Far Left gears up for Afganistan surge

| November 29, 2009

With the President finally gets off his narrow ass to properly staff and equip the war in Afghanistan, the Left sees an opportunity to raise their profile. IVAW in Seattle went out to a busy holiday shopping area and replayed their “First Casualty” theater for the crowds (thanks to Nucsnipe for the link)

Yeah, that’s Joshua Simson who just came back from telling lies on television in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela.

Across the country, in New York, IVAW and their sundry defeatists are gearing up for the President’s announcement on Wednesday evening at West Point.

The vigil is scheduled to go on rain or shine. Speakers will include Cheryl Wertz, executive director of Peace Action of New York State; Jose Vasquez, a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War; Michael Sussman, an Orange County civil rights lawyer; regional activist Jack Smith; and Elaine Brower, of Military Families Speak Out.

Jose Vasquez and Elaine Brower are usual suspects for New York-area events. I wonder why Matthis Chiroux isn’t on the list – after all, he claims he’s an expert on Afghanistan. He even apologized for occupying Afghanistan – so it seems he’d be a natural to plead with the president.

I hope someone reminds Jose Vasquez that he told us that he would have gone to Afghanistan, but the Army wouldn’t let him choose his war-time service and when the Army intended on sending him to Iraq, he filed for conscientious objector status and got out of the Army. He even reiterated that point in an email to me a few months ago. But, now that he’s ED of the IVAW, he’s suddenly against the war in Afghanistan, too. I wonder how he can justify that.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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They were against the war before they were for it before they were against it.


LOL Claymore. WTF is a “regional activist”? Is it anything like a regional community organizer?


That Simson guys sounds like a girl when he talks.
Yeah, that’s about the best comment I could come up with for these bozos. I hope they freeze their nuts off (if they really have any) outside West Point.

Casey J Porter

As everyone knows, I am not an IVAW fan. lol But I think people should see what goes in-country. I’m not saying their tactics are great, but I wish Americans could make better calls on the wars we fight then just watch some right or left blowhard run their suck-hole on cable TV.


How is this showing them what is going on? This just looks like people who are acting out their Modern Warfare 2 fantasy’s. Also if your trying to have people take you seriously then do not treat them like morons that never seen anything traumatic first hand.

Regardless of how I feel about this conflict I think that your videos about specific things that draws in a honest interest. (The fire mission video in case your wondering). Also about cable news, that is one of the reason what I do not watch them. You cannot simulate stuff like this. That is what I thought was the whole point the IVAW to be able to have these people that had these experiences.

I mean that is the whole point of youtube to have a place where you can have a chance show what you have seen. Because it is the raw footage that gets looked for over any acting. I mean consider this WW2 footage as which will last longer.


I saw the vid when I was checking on the story of the 4 police officers killed south of here by McCord AFB. I would ask that all of you keep the families of those officers in your prayers.


I sent Jonn the Email about that too.


Casey; what would you like to see the rest of America shown on what goes on “in-country”? Is there something missing that would turn America against war, if it were shown? I’m curious because this isn’t our first set of wars, for one, and it probably won’t be our last.

I know you were totally against the Iraq war, but do you think that Afghanistan is one that we should be engaged in? If not; could you provide your criteria on what war would be ok for America to be involved in?

War isn’t perfect, never has been, never will be. It’s not a video game, it’s not “clean”, however, we, as a nation, go out of our way to fight to a standard so high that we sometimes not only can’t reach the standard, but try too hard at the cost of ourselves. War is supposed to be dirty, nasty, etc. That’s why we should, and usually do, avoid it. The problem comes when others don’t share our view on when it’s ok to fight wars, and when it’s not. Most times America is goaded into war. I know that some people still believe that we “rushed” into Iraq. Well, if 12 years of violations by Saddam is “rushing” into war, then I would hate to see what the timetable is for “taking our time”.

When is the “right time” by Casey Porter standards? What is the “proper” way to wage a war, by Casey Porter standards. The reason I ask is this; I have heard over the last 8 years that “they shouldn’t have done this, or should have done that”. “This is wrong, etc., etc.” Yet, when I have asked those individuals the question: what is your standard for waging war? I get no reply, or I get a reply that is fantasy in scope, or ROE. Those answers are the ones that get more of our men and women killed than anything else.


“Occupation isn’t Disney land” That is the greatest line ever.

Why are you guys supporting Obama now? Did you find his birth certificate or something?