Secret Service Director resigns in aftermath of failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump

| July 23, 2024

Kimberly Cheatle, U.S. Secret Service Director, stepped down from this role in the aftermath of bipartisan calls for her resignation. The House held a hearing over the Secret Service’s failure to prevent an assassination attempt against Donald Trump. The hearing did not appear to go well for Cheatle, contributing to politicians from both sides of the political isle asking her to resign.

From Fox News:

“As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service,” Biden said. “We all know what happened that day can never happen again. As we move forward, I wish Kim all the best.”

Cheatle said, though, that the “incident does not define us.”

“We remain an organization based on integrity and staffed by individuals of exceptional dedication and talent,” she wrote, adding that the agency “will move forward with our investigatory and protective mission in a steadfast manner.”

“We do not retreat from challenge,” she wrote. “However, I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.”

Cheatle said that when she got the call asking whether she would return to the Secret Service after her brief retirement from the agency, she said she “did not hesitate.”

“I love this agency, our mission, and the great men and woken who sacrifice so much every day,” she wrote. “I have, and will always, put the needs of this agency first.”

“In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director,” Cheatle wrote.

Additional Reading:

Singman, B., Heinrich, J., & Doocy, P. (July 23, 2024). Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns after mounting pressure in wake of Trump assassination attempt. Fox News. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Donald Trump, Government Incompetence

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Great news. Can they hold her responsible after the fact or does resignation absolve her.

In other news, Jimmy Carter has passed.

Hack Stone

Not seeing anything on Fox or CNN websites about Jimmy Carter.

Hack Stone

Well, this seems appropriate for this conversation.


Nice. Touche.


Yeah, he fell off a shallow sloped roof doing work with Habitat for Humanity. S/


My bad. I was on another site, and one of the commentors mentioned what I wrote. I looked before posting, and there were several news agencies reporting the same, both print and radio/ TV. I was going to post a link, but anything I copy to clipboard, stays on the clipboard regardless if it’s on my phone or tablet.

Again, apologies to all.


1st year of SNL.
Generalissimo Francisco Franco.


Funny then, still funny today.

Amateur Historian

Just leaving this here:

Hack Stone

Thomas “Turd” Bolling is standing by his phone waiting for the word that he is the new director of the Secret Service.

Green Thumb

His service in the Military Forces and his time as a LEO impersonator make him an ideal canidate.

Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international) could get the contract…..

Green Thumb

Or she could be employed at All-Ponts Logistics.

Protecting the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) from the truth.

Tough job.

Lori Benton can attest.

Army-Air Force Guy

He couldn’t have done any worse than Kimmy Cheatle.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

He would be quite the DEI pick!


She’s stepping down to avoid further scrutiny/investigation/possible charges for criminal negligence. She’s trying to protect her pension. I only read a portion of what went on yesterday, but its clear there is much more we are NOT being told. Remember Joe’s claim they’ll be transparent? Anybody?


Anybody can see right through this so how much more
transparent can you get?

jeff LPH 3 63-66



Does stepping down absolve her of any criminal negligence charges or civil suits from the families of the killed and wounded? I’m no lawer, but I don’t see that as any kind of “get out of jail free” card.


There is no danger of that. Even if one argued that they (SS) were providing security for the president, nobody can make the argument that they were providing security for the entire rally.

Under the FTCA, even if the agents at the scene were found to be grossly incompetent and negligent, showing that the director acted negligently would be very difficult. She would have had to committed some kind of specific act that caused the event to take place, not just be a general screw up.

Interestingly enough, if anyone were to sue, Trump could most easily sue. The agents at the scene did have a duty to protect him and failed, resulting in him being shot. It would almost be like a malpractice case.


“Interestingly enough, if anyone were to sue, Trump could most easily sue.”

I like this idea!

Discovery would be a bitch…

A Proud Infidel®™

She was repeatedly asked JUST WHERE were the recordings of radio communications between the USSS personnel that day to which she said there were none. NONE! Every Municipality, County and State these days has that shit recorded, but the USSS didn’t that day? Something smells really fishy and we’re a long-damned ways from Denmark!!!


They’re on Hillary’s bathroom server.

Forest Bondurant

It’s the least the scrunt could do.

As Director of the USSS, her complacency, ineptitude, and lack of experience were all contributing factors to the attempted assassination of a former U.S. President.

She should be relentlessly scorned in public.

As an agency, the USSS has a rough road ahead of them because they have lost the trust of the American people.

(My mistrust of the FBI and some others is irrevocable.)


You guys mocked by congressional inquiry idea, but that’s exactly what happened. It was a completely bipartisan public curb stomp flogging. Don’t forget when it comes to their own skin they are all in the boat together. I haven’t seen anything like that since Cannibal Holocaust.

The fact that she showed up not having a clue what really happened at the attempt, but she didn’t remember press releases from her own office and the final straw was she didn’t even go to Pennsylvania to see what had happened. Just a complete leadership failure, fully representative of the current administration.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

Still, I know several of those congressional folk laying into her would have secretly celebrated had the assassination succeeded (say that three times fast) – her resignation provides a convenient scapegoat and means we’re that much further from any substantial answers as to what actually went wrong.

New pool – how long until Ms. Cheatle commits suicide via two shots behind the ear?


Thank God and Greyhound, she’s outta there!
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

At least TPTB left Chuck Connors his belt to hold up his pants.

Hack Stone

But the dunned his last paycheck for it. Nobody checks out of supply alive.

RGR 4-78

Amateur Historian

I rode with Greyhound once…never again.

Green Thumb



Twenty hours and two bus changes between home and grad school– yeehah! (Feel ya, believe me.)
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

You shoulda tried flying last week end. Holee Chit!



Just An Old Dog

I rode a Greyhound From Boot Camp And maybe twice after that. The nail in the Coffin was when I was riding From Richmond Va to J Ville NC and the damn thing took 10 hours and stopped at every little shit town on the way. I ended sitting next next to a guy who had been riding 10 days from Arizona who smelled like a bag of smashed assholes washed in cat piss.

Amateur Historian

For me, it was when I was heading to SLC for CDL school some two years ago. The start of my trip in the Springs never materialized (i.e. got canceled). Had to have a family member drive me to the Denver Union Station to catch the connecting bus, which was two hours behind schedule. Had a homeless guy hopped up on something try to pick a fight with another passenger I befriended. I backed my friend up so the homeless guy would back down at the prospect of a two on one. It worked. He did jump a guy who was smaller than him as we were pulling away from the station, though. Then the whole ride to SLC, this woman and her loser of an adult son were complaining about how the driver was doing his job THE WHOLE WAY THERE. On my return trip from SLC, I decided to travel with Amtrak. It was long, but that was the most enjoyable travel experience of my life.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I was a short timer one of my shipmates asked me if I was going to ship over so I said that I was going to ship over for a cruiser, pause, A Greyhound scenic cruiser taking me up to the Port Authority bus terminal in Manhatten.


Hear ya. Dudes going between Ft Leonard-Wood and the St Louis airport was always the most packed part of the trip– lots going to OSUT, just graduated or happy to be out-out and heading for the plane.

Prior Service (Ret)

Goodbye, Cheatle. Sucks to be incompetent. Well, actually, it must suck to preside over incompetence and partisanship and get caught short.


Kimberly Cheatle is a poster child for the Incompetence of DEI.
Mockery should ensue at every future public appearance. Just call her “Slope.”


Well…..c,mon now Gray, she might have been very good at protecting cheetos and frito-lay stuff. People. Not so much. As the great Greek philosopher Mediocrates once said, “Meh, good enough.” Well Cheatle, that aint gunna cut it in this position.

Hack Stone

Does the roof at the Pepsi Headquarters have a sloped roof?


Half a million square feet and flat as a pancake.


No, but some of the chip racks in stores are sloped. Does that count? Muhahaaaaaa

A Proud Infidel®️™️

‘Bye-bye, and don’t let the doorknob go up your ass as you leave!!Bye-bye to her and her DEI!

Last edited 2 months ago by A Proud Infidel®️™️

The secret’s out now.
Time for an agency name change.


Got nothing for a name change, but maybe a new motto?

USAPES. United States Almost Protects Everybody Service.

AW1 Rod

United States Suckass Service, perhaps?


The Trump curse/


Good she can go back and protect Frito Lay chips
She was better suited doing that


You sure about that?

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I remember that song


Aye yi yi yi….


El Frito Bandito!!

Hack Stone

He told me he wasn’t leaving. Maybe God spoke to him like he did Biden?


This may surprise some, but the Director of the USSS is not subject to Senate Confirmation. Just about every other agency head shed must get confirmed.


Originally the idea was you weren’t going to play politics with that position because it was too important.

So much for that idea.


“As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service,”

She has none of that. Nor does she have anything along the lines of qualifications or experience. She shares one quality with all the other dumbasses and dipshits in the Biden administration, and that’s the only thing that matters: Diversity. Trump was nearly sacrificed to the gods of DEI.

Last edited 2 months ago by SFC D

I would say that her qualifications and experience were adequate. She did the secret service for over 20 years and held senior management positions, before retiring to civilian life.

Be that as it is she was a soup sandwich as director.


The biggest thing she had going for though is that she got to see Biden swimming naked all the time when she was on his VP detail. Anybody that can do that has the stomach to take on anything.


What in the hell did she manage, the annual christmas party? The CFC drive? Or is she the prime example of “fuck up and move up”?


She was an SAIC at a field office, deputy assistant director and she was assistant director of protective operations, which is all of the protective operations.

Not a sparkling resume, but adequate enough that you could say, “ok”. It is quite likely there were others that were better suited and available, but I can’t say for sure.


Apparently, the “Peter Principle” was in effect. Bigly.


Agreed. Was about to say “Then she’s sh*t outta luck… ” reading it.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

“…Honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility…”

And yet, she exhibits none of those. How do you roll into a Congressional hearing about an assassination attempt against a candidate under your agency’s protection, for arguably the most important political position IN THE WORLD, and know NOTHING about what happened?

Also, if you were a person of integrity, you’d have resigned the moment something that blatantly obvious happened. It would be one thing if a highly-trained group of state-funded actors had taken a shot at Trump. Ree Tardy Oswald ain’t that. A fuckup this colossal always starts at the top, and that’s you. You step down. End of story.


I counted at least four Congress people from both sides of the aisle who said she should be fired to her face. But nobody ever gets fired in the Bite Me administration.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Nobody seems to get fired, period, these days.

The thing is, if you were a person of integrity, you’d have resigned before your boss could fire you, not ridden it out for a week and a half, and stepped on your junk repeatedly in front of Congress critters.

To be fair, I’m still kind of incredulous the calls to fire her were bipartisan. Pretty sure they were genuine, too, since the swamp critters just realized the USSS is non-political, and that means Bite-Me, Heels-up Harris, et al., are vulnerable too.


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A Terminal Lance Coolie

The words of craven cowards everywhere, desperately trying to preserve themselves from the consequences of their mistakes.

Once upon a time, we could trust our government, because the people in charge of catastrophes like this would, I dunno, answer questions, not avoid them.

Back then, they understood they were already screwed, so there was no sense in doubling down.

I was born in the wrong generation.


I’m going to disagree. There was never a time that we could trust our government. That is why the Constitution is written the way it is.

I will agree that there was a time in our country when people had more integrity. It was difficult to lie because everybody would know that you were lying. People were more likely to take responsibility for their actions because everybody had known what they did. That time has long since passed.


The government used to much better at lying. They were usually plausible, at least. They’re just not putting in the effort anymore.


Once the Dems started in on her I knew she was going to be flambe. Raskin told her straight to her face after asking her the same yes/no question about 15 times in a row that she never answered that she should be fired. I think that is when she realized that she was done.

He then put it in the bipartisan letter he signed. So good on them for getting something right in the last few years or so.

My only criticism is that several of the Democrats kept bringing up gun control. That has f*** all to do with what happened.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC
A Terminal Lance Coolie


I just wish they were more consistent about it.

That’s how the system is supposed to work.

Still have no idea how Raskin didn’t flip his table during that conversation.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Reply to edit:

Dems gunna Dem…idiots.


Folk out there aren’t respectable nor they tolerate anyone among them who is– good people leave or get shafted.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

“…and the great men and woken who sacrifice so much…”

“woken”??? Now I know with the quality of urinalism these days AND the lack of some type of spell check device on computers, typos can be made. /s/ Maybe it’s supposed to be “women” not “woken”? Or maybe she is admitting the the agency went “woke” and is now “broke”? Can’t be “women”, the demonrats can’t define what “women” are. They’re not biologists for goodness sake.

Now, I’ll be the one to say it out loud…How much of a Golden Parachute did this worthless Skrunt get from TPTB to fall upon her sword and “Retire”? Bitch please…you had ONE (1) job…and that was to protect your Principles up to and including with your life if need be. It’s in the job description. You knew the effing job was dangerous when you took it. She should have been fired immediately. Hell, I wouldn’t trust her to guard my Watermelon Flavored Mountain Dew OR my bag of Cheetos. Hit the road Jack(ie) and take all of the other Didn’t Earn It woke ones with you.


From all I have read/heard, she went kicking and screaming.


According to WAPO, the USSS detail for Trump is discouraging doing anymore outdoor rallies. Yeah, this is gonna go over like a lead balloon. Outdoor rallies are his bread & butter. DJT likes to do events in more small-town areas where there isn’t a large arena available. A compromise might be using the bullet resistant glass panels, that Trump used during his Jan 6 speech. You know DJT would hate this because it creates a barrier between him and the crowd. Some happy medium will be reached.


I agree some happy medium will be reached, but after the last showing of the USSS being right on top of things, I would imagine the secret service will be most eager to clean up from the black eye given to them.

Kennedy assassination was the end of open car motorcades, so I bet Trump’s open air rallies without bullet resistant glass are also a thing of the past.


I wonder if Kimmie got some Cheetos and Pepsi as a consolation prize to go with her participation trophy.


I saw some clips of her testimony. That is one arrogant b**ch.


Only two USSS agents have been killed in the line of duty while protecting US Presidents. Two sitting Presidents have been successfully assassinated, another has been grievously wounded enough to impact federal policy, and two former Presidents (both then-presidential candidates) have been shot since USSS shifted priority from investigating counterfeiting to personal protection.

The USSS record isn’t exactly stellar. Hell, Treasury and USPS law enforcement have better baseball cards.


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Guess who Mayorkas put in charge of the deep state crew investigating the assassination attempt/murder. Janet Napolitano.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like the Raccoon investigating the Fox on a Henhouse break-in.