Sheehan face-to-face with reality

| November 30, 2009

Tankerbabe sends us this link to a video of a confrontation at Travis Air Force Base. First, they demean an Air Force SP who tells them to get off of Air Force property. Then when a veteran confronts them, they shove the bull horn in his face and jump up in his face. Of course they cry like little babies when he shoves them out of his face.

If it doesn’t get your heart going first thing this morning, nothing will. Here’s the raw video without the news report.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Protests/Rallies, Usual Suspects

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Good find on this one.


Just like Medie Bennie in San Fran, when they went running for cover behind the warriors they were protesting against, after they were confronted by people sick of their shit.

NR Pax

So it’s wrong to send troops in harm’s way, but it’s wrong to use drones to prevent troops from being in harm’s way? I swear, Code Pink must do some impressive drugs to keep so many contradictions straight.

toothless dawg

FYI, code pink, answer, world can’t wait, vets for peace and other communist/socialist/libtard organizations will be marching in DC again on March 20, 2010. They also have an event scheduled on March 19, 2010.

Now would be a good time to make plans to join with other Patriot/Vet organizations in countering these scumsuckers. These same bottom feeder groups threatened to vandalize the monuments and the Wall on March 17, 2007 … they tried but were stopped. They did manage to vandalize the ‘Lone Sailor’ monument the previous night. They were largely outnumbered by 30,000 Patriots and Vets on that day. A couple of months prior (Jan 2007) they were ‘allowed’ to breach the steps of the capitol and spray paint graffiti by LEA leadership. Would love to have y’all join us at the Wall and other locations on that weekend.


Wow. ‘He pushed me too!!’ It’s against the law to push now? I thought there had to be some kind of violence or damage to ones person for charges to be pressed? Weren’t they trespassing? And it looked to me like the aggressor there was Seehag when she put the megaphone into the serviceman’s face….looked to me like she touched him. Assault maybe?

Other than that, quite pathetic.


Normally I try to maintain an extra level of respect and attention to people who’ve lost a son or daughter in the service. I take that “last full measure of devotion” stuff very seriously. And there have been times where parents of soldiers killed overseas have had different political views than I do, and I have tried to really listen, and look in the mirror and tell myself that whether I agree or not, this person deserves for me to take their issues very seriously.

But I have to say that Cindy Sheehan just seems to be an Attention Whore. Look at the delight on her face. The Vet whose face she shoved that bullhorn into is somebody’s son, just like the Sergeant they all mocked. Those Code Pink people are not seriously trying to create change: they are trying to provoke some kind of scene so they can get their faces on TV. Their positions are incoherent.

I get the impression that Cindy Sheehan is not trying to preserve honor and memory of her dead son, but is prostituting his memory because she is addicted to the “Rebel Activist” lifestyle she has created for herself.

It turns my stomach.


I love how the oh so smart worthless hag Sheehan tells the SP “we’re not in the Air Force so you have no authority over us”. I wonder how well that would hold up when the hag gets flex cuffed and thrown in the stockade for tresspassing?

The fun part is when the old bitch gets a ticket.