We are not a vassal state of the United States!

| May 17, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made this statement according to three people who heard him. One of Netanyahu’s aids was among the three. This comes in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s putting a hold on 3,5000 bombs that were headed to Israel. Team Biden has issues with Israel’s plans for Rafah. Senior U.S. and Israeli officials have pointed to a distrust between Team Biden and Netanyahu.

From Axios:

During his long rant at the cabinet meeting, Netanyahu compared his clash with Biden over Rafah to Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, declaring independence in 1948 over the objections of then-U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall, two sources with knowledge of the meeting said.

  • Netanyahu also noted his speech to Congress in March 2015, when he voiced his opposition to President Obama’s efforts to reach a nuclear deal with Iran.
  • That speech led to a deep rift in U.S.-Israel relations and angered many Democrats.
  • An aide to Netanyahu recounted the prime minister telling the cabinet that he knew how to push back against U.S. pressure and would do it again if necessary.
  • “When is comes to threats to our security we will do whatever it takes,” the aide recalled Netanyahu telling the cabinet.

Between the lines: Netanyahu’s “vassal state” remark echoed comments by then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a 1982 meeting with Sam Lewis, the U.S. ambassador to Israel.

Additional Reading:

Ravid, B. (2024, May 15). Bibi’s rant: Israel isn’t a “vassal state” of the U.S. Axios. Link.


Category: Israel, Joe BIden, Terror War

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Old tanker

I can only imagine what the result would have been had some country tried to tell the US that they should stop at the Rhine and not go into Germany. Or we should have stopped at Guadal Canal instead of pushing the Japanese back into their home Islands.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Was going to say that thank the Lord, Herr biden wasn’t running the country on Dec 7, 1941.


I often think that Israel makes there situation worse, by simply doing dumb stuff. I personally would not have opted for a ground offensive into Gaza. But I’m not Israeli. They have unique problems, that they have to work out themselves. Desperate people do desperate things.


I’m not trained in diplomacy, but to my line of thinking, if a neighboring “nation” invades your country and massacres your people, squashing them like a cockroach is absolutely warranted. Hamas’ publicly stated and written declaration is erase Israel and all Jews. You don’t negotiate with people like that. “From the river to the sea” isn’t asking them to share the land.

Last edited 5 months ago by SFC D

” From the river to the sea, cluster bombs and Willie Pete for me “

Major Tuddy

You do realize that your first sentence describes the Nakba of 1948? Over 700,000 families were forced to flee or were expelled by a pack of auslanders claiming to be God’s Chosen People, and that God gave them that land. Manifest Destiny, anyone?

We agree that Hamas is evil and needs to be wiped out. However, the Palestinian people have the right to live on lands that they have been indigenous to for over 1,000 years.


If the Palestinian people truly want to live on their “indigenous lands” (that’s a debatable concept), they should seriously consider a change in their tactics. They don’t want a “two state” solution. They want it all or die trying. They raise their children to hate Jews and that it is glorious in the eyes of Allah to die as martyrs to the cause. Sounds like a death cult to me.

Last edited 5 months ago by SFC D

Exactly. There will be no peace until all the Jews are dead. This is typical liberal nonsense of accusing the other side of doing exactly what you are doing.

Major Tuddy

We agree, completely. Yes, the Palestinians need to compromise; as does Israel.

At least the Israelis were prepared to negotiate. The Palestinians, not so much. I can see the Palestinians being pissed at Israel for the Nakba; I agree that they deserve reparations for that, as well as a Right Of Return. However, this does not excuse terrorism.


You do not negotiate with terrorists. Compromise is weakness in their eyes. You lay down the law, you tell them this is how it will be. If they choose to die in opposition, so be it. Insha’Allah, bitches.

Major Tuddy

Not all Palestinians are terrorists. The general population deserves recognition and respect. We agree about Hamas, though.


The general Palestinian population of Gaza is getting far more respect from Israel than from their elected Hamas government. Israel says “Hey, Palestinian civilians! We’re going to attack here, get out!” Hamas says “Hey, Palestinian civilians, Israel is attacking, stand here and die a glorious death!” They’re nothing but human shields and propaganda to Hamas. Hamas needs all the civilian casualties they can get.

Hack Stone

Hamas leaders have vowed to fight to the last man, woman and child in Gaza in order to kill every Jew. Of course, they release that inspiring statement from their 5 star suites in Qatar.

tom reynolds

None of them are palastinian’s. Arafat was an Egyptian. They raise their children to be murderers and terrorists while never producing anything of value. No country in that area wants anything to do with these barbarians because the know what they are. If they were wiped from the face of the earth I wouldn’t shed a single tear for them. God bless Israel … Show no mercy!

Old tanker

The “palestinians” rejected every concession Israel made including giving them some of their own land so they could form a country, something the pals have never ever done. Oh and BTW the Israelis have occupied their homeland for roughly 3,000 years. Long before there ever was anyone who could claim to be a palestinian.


Any population that elects an organization like Hamas to govern them deserves no respect. The so-called Palestinians have earned whatever they get. If Israel acted like Hamas and the Palestinians and Muslims in general over the last 1500 years it would, indeed, be a genocidal “naqba”.

USMC Steve

As i said above, when they elected Hamas to be their governing body, given that Hamas is a designated terrorist group, the fake palestinians became a terrorist state.


Major Tuddy… here’s something for you to watch, somebody with more credibility than any self professed middle east “expert” talking head.

As stated in the video, which pastine are you referring to?



Oh look! Our very own Hamas sockpuppet!
You might also remember that ’48 was the result of UN action. And that the Israelis asked the Palestinians to stay, and their Arab brethren are who told them to go.


SHHHH…. don’t use facts, it confuses them…


Two-State Solution was what they had then but they wanted to destroy the jews and take it all.


So, if Palestinians are more Arab than Jew, why don’t other Arab countries take them in? I belive Egypt and Jordan tried that at one time, but they started their shit there as well. Both those countries booted their asses.


You left out Lebanon. What a shit show that was.

Yeah, who wants Palestinians in their country?


They have been great to the US too. Murdering RFK, dropping bombs in Congress, hijacking airliners. Just a barrel of laughs those guys.


My mistake. I knew there was at least 1 other country that tired of their shit rather quickly. In a link I posted above, there is a guy, a son of hamas founder who recommends killing all hamas prisoners.

He also questioned which Palestine the protesters supported, and then asked about 3 or 4 versions of Palestine. None of them listed brought anything to the table but death and destruction.


Speaking of which, Oh my f****** god. Anytime that I think that they can’t get any dumber they take it as a challenge.



Will it be open season on bacon haters?


You are gonna have to be more specific


Since you brought up Nakba, which version is correct. Yours, or this one.


USMC Steve

Wrong. And the Isrealites/Israelis have been there for well over 2000 years, so your argument is null and void. The fake palestinians can suck it.


Yeah, but are we talking about a real “nation?” Gaza is ruled by a gang of terrorists. There’s no real government, no formal system of doing things, no national currency, no courts, nothing that meets my definition of a nation. Just kill Hamas, where ever they are found. It’s the 21st century, we have drones that carry everything from machine guns to guided missiles. Hamas leadership having a meeting? Shoot a couple hellfire missiles in there. Got some dead Hamas, relatively low cost. Repeat as needed. Oh, establish a mile wide DMZ along the border. Bulldoze everything and just let it grow grass. Anybody who enters gets shot, no questions. You got your side, we got ours. End of conversation.


I put the word “nation” in quotes for exactly the same reasons you did.

USMC Steve

Add to that the fact that the Ham Asses are the official elected government of the fake palestinian people, then they are all terrorist, and all should be legitimate targets.


Biden’s policy of limits in the Ukraine to keep from antagonizing the Russians worked. Ukraine has lost the war. I mean of that was what he was going for.


It is SOP for all thinking humans, when attacked by someone who wants to kill you, to respond with sufficient force to prevent them from ever trying that again.
Israel has every right to kill and destroy Hamas and its supporters.

Major Tuddy

Remember the Golden Rule; the one with the gold, rules.

Want our money? Follow our rules.


All well and good until that guy in the oval office decided he doesn’t have to play by the rules and stop approved arms shipments. Didn’t some President get impeached for even speaking about that?


While what you write may be true, I don’t recall ANY stipulations being put on Ukraine. If I’m wrong, feel free to point it out to me.

And it doesn’t have to be just you.


There are some that think the US (and/or our (s)elected officials) are vassals of Israel. YMMV That being said, I firmly support Israel’s right to defend itself and bring every weapon they have to bear. I just don’t feel as if I should have to pay for it. Nor should I have to pay for any of the other “forever wars”. The last two (2) people left alive in the ME will pick up a rock and try to kill one another. Been like that for a looooooooong time. Won’t ever change.

In times like this I can;t help but to remember statements made by three (3) of the greatest Americans we’ve ever studied…

“…avoid foreign entanglements…” G. Washington

“…despotic at home and adventurous aboard…” R. Lee

“…beware of the Military Industrial Complex…” Ike

None of that advice was taken and here we are.


“The last two (2) people left alive in the ME will pick up a rock and try to kill one another”.
History coming full circle. And there are some that think that The Jews (not necessarily Israel) are behind everything. Don’t they know that it is NOT “The Jews”, it’s the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderberg Group, and the Masons.

Major Tuddy

You forgot the UK Monarchy and the Vatican.


The Knights Templar, The Illuminati, The Order of Skull and Bones, possibly even the Lion’s Club. They’re all in cahoots.


I can vouch for the Lions Club here. They are out .

pookysgirl, WC wife

You forgot the Masons!


Nope, Masons were in the first post. Can’t ever leave them out with their dastardly ways.


Campfire Girls


They’re still around? Jr. Klan, all of them. Look closely, that ain’t a campfire…




“…beware of the Military Industrial Complex…” Ike

My favorite president. The pensions are paying off despite
his warnings and his warnings were correct.
Good jobs, good pay.