Two Jordanians attempted to breach Quantico Marine Corps Base

| May 17, 2024

Marines at the gate stopped a box truck containing two Jordanians. The driver claimed that they were subcontracted by Amazon, and that they were making a delivery to the Post Office. However, neither the driver nor the passenger presented the credentials needed to access the base. The Marines ordered them to go to the holding area. Instead of going to the holding area, the driver proceeded as if he was going to continue into the base. The Marines deployed the vehicle denial barriers. The two Jordanians ended up in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

From Fox News:

The incident happened on May 3 at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia. A spokesperson for the base said two people in a box truck were stopped at one of the gates. The driver told military police officers they were making a delivery to the Post Office and worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon.

Because they had no affiliation to the base and no approved credentials, they were directed to a holding area for vetting.

“It was at that time, one of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Marine Corps Base Quantico,” spokesperson Capt. Michael Curtis said in a statement.

“Due to the swift response and execution of their duties, the officers were able to deploy the vehicle denial barriers, prevent any further access to Marine Corps Base Quantico, and detain the individuals who were eventually turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody.”

No injuries were sustained and officers did not report any weapons. The breach had first been reported by Potomac Local News.

On Thursday, Fox News asked Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner about the case, and he said he was familiar with the case and that the two nationals are in removal proceedings.

Additional Reading:

Shaw, A., & Jenkins, G. (2024, May 16). 2 foreign nationals in ICE custody after attempted breach at major Marine base. Fox News. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Marines

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Probing defenses, looking for weaknesses.


“Deploy vehicle denial barriers” should be changed to “employed a liberal application of .45 ACP”.


My how things changed overnight after 9/11. Earlier that year I would casually drive my young kids around Fort Lee to kill time, making sure I honked when going past the golf course. I was a snot-nosed “gonna-be” and didn’t realize the importance of tee-time for overstressed officers and the NCOs who bought into the game. Drive through the open gates, wave at the single MP standing there, and so on. My dumb self even open carried my Beretta into the Burger King on post once. In hindsight I was lucky I didn’t get the MPs called.

After 9/11, there were M240Bs on top of the entry control point shelters, Jersey walls placed to slow down incoming traffic, and access limited to valid ID holders only. By the time I got to Campbell in 2002, the lines at Gate 4 were ridiculous. Quantico was hit or miss in the mid-to-late 2000s, with their policy often being just place your ID against the window. The only open access installation I saw since 9/11 was Fort Indiantown Gap; I went there for the Battle of the Bulge reenactment in 2006 or so. Stopping by the base’s club, I realized why the gates were open, as all of the locals were drinking on Karaoke Night (the town/county/whatever outside of FIG is dry).

Last edited 5 months ago by fm2176

The before-and-after 9/11 restrictions are remarkable. The Pentagon has a pretty amazing library that I used to visit occasionally, and a number of stores in the main concourse. I would enter the building in jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers and tour the building. Nobody ever stopped me or questioned why I was there, roaming the corridors. Bus routes ran underneath the building. Walking into Ft. Myer to watch the Old Guard parade was also no problem.


But last week the media told me that there was no evidence that illegal aliens were planning to attack facilities in the United States and that Trump was completely wrong about all that.


On the other hand, all our “organs of state security” tell us bad people are constantly planning to attack us, therefore it is absolutely vital that they have the power to listen to all our telephone calls and monitor us 24/7.


“This is a test…this was only a test…If this had been a real attempt of a breach, you would of heard an Earth Shattering KA-BOOOM…followed by small arms fire taking out “targets of opportunity”. Stay tuned to your Emergency Management Authority Radio Station for further updates.”

“Get ready, Little Lady…Hell is coming to breakfast.”

If you haven’t already, you need to…Prepare.


Too bad they didn’t get the Roger Fortson treatment.

Army-Air Force Guy

Hard to believe, 30 years ago Fort Stewart was a completely open post. No front gate, no MP’s, nothing. A box truck full of diesel and fertilizer could have pulled right up to Building 1 (post HQ) and turned it into wood chips.

A Proud Infidel®™

Along with Fort Benning and a number of other Installations.


And Ft Dix and Ft Gordon. As was the Pentagon an open office building (except for the classified spaces).

Anna Puma

I first read that as “Two Journalists.”

Same difference.

Milo Mindbender

About 5 years ago somebody of middle Eastern descent tried to run the gate at Robins AFB, the guard, a young Airman popped the kill switch when they didn’t stop. The vehicle burst into flames when it hit the bollards. All 3 in the vehicle died. Don’t know what they had planned, but the Airman made a rapid decision, and they suffered the consequences. Bravo Zulu to him, doom on them.


They were Guatemalan, not ME. They never did figure that one out.


Nothing changes until Congress members of “the Squad” start getting their homes and personal places broken into and occupied by “undocumented immigrants” that walked right across the border coming from who knows where.

And even then, I’m not so sure anything changes.

Maybe more of your tax dollars spent on additional Secret Service details instead.

Just An Old Dog

Turned over to ICE? Hell no! They are working for someone. They should be in a basement somewhere near Langley getting worked on by the Gimp, a blow torch and some pliers until they start talking.