John Kerry flip-flopping again

| December 1, 2009

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board writes this morning that John Kerry, former anti-war presidential candidate who was for the war before he was against it, is about to issue a report from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that *surprise* blames the Bush Administration for not injecting enough troops into the Afghanistan conflict initially to end the war. This is seen as political cover for the President’s anticipated deployment of 34,000 more troops into the conflict tonight.

coming from Mr. Kerry, of all people, this criticism is nothing short of astonishing.

In 2001, readers may recall, the Washington establishment that included Mr. Kerry was fretting about the danger in Afghanistan from committing too many troops. The New York Times made the “quagmire” point explicitly in a famous page-one analysis, and Seymour Hersh fed the cliche at The New Yorker.

On CNN with Larry King on Dec. 15, 2001, a viewer called in to say the U.S. should “smoke [bin Laden] out” of the Tora Bora caves. Mr. Kerry responded: “For the moment what we are doing, I think, is having its impact and it is the best way to protect our troops and sort of minimalize the proximity, if you will. I think we have been doing this pretty effectively and we should continue to do it that way.” The Rumsfeld-General Tommy Franks troop strategy may have missed bin Laden, but it reflected domestic political doubts about an extended Afghan campaign.

So, just like everything else he’s done this year, Obama will be merely fixing Bush policy, according to his defenders. I guess this more of John Kerry’s 20/20 hindsight and his wonderful ability to rewrite his own history. Don’t be surprised if film footage is released of Kerry in full combat gear patrolling on his own through the mountains of Afghanistan, peeking into caves, bayoneting hay stacks in his search for bin Laden.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

What a buffoon.
What a moroon.

Dave Thul

Kerry actually captured Bin Laden at Tora Bora in spring of 2001 before the Cheney death squads showed up and made him let Bin Laden go free so they could start the planning for 9/11. And he still carries the turban that Bin Laden gave him in 2003 when they were doing covert ops in Cambodia, er Pakistan. Seriously, the whole mission is seared in his memory.


Hanoi John (traitor)Kerry has zero credit with anyone with a brain larger than a piss ant. I await the celebration of the traitors death which can’t come too soon. I hope it’s a long and painful process. He should have been tried as a traitor and shot by people with poor shooting skills years ago.


So, John, He served in Vietnam, Kerry was against the surge before he was for it, this time? Man, one really needs a program to keep track of the positions these people try to occupy. Or, he was for it, before he was against it, before he was for it? See how confusing he makes things? Imagine what it’s like when Teresa, you scumbags, Heinz helps him pick out his undies for the next day?


it’s that rice grain that lodged in his a$$…..