and DW-ettes at TAH.


7th? Maybe? My streak of not first remains unbroken



Y’all have a great weekend.

RGR 4-78
Hack Stone

He would normally be looking at doing a nickel, but thanks to a Presidential Executive Order signed be Donald Trump, he was given an additional 7 years for being named Shampain. His cellmates are looking forward to popping the cork on his bottle.

RGR 4-78

He is the Shampain of bottled dumbass.


Oh WAY late but here. I was fighting for FIRST at COSTCO for whatever was there I was shopping for.
Happy Friday bitches and Let me root, root, root for the home team
If we don’t win, it’s a scam, \
Hopefully, it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re at GITMO
For the Demon-crap, proggy, commie, shitbag, terrorist, GAAAMMMMEEEEE!!!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I had to look up what clickbait means and I still can’t understand it.


That’s exactlly the intent.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

PRESENT and unaccountable as I once again award myself Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
The Establishment has a pretty new puppet with the same old Puppeteers.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


A Proud Infidel®™

Somebody ought to buy him a shot and a beer for doing that!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by A Proud Infidel®™

Open Thread!

Did you ever wonder why James Robert’s skull is in Cripple Creek?


comment image




Well, my lead-in is clickbait, the history if Cripple Creek is quite interesting.


Cool bit of history.


You would think that they would at least be able to spell clickbait…


That’s rich, it is all Facebook does.


Manitoulin Island, on Lake Huron.
Canadians, with American medals, including a bunch with Silver Stars.

More here…


Two enthusiastic thumbs up for the trademarked “medallic fuckery” 🤣

Last edited 1 month ago by Eggs

Weekend Open Thread from 27 July 2018…for those that missed it…and for those that are missing…



“…lest we forget…”

Full disclosure…I post this on my own. If you decide to click on this linky, and read the 415 comments I strongly suggest that you have a box of tissues handy. Keep in mind, too…many that commented here on this thread these six (6) years ago have gone on and joined Our Departed Brother. I am of the opinion that The Platoon Daddy is so very proud that his work lives on. YMMV If Admin feels this is an error on my part, I understand.



A lot of familiar names there, many are missed. Jonn built a site and filled it with good people, only a damn good man could do that. A man I never met yet still stood tall in my eyes, a man I deeply respected. A true role model. He’s missed, but never far away. He lives on in all of us who had the privilege of hanging out in this little home on the web.


I miss him


Damn. A lot of names/people I haven’t thought about in a long time. Then I recalled the entire Bernath story. The (then) annual Stolen Valor Tournaments. Learning about The Hair and how large and protective this community is to stop those with no honor or integrity, insulting our fallen brethren through their SV. The work is hard, but many here have picked up the banner to carry it forward, and someday someone will carry the banner for us.


Does anyone know whatever became of Hondo?


I wonder about that
I miss him hope he’s ok

A Proud Infidel®™

I see those who report TAH as those who still wear face masks while driving alone.




Courtesy of FakeBook Memories. – 8 years ago today.


2016 Philadelphia “Fart – In”.
Protest at the 2016 Democratic National Convention,
after the DNC and Democratic Party “superdelegates”
rigged their state primaries, and then the convention nomination,
against Bernie Sanders, in favor of 2016 loser Hillary Clinton.


Hack Stone

She can beat the line at the airport if she leaves now. Hack was all set to vote for Donald Trump in November 2024, but if the cost of a Trump victory is an actress who hasn’t had a significant movie role in 30 years leaving, well then, Hack will just have to vote for Trump twice.



Had to look her up.

Army-Air Force Guy

Love how all these big stars from back in the day wait until their careers are well in the rear view mirror before they get all political.


Hack Stone,
Apologies for the repeat link below.
Haste to get Stone up here, and I didn’t see this.
I added the whacko looking photo upload, if that helps.

Hack Stone

You could have posted your link faster if only you had some Red Hat Software. Luckily, Hack knows where you can get some.


Hack Stone,
Apologies again….
but MarineDad61 is quite content
with the (free) Ubuntu Linux on the laptop.
But thanks.


Can we get a gratuitous beaver shot before she goes?

Hack Stone

You asked for it, and Hack Stone delivers.


Looks like the beaver smashed his finger.

Army-Air Force Guy

Is that an A3D Sky Warrior he’s supposed to be assembling?


Looks like an early design of the F3H Demon.

Horribly under-powered; the initial design had a Westinghouse J40 engine. My Dad used to say that Westinghouse toasters put out more heat than their jet engines ever did.

As for the Navy A3D Skywarrior, they were still giving out A3D slots to our less fortunate Navy classmates when I went through flight school back in the day. When we’d run into those guys out in the Fleet, we’d always give them shit and tell them that A3D stood for “All Three Dead”. The reason for that was that those poor bastards (3-man flight crew) were flying day/night tactical carrier operations with NO EJECTION SEATS. Unbelievable.


June commented several times that Ward was a little rough on The Beaver last night.

RGR 4-78

Your cousin Sharon is a wackadoodle.

Hack Stone

Better than Cousin Oliver Stone. Talk about a conspiracy nut.


But without her where will I find a 66 year old hoo-ha to look up?


Here we go again.
Let the parade of lib celebs begin…..

[[ Sharon Stone will leave America if Trump elected president again …]]


I hope the door knocks her on her AZZ


Another garbage left wing propaganda site. But from across the pond where our former oppressors reside.

RGR 4-78

Socialist Democratic Republic of Great Britain.


Welcome to my back yard

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

Hack Stone

For our hearing impaired commenters, the following is provided for your benefit:


Hack Stone

If you are heading over to the world corporate headquarters of a proud but humble woman owned business open house this morning, please adjust your departure time due to a traffic situation in the area. Word has it that some drunk clad in spandex crashed a 1980’s vintage Jaguar into a mailbox. The mailbox is fine, the car not so much.
