You damn conservatives!

| June 21, 2024


You almost wonder why these people don’t mail themselves into Mason for the Stupid People of the Week. This one, however, earned her own special place.

Meet Stacy Davis YGates, the President of the Chicago Teacher’s Union.

The teachers’ union is in the process of negotiating a new teacher’s contract with the public school system, which calls for an extra $50 billion in funding. The massive increase is being proposed to cover wage hikes as well as other demands. For instance, the money would be used to provide fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities and a host of LGBTQ-related requirements and training in schools.

Last year, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois was $50.7 billion.

So is she asking for all of it? I suppose we should be grateful if she’s leaving that last $.7B for the rest of the state?

Only 21% of the city’s eighth graders are proficient readers, according to the Nation’s Report Card, which provides national results about students’ performance.

Davis Gates touted having her children in public schools in 2022. She said it helps to “legitimize” her position within the union and that she could not advocate on behalf of public schools if that were not the case, according to NBC Chicago.

However, in 2023, Davis Gates placed her teenage son in a private Catholic high school in the city.

“Pandering for publicity” anyone?

The Illinois Report Card recently released a report showing Chicago Public Schools spent $29,000 per student, and the teachers in the district are among the highest paid in big cities.

However despite high pay, the report showed that 43% of the district’s teachers are chronically absent each school year.

You would think, having gone this far, she could hardly get worse? Never, ever bet against a liberal educator saying something mind-boggling.

“Conservatives don’t even want Black children to be able to read,” Davis Gates said. “Remember, these same conservatives are the conservatives who probably would have been championing Black codes, you know, during reconstruction or thereafter. So, forgive me again if conservatives pushing back on educating immigrant children, Black children, children who live in poverty, doesn’t make my anxiety go up. That’s what they’re supposed to say. That is literally a part of the oath that they take to be right wing.” Fox News

THIS is what is helping to run the schools? Seems to me the resistance she is hitting from conservatives who oppose her union requests is more along the lines of “we WANT kids to read – and you teachers are failing us.”

I guess I missed the session where we had to take oaths…

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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Hack Stone

The Educational Genocide of minority children continues unabated. Why is that the School Districts that have the per capita per student seem to always have the worst results when it comes to educational standards? And their answer is to do away with being based on performance in the name of “equity”. Children graduating High School who cannot perform reading or arithmetic skills of a 3rd grader, then the complaints roll in about minority children being disenfranchised when it comes to work opportunities. A well educated generation of minority children would break the cycle of poverty that the Democrats condemned them to, and we cannot have these children coming to the realization that the reason that their families lived in poverty for the last five generations was due to Democrat policies.


We can’t allow our children to be smarter than those chilren pouring through our southern border.

This will only ensure equality for all future job seekers and wage earners.


Idiocracy is literally being birthed right in front of our eyes.


President Dwayne Camacho would be a huge improvement.
I have always thought every Starbucks needs a rub n tug also.


But that’s not what LBJ wanted.


Davis Gates or Davis Yates?


We took the same typing class I see.

Army-Air Force Guy

I was never so happy I took typing in high school. Minimum 25 wpm to make it past the typing phase of 31C (Ratt) AIT, only spent a day or two there. There were some guys who were in typing for several weeks.


In the fantasy world of leftists, demokkkrats freed the slaves, ensured voting rights, and “conservatives” have run cities like Chiraq for centuries.

Of course, “conservative” being anyone not supporting the looting of all taxpayer resources.


So glad I left that state as soon as I could. At least they have their priorities right by raising the taxes on gambling (sports books, video poker, etc.) But I see they still believe in stealing from the funded to pay for the unfunded, especially with the state of their roads! Of course “at this rate, ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna run out of taxpayer dollars to spend.”


Roads? You should see the underside of some of the bridges.


Can’t. Too many illegal aliens living under there.


Or using the area to rape and murder young girls, like in Houston..


Chicago should have the best roads in the country considering how much I and a million other drivers pay to drive threw Shitcargo in tolls.


Tell me the Chicago toll way system isn’t ripe for skimming a little off the top. They need somebody, or somebody’s, counting who know how much comes in daily.

I’ll wait.


Disney today, too:
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Wow…just wow. The DemocRats have had a stranglehold on Chicago since the 1930’s, so there’s no ‘conservatives’ anywhere with any influence in that city.
Part of the D’s policy to make/keep blacks as a permanent underclass thus totally dependent on “government handouts” from said D’s in perpetuity is sub-standard schooling. If the kids can’t read, write and do arithmetic then they’ll be suckling on the government teat their whole lives. Why do you think D’s are so against Charter Schools/School Choice? The teachers unions in these cities gets teachers large salaries while the kids don’t learn shit. Junior said it in Platoon “Free your mind. Your ass will follow”


Every time I think they have achieved complete success, they get dumber. So I’m going to say that there’s always room for downward expansion.


Democrats for ya… don’t forget what LBJ said.

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Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

That quote should be repeated often and loudly. To hell with who it might offend, the repubs need to quite being the “loyal opposition” and start playing for blood..


My right wing oath went more like this:

“I 5JC, having been appointed an officer in the United States Army, in the rank of something or other, do solemnly swear to protect and defend the Constitution of The United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge The duties of the office upon which I’m about to enter, so help me God”.

After that they gave me a MAGA ball cap, handgun, select fire rifle, an American flag patch and most importantly, a manual on how to keep the man down.

Chapter 42 of the manual was about public education. If you will allow me to quote paragraph 2; “If you made it this far you’re going to be either one of the lucky ones, or probably did not go to school in a large city located in the United States.”


It’s all I can say


Not to mention…

Hack Stone

Why is that we only clean the house when company will be dropping in? They cleaned up San Francisco for the Chinese Communists, now they are cleaning up Chicago for the American Communists, I mean Democrats.


Walter Reuther she ain’t but he did marry a teacher.

Auto workers or poor black children and immigrants, same scam different dupes.


This dumbass, grifting, fool needs to get schooled…and educated herself.

USMC Steve

Another ignorant black who is firmly dedicated to staying on the socialist democrat plantation. Obviously, like many blacks, she is very deficient in American history, particularly the parts which clearly show that socialist democrats hate blacks, and have actively tried to keep them down.


Or outright eliminate them.

Margaret Sanger unavailable for comment.


She maybe unavailable for comment, but her success speaks for itself. With nearly 1 abortion of a black child for every 2 live births she has been personally responsible for more deaths than Hitler.


And she’s got them celebrating her… talk about a success story…

Hack Stone

Hack Stone looked up the numbers a few years back. Planned Parenthood terminates more African Americans in four days than murders of African Americans by the Ku Klux Klan over the entire span of their existence.


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This is the American history she was taught, and she is just passing it on. Indoctrination to the way of the D’s party. The path to righteousness and free shit from the socialist who run Shitcago.

Old tanker

It’s not just the teachers that are failing us. It’s the “Black culture” being indoctrinated into the kids from the point of birth. The perpetual victimhood, the lack of drive to achieve, the ease of existing on the benefits of society with all the hand outs and especially the disintegration of the nuclear family where most are raised by single parents.

This kind of “urban blight” isn’t just the arena of the Blacks either. Other “minorities” buy into it just as strongly.

Teaching is much like the old saw about bringing a horse to water. You simply cannot force a kid to learn when no one outside of the school, especially the parent(s), doesn’t give a damn. In addition to that the social experiment in education where feelings are more important that achievement also has a significant part in the issue. Why strive when the lazy do nothing kid gets the exact same promotions in grade level as the ones who actually work.


But “social justice”!
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 “Remember, these same conservatives are the conservatives who probably would have been championing Black codes, you know, during reconstruction or thereafter.”

Someone failed High School US History.


If the truth of who freed whom, and of who tried to subjugate whom, were common knowledge, the current Donkuloid pols would likely get lynched.

Thus the Donkuloid opposition to school choice and to homeschooling.

Guilty mind.

RGR 4-78

THIS is what is helping to ruin the schools.


God Bless this HERO!!!

And why isn’t this bitch’s hat pink?


I would gladly instruct those of you who have NOT pledged the Conservative Oath.

But the Oath does not allow this.