Republicans call on Joe Biden to resign in aftermath of his campaign suspension
Nancy Pelosi was quick to call for the application of the 25th Amendment against Donald Trump when he was president. It was clear from his doctor, as well as to many here and elsewhere, that Pelosi did not have a valid case. However, with Joe Biden’s showing signs of cognitive and physical decline, as well as his performance during the Trump-Biden debate, a growing number of Democrats changed their tune. With Joe Biden’s suspending his campaign, now comes calls from many Republicans for Joe Biden to resign.
From Washington Examiner:
“If Joe Biden can’t run for re-election, he is unable and unfit to serve as President of the United States. He must immediately resign,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the No. 3 Republican in the House, said in a post to Truth Social on Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) ridiculed Democrats for what he called the hypocrisy of conceding concerns about Biden’s mental acuity after years of labeling “Americans who questioned the President’s fitness based on what they saw with their own eyes” as “conspiracy theorists.”
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) called Biden’s decision “overdue” in a post to X, saying he’s “pointed out for two years that President Biden’s mental capacity has been declining,” while Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) wrote, “If Pres. Biden is not competent to run for reelection, he should step down from the presidency.”
Their words came on the heels of a statement Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, made this morning, warning that Biden must resign immediately if he ended his campaign.
“If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President?” Vance asked in a post to X.
“Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief,” Vance continued.
Across the board, Republicans attacked Democrats for waiting this late in the game to stop Biden’s bid for a second term. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) worried in a statement to X that “the Democratic Party” is “trying to upend the expressed will of the American people in primary elections across the country,” while Johnson slammed the Left for “forc[ing] <sic> the Democrat nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election.”
Additional Reading:
Hallas, E. (2024, July 21). Republicans say Biden should resign immediately after historic campaign exit: ‘Not fit to serve’. Washington Examiner. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Joe BIden
The mass chaos from her assuming office, would make it impossible for her to campaign. But at least she would get to be president for a little while. It would be historical. By the time she got everybody fired who had assumed power from Joe Biden, she would be turning over the keys to Trump.
Plus ahe would make all kinds of mistakes, that they can then point to.
True, but don’t you think Barry 0 will guide Heels Up along to make the “correct” decisions, where with Pedo Joe he probably sat back and chuckled as the moron fumbled along.
Barry, et al, have been doing that for 3 1/2 years now.
Look at the warm runny pile of shit he created. I’d hate to see “incorrect” decisions.
I agree.
That “fundamental transformation” into Venezuela:

He’s not endorsed her just yet…unless that changed today…if he endorses her you might be correct, if he continues to not endorse her and call for an open convention I think we see shenanigans for a more brokered outcome at this “open” convention.
Nancy Pelosi just endorsed her.
She didn’t endorse her without obamas approval.
True, but I can’t imagine Zero not endorsing her. She is the near ultimate DEI hire.
It took Obama almost an entire year from when Joe Biden announced in April 2019 his run for President until he “endorsed” Biden in April 2020. The guy who was his Vice President for eight years. What’s that term we are looking for, something about faint praise?
Chicago ’68 2.0
She’ll probably lose her security deposit, because you know she will trash the place on her way out the door.
Don’t count your chickens yet
as far as trump winning in November
the republicans are experts at screwing up
He will win Maine despite Susan Collins knifing him.
It’s all about the battlegrounds. I guess we’ll see the polls over the coming weeks. If She doesn’t poll well, then whatever happens, happens at the convention.
I’m not gonna count my chickens or my eggs or anything until five minutes after Donald Trump is sworn the fuck in.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory seems their thing.
Biden stays on as “President” because he has NOT been in charge since day one, so what’s a few more months.
Of course, just a month age we were seeing ‘The best Biden ever’ and ‘sharp as a tack’ was thrown around the legacy media countless times.
Biden dropping out verifies exactly what Hur said about Sleepy Joe in his documents case.
Vroom, vroom. Anyway, ….
One of those months is October, which the Chinese military considers the best conditions for invading Taiwan.
Yes, indeed. Keep your CTA-50 gear straight.
So what is this turbocharged clown show going to do to the value of Hunter Biden’s “art”?
Just asking for a friend.
If your friend is smart, that friend would be wise to bail on that form of “art”.
I wonder what Xi has to say about this, and have all obligations been met.
Those Hunter Biden paintings were not purchased as an investment, but to enjoy the artistic brilliance of the smartest man that Joe Biden knows.
Yep. But I seen art created by elephants 🐘 in a zoo which were more ‘arty’! Guess hunter needs additional lessons, or his daddy should get a refund.
I have seen finger paintings done by Orangutans that was far more appealing than Hunter Biden’s “paintings”.
Those Phil Monkress nudes might fetch a pretty penny if on one of them goes to prison.
Joe has never been in charge, just as Kamala would never be allowed to be in charge.
Bottom line, different puppet, same strings.
According to Laura Loomer, the White House Chief of Staff is holding a mandatory call with White House staff, as well as a call for Team Biden’s political appointees. There is a possibility that Biden will resign from office, and there is also a possibility that his condition is terminal.
This is just one person, still waiting for other chatter to either confirm this information, or provide something else.
One of Joe Biden’s brothers said something about “Enjoying what little time we have left”, and that declining health played a considerable role in Biden’s decision to suspend his campaign. The X posts in the linked article do raise important questions.
More from the rumor mill. This one claiming that the sickness that Joe Biden experienced was not COVID, but something else. Perhaps Joe Biden was preparing people for his eventual dropping out of the race if his medical team told him that he had a medical issue. He may have already known that something was up.
Crabs. I know a few guys that went to Vegas and got crabs. It’s too soon for anything else.
Nahh he got on Harry Reid’s treadmill.
Despite the tourist board’s pontifications, the chlamydia one catches in Vegas does not actually stay in Vegas.
I’ll be surprised if he makes it to Friday, alive and in office.
And I’ll be disappointed if he does.
Pardon for Hunter as last official act before the resignation.

Didn’t ya all love how Kameltoe had to mention the other Biden son in her speech acknowledging her endorsement by Brandon the Great. I’m so happy she mentioned what a fabulous fellow and lawer he was, as we have hardly heard Beau mentioned in the past four years.
Nobody has the balls to actually move on a 25th Amendment action.
After all, they know Fauci outright lied to them and he hasn’t been held accountable, and they impeached Mayorkas and he’s still drawing a paycheck.
I’m glad that my efforts to…Prepare…included a goodly supply of popcorn and other snacky stuff.
A lot can happen between now and January…and I’m betting that most of it won’t be good.
Walk in, sign in. write in, call in, text in. scan and fax in.
It all counts by those that do the counting.
First thing you learn in life is how to count.
Second thing you learn is how to count right.
Third thing you learn is to trust the science……
I think this might be a moment where they should be careful what they wish for…..a President Harris who gets a deal between Israel and Hamas, or gets an improved economy will be a different situation than a do nothing VP who covered for a mentally incompetent President…
Especially when polling suggests it’s within the margin of error for a victory for either side…
That said I’m not certain that Harris will even be the nominee after the convention.
With Pelosi and Obama calling for a more open, democratic process one wonders which wunderkind they intend to pull out from the shadows….should it be Mrs. Obama…well the Republicans might as well save their money on the campaign because they won’t win…they’ll be lucky to avoid a landslide ass whooping…
Hillary Clinton was favored to beat Donald Trump in 2016, projections that held through the day of the election. The polls having Michelle Obama leading Donald Trump occurred as late as early this month. It would be interesting to see what new polling would reveal.
My GF says a girl power ticket would probably flop. In no small part because Michelle is an empty pants suit.
With what looks like junk in the front.
“chick with a dick”…
Or look up the old Eddie Murphy skit “Aunt Bunny”
I think this was IPSOS…not sure the target demographic which could certainly skew the results, so take it with a grain of salt, or a bucket of salt as necessary…
Yeah who knows? Harris could do for America what she did for San Francisco as the DA for 13 years and turn the whole country into a homeless camp drug den with thousands of people sleeping, shitting and screwing in the streets in full view of the public. People literally don’t lock their cars anymore so that the windows don’t get broken by burglars looking for something to steal to buy dope with.
And what she did for the border? Record numbers. We literally have thousands of gang members running amuck in our cities. We have no idea how many terrorists, but I would say the number is more than one.
The media will do a huge charm blitz. Some people will fall for it, hopefully not enough.
You may be right, but such an outcome certainly does not speak well for the intelligence of the average American.. ANYONE who thinks big Mike would be a good choice to lead this nation is a total idiot
I have long ago lost faith in the “intelligence” of the average American….I am subscribing to Mencken’s observation these days:
“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
Anyone hear from Commie on this?
He seems to be making good on his promise to stay away. For now anyway.
It won’t last… self control is not his thing.. If admins post enough commie bait, he’ll rise to the occasion
He’s waiting for the approved talkin’ points.
Whatever talking points he gets, Commissar’s arguments end up the same when he tries them here.
He’s dealing with the challenges that come with wanting to respond, but remembering his comment about not coming back.
Biden doesn’t have long left at most a year
I’m shocked non of the republicans over the last 3 years either didn’t notice or knew and stayed quiet
Currently we have no proof of life. Biden has not reappeared since signing the digital letter dropping out of the race. He could have died from a broken heart. He hasn’t been seen in public in 5 days.
Per fox that’s not accurate
They have him on the air talking to the re-election
People as I type
Isn’t AI wonderful.
Here’s a fake one, they wouldn’t let him have ice cream:
This, actually, sounded more like him (not just the accent) than what was on television.
He phoned that in. He told them he wasn’t going anywhere so I assume that means he will resign within 72 hours.
Is this the video? Joe Biden calls into an event, what do you guys think?
I was listening to Fox News when they they had breaking news and it was Biden talking to Harris campaign staff so I’m guessing that maybe it
On XM Radio
I didn’t see any video
It was stammer, mumble and incomplete thought free for a long period of time. It didn’t seem like him.
The coherent Biden on that tape would’ve stayed in the race.
True– that guy would’ve had no problem during the debate, etc.– where was he earlier?
Having a lengthy conversation with some bushes.
And completely out of left field, but maybe not if somebody asks the question because my son and I both were asking the question and I didn’t know the answer so I had to look it up:
Kamaltoe Harris, Gerald Ford any vice president that steps to be president what’s the rules?
” Section 1
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.”
Basically the vice president Can step in and serve up to one year 364 days and then still be elected for two full terms if it’s two years and one day or more, they are not eligible for two full terms
So theoretically, Kameltoe could serve or anybody as vice president could serve just a day or two shy of 10 years.
That would give her plenty of time to save abortion for all Americans.
ONE THING is absolutely certain, and it’s that Joe Biden is no longer considered to be the useful idiot he once was to his cabal of Donors, thus he has been DUMPED!
Whatever do you mean?
“No refunds!” –Hunter
FJB checking in.
Here is what I believe happened. The plan all along, even back in 2020, was for Joe to do one term and get Kamala in there to relieve him for a second term. Kamala could not get elected on her own. This year, the plan was to drag Joe across the finish line and let Kamala take over – again, because she couldn’t get elected on her own. When it became clear that Joe, or any Dem for that matter, could not beat Trump, it became a ‘throw away’ election. May as well give Kamala a shot and let her take the fall, then the Dems have no commitment toward her for 2028 since she had her shot and did poorly. As far as Kamala, you will hear sexist and racist excuses as to why she didn’t get elected, but it will turn into criticism within for setting her up for failure when they ‘knew’ she would likely lose. She’s a useful idiot and all to willing to kackle, smile and wave. She has that look of “I can’t believe this is really happening” about her.
They have a better chance of winning down-ballot elections with Kackles than they did with Brandon.
At least they think they do.
Kamala has appointed a Drag Queen to run her campaign in PA, and of course a bunch of D-rats defend her for that:
Democrats Defend Drag Queen Appointment In Pennsylvania – WokeSpy – Unmasking Extremism, Empowering Awareness!
Meanwhile at the White House….