Why does he have to say it?

| November 24, 2009

I guess Axelrod told President Obama that he couldn’t get elected if he didn’t send some troops to Afghanistan and apparently they’ve just been bickering over the number the last few months.


General McCrystal asked for 40,000 troops and Obama is thinking about 34,000. When I was an infantry platoon sergeant and I needed a crucial part to keep my platoon running, or an important piece of equipment, I’d request 3 – that way I made sure I’d get one. I hope that’s what General McChrystal did when he requested troops.

Either way, Obama has bought his share of the war whatever the outcome. He wasn’t willing to buy the full boat, so every death, every casualty is fully his – from the day McChrystal submitted his report 3 months ago.

“It is my intention to finish the job,” he said of the war in Afghanistan….

It damn well better be.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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Brown Neck Gaitor

If by finish the job he means get out.


Either way, Obama has bought his share of the war whatever the outcome.

Near as I can figure if it happened on his watch it’s his.

Inauguration plus maybe 24 hours by my estimation.

Of course he will have it both ways. “I didn’t know and Bush didn’t tell me.”

How many weeks make up the transition?

Set aside McCrystal’s request, and set aside who sent McCrystal.

I’ll offer my rant elsewhere save this: Jonn you and UJ, et al, are looking for sound reasoning where there is none that has to do with Afghanistan.


One thing that I do not get is the claim that we are pulling troops that do not exist because we will have run out.


Watch this drive….


From what I was told in DC three weeks ago, General McChrystal asked for 60,000 as he safe alternative for executing his mission, and specified 40,000 as a minimum, which would leave the mission achievable, but with difficulty. Dinglebarry seems to have selected 34,000 troops as a deliberate affront to the general OF HIS OWN CHOICE, just enough to assert he had met the general’s requests, without actually doing so. What if you were to pay 85% of your income tax next spring, and say it was close? What if someone were to send off AF-1 with only 85% the needed fuel on its next junket? It becomes more clear that the Big MIC (Muslim In Charge) is trying to engineeer a military disaster with the blame shifted to the commanders. Either that or push until he can provoke a military mutiny. I have not been so disgusted since congress cut off suppies to the South Vietnamese.


This guy is all about public polling/opinion, worse than Clinton was. This way he can say he is committed, while telling his lefties he’s not over-committing. Why “nickel and dime”? Is this his way of screwing over McChrystal?

Does it make anyone else cringe when he tries to “talk tough”? When Bush said “smoke em out” or “kill the terrorists”, I believe he meant it. When Barry says it, I’m sure the Haji’s are running scared……

Also, why is he making a big “reveal” out of this. Why not just commit to the “war of necessity” like he promised he would, then go ride on an elephant to your big party, oooops I mean State Dinner. Loser……


[…] This Ain’t Hell has the news. It’s good, but not great: I guess Axelrod told President Obama that he couldn’t get elected if he didn’t send some troops to Afghanistan and apparently they’ve just been bickering over the number the last few months. […]


Three months to decide to send thirty four instead of forty? Nothing about this WH makes any sense. Everything they do has to have a hidden motive because none of it makes sense and none of it matches up with his campaign. It looks like the congress and the media don’t understand it either. They just cross their fingers and support whatever he does. They have no choice.