Daily FGS

| July 8, 2024

Browning X-Bolt 2

No charges filed after man shot and killed during fight in Mingo County

by: Brandon Eanes
MINGO COUNTY, WV (WVNS) — A 42-year-old Mingo County man was shot and killed during a fight with another man from Mingo County.

According to a West Virginia State Police press release, on Friday, July 5, 2024, Troopers responded to a report of a shooting at a home along Route 65 between Naugatuck and Lenore, West Virginia. Once on scene, the victim, identified as Charles Speer, 42, of Kermit was suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Further investigation into the shooting revealed that Speer allegedly went to the home of David Hodge, 50, of Lenore, WV. Once there, a fight began between the two men. Sometime during the fight, David Hodge reportedly shot Speer multiple times.

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Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting a lot. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

The American people know Joe Biden. They know his values. They know what he stands for.
Jill Biden

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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“Colt made them equal…” Or not, always have a gun. If the other guy doesn’t, well, that’s on them. Of course, we can’t go around looking to start fights, and it’s not always wise to seek a permanent end to a temporary misunderstanding, but generally speaking, a gun on the person is worth any number sitting in the safe.

The way I see it, the second a gun is brought into play, we should expect to have to use deadly force. If someone is being overly aggressive on my property, there’s a chance the gun will scare them off. There’s also a big chance the gun will only serve to escalate things. If you hesitate to use it against an unarmed assailant and they overpower you, now you’re the unarmed party. Bad times. Shoot to incapacitate, and the best form of incapacitation is dropping the biological thermostat to room temperature.


Competence matters– a gun doesn’t magically bring stuff to a good end all by itself.
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Does she see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Then push the little switch.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Mingo but pawn in game of life”

One has to wonder what the relationship was between these two? Or was it a random “I’m high” thing? As, well, one can’t talk, and the other won’t talk (if he’s smart).


“…shoot until HE thinks he’s dead…” And that’s the way you do it, girls and boys.

There are not enough adjectives…or curse words…to convey what this American knows about POS Xiden.

Rather spendy for a reach out and touch tool. For 4 very large it best be able to fetch a sammich…and a cold beer. I, for some reason…want one.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Want one what?
The rifle, the sammich, or the beer?