Quick! Someone get Mark Potok on the phone!

| November 30, 2009

OK, now this race war has really hit home. I agree with Mark now, we need to end all attacks based on race. And it starts with these evil bastards that perpetrated this felonious assault:

Three boys have been arrested for investigation of bullying red-haired students after a Facebook message promoted “Kick a Ginger Day” at a Southern California school.

I know the SPLC will leap right on this one. It clearly is a sign of hatred based on race that we see nearly everywhere. And I know I can look forward to it being covered in the SPLC Hatewatch this week.

And a good thing too. I know some might point out where it says no Children were actually harmed. Yeah, well that fails to consider that someone might have been harmed. I’m afraid to let my gingers play outside when those maniac soldiers are coming home from this immoral and illegal war.

I am therefore, even before SPLC can comment, starting up the MWGDF, the Mid West Ginger Defense Fund. It’ll be sort of a cross between the IDF (We’ll be trained in that Krav Maga stuff) and the ACLU, MALDEF or one of the other groups that just defends folks for no apparent reason.

So, fear not my fellow Irishmen, no more will be tormented on account of our lack of pigment. They won’t see us if we attack directly out of the sun, on account of us being translucent and all.

Oh, and to my African Brothers, we look forward in fighting side by side with you:

NAIROBI, Kenya – The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa’s albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their lives and limbs to unscrupulous dealers who can make up to $75,000 selling a complete dismembered set.

Category: Politics, SPLC

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Please let me be the first to donate to MWGDF in the name of my Ginger Albino future spawn. Please put up a link to donate!


Silly people has south park taught us nothing? Gingers have no souls.


Maybe we should ask the good barrister Mr. Potok if he plans on doing an investigation into the possible “hate crime” perpetrated by a black man against 4 white police officers in Seattle???

Just wondering; that’s all.

The Sniper

We do too have souls… dark, cold, hard souls black as the pit of hell and twice as evil. wait, was that my outside voice?


GDS = Ginger Derangement Syndrome


I agree with Sniper! I have a soul black as the pits of hell too!


First we can’t do any more ball-tapping, now we can’t beat them like the proverbial red-headed stepchildren. Have we no sacred cows left, or did we just serve up the last one with bacon and cheese on a warm, fluffy bun?