Wednesday follow-ups

| July 24, 2024

You may remember Janet Mello, a civilian employee at Fr. Sam at San Antonio who was accused of fraudulently scamming the military out of $109,000,000.

A Texas woman who pleaded guilty to charges of stealing nearly $109 million from a youth development program for children of military families and using it to fund an extravagant lifestyle that included multiple mansions, a fleet of luxury cars and designer accessories was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in federal prison.

Janet Yamanaka Mello, 57, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez after pleading guilty in March to five counts of mail fraud and five counts of filing a false tax return.

Mello was a financial manager who handled funding for a youth program at the military base and determined whether grant money was available. She created a fraudulent group called Child Health and Youth Lifelong Development, prosecutors said.AP

They say crime doesn’t pay….looks to me like here it paid about $7,000,000 for every year in prison. I suspect it won’t be PMITA prison, either. (Photo totally unrelated)

And in a similar vein, Steve Kim, 63, is gonna be 66 when HE gets out of jail.

A federal judge has sentenced a California man for selling $3.5 million worth of counterfeit and substandard fan assemblies to the Department of Defense.

According to the Justice Department, Kim’s company sold fan assemblies to the DLA that were either counterfeit or misrepresented as new when, in fact, they were surplus.

Some of the fan assemblies were installed or were about to be installed with electrical components on a nuclear submarine, a laser system on an aircraft and a surface-to-air missile system.  UPI

Well, we can HOPE he goes to PMITA prison.

A while back we talked about MAJ Joshua Mast, a Marine who said he adopted an orphan Afghan girl despite her extended family trying to get her back. Things are not going well for him.

A Virginia appellate court ruled Tuesday that a U.S. Marine should never have been granted an adoption of an Afghan war orphan and voided the custody order he’s relied on to raise the girl for nearly three years. The decision marked a major turning point in a bitter custody battle that has international ramifications far greater than the fate of one child.

Mast and his wife, Stephanie, convinced the courts in his hometown, rural Fluvanna County, Virginia, to grant him an adoption of the child, even though she remained in Afghanistan as the government there tracked down her extended family and reunited her with them. The family fled Afghanistan with thousands of other evacuees when the Taliban took over in the summer of 2021. Once she arrived in the United States, Mast used the Fluvanna County documents to convince federal government officials to take the child from her Afghan relatives and give her to him.  AP deux

More than one commented here that this case didn’t seem to pass the smell test  here  and, This time it is the appeals court continuing to rule against him.  By now, it reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from a fella who went by W.C. Fields: “If at first you don’t succeed, give up. No sense in being a damn fool about it.”

OH NO! Not strictly a follow-up, but one of Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobiles overcorrected and rolled on its side after clipping a car in Illinois. Seems there are two sizes now, the Mini-based Minimobile  is what got wrecked.

No injuries were reported after the crash, which prompted the closure of the right lane of northbound I-294 for more than an hour, officials said.

A spokesperson for the Oscar Mayer brand, which has several Wienermobiles, told the Chicago Sun-Times it’s “grateful that everybody involved is safe and there were no injuries.” AP trois

I am guessing leaving the original fast steering in a vehicle as newly topheavy as what’s shown is not a great idea. Figured y’all would relish the opportunity to comment on it.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Afghanistan, Crime, Marines

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Just glad i could Ketchup about the wiener mobile.


I wouldn’t relish getting in wreck with that.


Somebody’s gonna get grilled on how it happened. Driver mustard up.


I’ll bet he was bunned to have rolled it.


The driver was probably hot doggin it


His driving skills coudn’t pass mustard.



Mini based weiner gets wacked!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Not Kosher!


Since the wiener touched the ground, is the 5 second rule still in effect? Too bad a bread truck and beer delivery truck weren’t also involved.

Can you imagine the phone calls to safety and claims, insurance companies etc explaining all this? The police report will be available after we get the cop to stop laughing long enough to write it.


Kamala could have gotten that wiener upright in no time.


So they were heading to Washington for a parade/rally?!? Let’s hope it’s not the inauguration.
As KOB says prepare…. I say pray

Hack Stone

If they were heading to DC to participate in the protest against Netanyahu’s speech, well, that just ain’t kosher.


I wonder how she would do trying to bite a hanging wiener from the back of a moving Harley. I also wonder what her patch “property of” would say.

Old tanker

Those were only starting to get together for kamala’s campaign convoy…

Hack Stone

Want to make a Progressive Liberal’s head explode? Convert all of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobiles to electric. They won’t know whether to condemn the company for promoting the consumption of animals or praise them for saving the environment.


I once cooked a hotdog by attaching a power cord to a pair of
nails and inserting them into each end.
Don’t try that at home but out behind the garage is ok.

tom reynolds

You just have to make sure the galvanization is off the nail so ya don’t poison yourself. Used to quick cook hotdogs in shop like that before microwaves.


We had a setup like that in the aircraft shop at USU. Cooked a dozen at a time. Not an OSHA approved technique.


Fucking stupid! Everyone deserves 110 million chances.


“ Some of the fan assemblies were installed or were about to be installed with electrical components on a nuclear submarine, a laser system on an aircraft and a surface-to-air missile system.”

A sentence to death as a traitor to the military of the United States! This guy would have seen US service members dead and assisted our enemies on the battlefield for $. F him!

If they would show him to a tall tree and a short piece of rope, the next jack wagon might think twice before selling out his country and our sons and daughters for $! BUT, then again, I’d say that most of our civilian leadership does the same! 10% for the big guy and all!

It will never stop until there is a deterrent!



Plenty of incidents with the large Wienermobile over the decades,
mostly because they are difficult to handle,
and the drivers (“Hotdoggers”) are college seniors, on a 1 year tour.

Photo below from 2009.

Check this wiki link for a SURPRISE past Hotdogger.
HINT – Well known GOP politician.
