Joe Biden’s requirement to consider dropping from the race? Medical condition
Representative Adam Schiff recently called for Joe Biden to withdraw from the race. Other Democrats have reportedly made the same calls, asking for Joe Biden to pull from the race to improve the chances for the Democrats in November. However, Joe Biden is committed to remain in the race. Biden did say that if he was told that a medical condition emerged, he would consider dropping out of the race.
From USA Today:
President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly rejected calls from Democratic detractors for him to end his campaign, said he would only consider dropping out if doctors diagnose that he has a medical condition.
“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if the doctors came to me and said you got this problem or that problem,” Biden said Tuesday in an interview with BET when asked if there’s anything that would make him reevaluate staying in the 2024 race.
Biden has maintained he is healthy and fit to be president for another four years after his disastrous June 27 debate against Trump raised scrutiny over his mental fitness and ignited calls from Democrats that he end his campaign.
“I made a serious mistake in the whole debate,” Biden said. “Look, the reason I ran, you may remember, is I said I was going to be a transitional candidate. And I thought that I’d be able to move from this to pass it on to someone else. But I didn’t anticipate things getting so, so, so divided.
“And quite frankly, I think the only thing age brings is a little bit of wisdom,” he said, adding that he’s also demonstrated he can “get things done for the country.”
Garrison, J. (2024, July 17). Biden says only a ‘medical condition’ would push him to consider dropping out of race. USA Today. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Joe BIden
Look for them at the next rally…
What a shit show
We went from:
In three weeks.
They may actually be black mailing him releasing his medical records at this point. Democrats are the filthiest political players out there and there is no level they won’t stoop to.
And I wouldn’t even count “Covid” as a medical condition.
Maybe a bad cold, at worst a flu (which covid it mutated/derived from anyway)
“Medical condition”…..nah….now you’re just looking for excuses. And flimsy ones at that.
Oh yeah? Even money says he doesn’t make it. No matter what happens covid will be listed as the cause of death.
Pay no attention to the pillow covering his face, he did NOT die from suffocation.
I would NOT bet against that, not even with your paycheck.
Crusty Old Villan Is Dead
Keep in mind that in 2016 he “campaigned” from his basement due to covid concerns. It worked for the dems then. Do you think this might be a rerun?
Best way to make sure he does not appear to be suffering from dementia is to make sure he doesn’t show up in public.
No he didn’t, lol.
2020 was the campaign from the basement. 2016 was the Hildabeast on tour in the sprinter van “Listening to the people”. Biden was out setting up his network/net worth in 2016.
And let’s not forget the pics and video of das Hildebeast being picked up and loaded into said van like an Invalid on more than one occasion.
Maybe we’ll get to see that again, now that Joe has dropped out
I think you mean the election of 2020.
IMO Joe Biden is acting like “THAT GUY” in nearly any Military Unit, the “Profile rider’, “Sick Call Ranger, the one who will pull any stunt he or she can to avoid work.
Biden should follow Trump’s advice and fight if he’s being blackmailed. It’s only his family that would be embarrassed as Joe will have forgotten everything before the words “you might want to look at this ” finishes coming out of the mouths of the blackmailers.
I’m going for popcorn. Anybody need anything while I’m up?
A couple of cold ones, your choice, thx
Nachos please, with spicy cheese dip!
I recommend horse radish cheddar cheese. Not sure how well it melts, but is good on sandwiches.
Joe’s having an “Et tu, Brute” moment, but he wouldn’t be able to say it.
Obama turned on him today. It could be because two thirds of Democratic voters say that they don’t want Biden to run. This is really strange because he swept the Democratic primaries. But after the debate when everybody saw the real Biden, suddenly nobody wants to vote for him.
The irony of the Democratic Party turning on Biden, when the Democrats tried set it up for The Republicans to turn on Trump, due to his legal issues, is delicious. They probably would have been a lot better off if they had shown the real bite me a year ago.
Not to worry, Democrats have this, like everything else, completely under control 😏
Yeah, AOCrazee and the squad want Joe to remain in the race. I guess they think that if the dems get really drubbed with Pedo Joe at the top of the ticket, they can drive the last few thinking dems out of the party and the socialists/communists will completely take the party over?
I don’t think that B. Hussein 0bama ever even remotely liked Biden, Joe was little more than a useful idiot whom 0bama could say “Look, I get pushed out of office and HE is President!” about, and Bireme’s term has been little more than a third for B. Hussein 0bama. Remember the video when 0bama took ahold of Biden and literally HERDED him offstage?
I kinda figured they would use the Coronageddon to kill the guy off.
And now he’s gone..
If the dead can vote, why can’t they serve as President?
The dead can vote but Trump can’t even vote for himself this time.
Can’t vote yet. Once the garbage came gets thrown out on appeal he can vote then.
Yup. Temporary setback.
Sure a dead guy can be Head of State – just ask the Norks.
In the old USSR, You knew the premiere was dead when they said he had the stomach flu. For some reason their medical system was completely unable to cope with stomach flues. Normally about a month later they would announce a new leader.
Lead poisoning would be too obvious
Just happen to be reading up on the hystory of
Cyanide poisoning this morning.
Almost as quick as lead but without the mess.
Putin just settles for “accidentally fell out of a tall building” lately.
After the first hundred times it lost its freshness. Putin now gives the option of suicide. If they fail to take care of it themselves than Putin has his team murder the whole family, and then the target “commits suicide”.
If Putin and Hillary Clinton ever had a love child, the child would actually be a danger to civilization.
Who has “suicided” more people, Putin or the Clintons? Likely the latter when you consider how many of those involved with Whitewater “accidentally” dying.
The power of legacy media
Look were it got us
Some new polls hit today. As expected Trump made some gains. He is now up over 100 in the electoral college. Keep in mind that every poll that has ever involved him has undercounted his support. He could easily still win Minnesota, New Hampshire and greater Maine and turn it into a real blowout. Even New Jersey and New York might be in play. If that happens It could be worse than the ass whipping that McCain took in 2008.
But according to the MSM, it’s still a statistical dead heat.
You may think you hate the media enough.
You don’t hate the media near enough.
According to the media Hillary Clinton should have won in 2016. They had Uncle Joe winning by a landslide and he barely scraped by (he did win the popular vote, by millions because of California).
The aggregator Real Clear Politics does a great job of keeping up with what is actually happening. The New York Times really hates them and did a hit piece on them earlier this year saying that their polls were inaccurate. The editor responded by showing that their polls and tools were 85% more accurate than the New York Times. So RCP is really the only one I follow because the rest of them are so bad.
According to the media, Joe was just fine until a couple weeks ago. Everyone who said otherwise prior to the great debate ( or awakening if you prefer), was just a racist kook or something less than smart.
Presently, the MSM and the DNC both seem to have their collective junk in their hands and can’t figure out how to spin that they dont.
I will have to look at real clear politics, as I don’t think their results are being reported, or being used as a reliable source. Need to pay more attention to the by line or who the source is.
“(he did win the popular vote, by millions because of California)”. Would those be live Californians or dead ones, or both?
Democrat ballots…
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While I don’t remember any controversy surrounding the appointment of Lloyd Austin because he was black, I do remember his name. I would think if I was president, I would want to remember his name, because if I were to tell people to “bring me the black man”, that could be a lot of people and they might bring me the wrong one if I needed to nuke Russia or somewhere.
We are at least two years overdue on activating the 25th Amendment.
Joe Biden thinks that Lloyd Austin was the Six Million Dollar Man. Not Lee Majors character from the show, but the actual Six Million Dollar Man. No joke. Anyway…
Coming nearer.
No dag nab it…
Ok, you win the post at least, if not the internet for the day Chip!
Holy fuck, Chip! Outstanding. And he is definitely near.
The DemonRats better hurry up and decide who’s gonna replace sniffy creepy. Unless, of course, TPTB have already decided who it will be and are now in the process of printing and distributing 81 million ballots, most of which will not be tabulated until 0400 hrs that Wednesday Morning. Then you may have a situation where TPTB have decided to let Bad Orange Man “win” the (s)election, trash the country with useful idiots and let the economy crash with the overwhelming debt load made even worse with the breaking out of more war from our foreign enemies. Many think that what we’ve seen over the last four (4) years has been incompetence. Lord knows we’ve seen our fair share of that. Others are of the opinion that everything we’ve seen is a planned blueprint to “fundamentally change the face of America…” YMMV
Joe Bribe’em is and has been a back stabbing SOB all of his miserable life. He is a looter and a pillager. He is the worst (p)Resident that the country has ever (s)elected. In a perfect world he woulda been taken out by Jill’s daddy years ago.
Don’t forget Antifa at the Democrat convention– they’ll be a hoot!
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When are we going to stop pretending Jill and Joe are the ones that were or are pushing him to remain in the race, and in power? It has always been the power brokers behind the throne. They propped him up in the basement, they – including Schiff and Pelosi – have known all along whatever competence Joe had in the past has been dangerously compromised for years. In truth, I doubt they ever viewed him as other than a useful idiot.
They know if the truth were to come out, everyone except the rabid, unhinged loonies and willing TDS victims would call for the end of their careers. For the MSM, it is panic over how this betrayal by their handlers is impacting their careers and ratings. They are being exposed as willing stooges, hence the sudden pretense of journalistic integrity; “we only report the news”.
Joe now has Covid. Perhaps it will be a form of previously undiagnosed long Covid that caused his dismal debate performance, or it will be one of those rare, serious cases that leaves him incapacitated. Either way, there is a possibility of a new pandemic scare to frighten the sheep into submission, with a bonus of all the control that gives them. Then, they’ll invoke the 25th, Kamala will take over the figurehead position and if that plays well, they’ll use the National sympathy – and possible lockdowns – to rewrite the past four years. Any criticism of the last four years will then be cast as ghoulish.
If she proves to be as incompetent as all know she is, or God forbid, some foreign actor takes advantage of the moment, Joe gets to recover, re-ascend the throne and be the comeback story of the century. Of course, any of the above preclude any substantive debate, either Presidential or Vice Presidential.
This is far from over. We the People are still being played, with too many willingly going along.
Joe knows enough that he knows he has no idea of what he is doing and so everyone else is doing it for him.
Kamala isn’t that smart. She is allegedly a micro-manager with a short fuse which is why she has run through so much staff in a short period of time. Even the left has reported on it. These are not qualities that you want the POTUS to have. The good leader is calm, decisive, understands span of control and allows experts to do their job. They also attract high quality people.
Trying her out in office, Just to see where the polls go is very uncomforting. If Joe passes because of the “covid” she might earn some sympathy points but that would be about it. I don’t think she could swing the election and I think Trump would absolutely destroy her in a debate. Vance could destroy her in a debate and he doesn’t even debate.
In theory she wouldn’t have all the baggage from all the bad decisions that Joe Biden made when he was president. Except the problem is Biden made her in charge of the border which is the biggest failure of the entire administration. There isn’t any way to tap dance out of that one, she didn’t even go to the border for like a year. The only thing that she has going for her is that she has been a big advocate for abortion. But the country is so divided on that issue It doesn’t really help her any, she’s already getting the people that are voting for Biden for that reason.
But…but he got the shot, so he shouldn’t have gotten covid. He told us so, this was a disease of the unvaccinated.
Well no, they said you could still get it but the symptoms would be greatly reduced. Unfortunately for Biden, There is a new White House doctor and she is a hard ass.
She signed off on Epstein’s autopsy.
This reminds me of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s last few years on the Throne. She knew the end was near, so she delegated many tasks to the Heir Apparent. I wonder if that’s what President Biden is doing?
I know that HM had a lifetime appointment, and that abdication was never an option for her. Still, Biden needs to step down at this point; he is not ‘Dei Gratia Rex’. The question is, does HE understand that?
They are in full come apart mode. It will probably be announced in the morning, If not tonight.
The Washington Insiders try to bury bad/embarrassing news by dumping it late Friday afternoons.
BINGO! In the next 24 to 72 hours.
And I’m gonna bet it’s gonna be Kamala Harris and then it’s gonna be Michelle Obama.
But what about the will of the people?
Lolololol, Democrats, doing Democratic things.
Harris/ Obama 2024!
Better than a crazy old white guy with dementia!
A campaign slogan like that is very catchy.
I read somewhere team Trump was asked if they were going to let JD debate the democrats VP pick. He said yeah, but we need to know who the VP will be.
And he’s gone.
Would an air embolism count as a medical condition? Maybe DOKTOR Jill can help him along.
Hulkster. We are full Idiocracy now, there’s no turning back.
Thankfully, he only talked for a little bit.
As it turns out they are going to destroy Democracy to save it. Who cares about the will of the voters?…. Any idea that Democratic voters had freedom of choice or that their vote mattered will die in the name of defeating Trump. The shame is the party elites don’t see the plot hole. Once it is laid bare, nobody is going to vote for whoever their replacement is.