Act Now to Stop War and End Racism

| November 16, 2009

On a tip from 1stCavRVN11B, ANSWER operatives peacefully attack tea partiers in Florida – watch it before YouTube takes it down;

Funny, but everytime I see ANSWER these days, they’re swinging at someone for something. I guess that’s how they plan to stop war and end racism – be more violent and racist than everyone else.

Nice thing you have going there, Brian Becker.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck

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Wow. Excuse the french, but that is a fucked up video. Hope someone got charged.


I agree, TSO, wonder how the cops handled it when they arrived?

AW1 Tim

Seeing how these events, all from different parts of the country, are so eerily similar, one would think that a RICCO charge should be soon forthcoming.

It would be a wonderful thing if ANSWER is taken down and bankrupted because of the very actions they “take action” against.


I wonder if baldy would have been so brave if he would have been confronted by some of my friends, heh heh heh.

Same goes for the rest of those limp wristed pussies.

Army Sergeant

I hope everyone involved was charged-or was I the only one that noticed the teabagger seemed to be holding a police baton? Who comes armed to a protest?


Teabagger? Really, Selena? I guess in your mind, those on the right just have to be described with a sexual term? How about the douchebaggers hitting them with a wooden stake? And, once one is assaulted and placed in fear of injury or worse, you’re allowed to defend yourself and anyone else who is in similar circumstances. Maybe he is allowed to carry?


Army Sergeant,

Well, I would come armed to a protest. But that’s mostly because I’m armed almost everywhere. Hooray for living in a free state.

Also, it wasn’t a baton. It appeared to be part of his camera tripod.

And, it appears that if you’re protesting near ANSWER it is a good idea to be armed.

AW1 Tim

Anytime you are attacked, you absolutely must infer that the attacker is intent on killing you, and your use, therefor, of deadly force to respond would be, IMHO, justified, both legally and morally.


Who comes armed to a protest?

I go armed to the grocery store, fast food joints, the mall, video store, book store, the thrift, and even the gun store…in fact, about the only place I don’t go armed is the shower and that’s only because I haven’t found a comfortable holster that’s Head & Shoulders resistant…yet.


Also, it wasn’t a baton. It appeared to be part of his camera tripod.

My wife the professional photographer confirmed that’s a monopod/tripod. At some point he removed/pulled the camera from the shoe and was holding the ‘pod where the tilt adjust handle is facing the soppy headed commie douchebag.

Army Sergeant

UpNorth: Okay, you give me a good term! Trust me, the last thing I think when I think of most people on “the right” is sexual. If we’re talking about incorrect labeling, I don’t know how the person who took the video was able to tell that it was illegal aliens that hit him. It could have just as easily been a citizen who decided to go violent. I don’t support the violence on any side, I’m just saying if we’re talking labels..

Spade: In that case, props to him for utilizing creative weaponry, I suppose.

AW1 Tim: While I wish that were the case, I think that sadly, it’s not. Trust me, I wish that were the case. But from what I hear, you have to stop hitting them once they’re incap’d.

Claymore: I can see that. I just tend to think that even for those people who carry, protests are a bad place for weaponry, because tempers are flaring and it can give any watching police the wrong impression. I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t be armed in general, I’ve got nothing against the second amendment. Just protests seem likely to cause trouble.

Old Tanker


They are right, it was a tripod, he was trying to get pictures of their protest signs. You did notice that he was leaving when he got jacked with the sign, right?

Claymore, it looked to me like the camera was still mounted when he whacked the hippie the first time…..

Old Tanker

I don’t know how the person who took the video was able to tell that it was illegal aliens that hit him.

It doesn’t say that, the entire title was

“Tea Party Protesters Assaulted by Illegal Alien Amnesty Supporters in Ft. Lauderdale”


I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t be armed in general, I’ve got nothing against the second amendment. Just protests seem likely to cause trouble.

Many jurisdictions have statutes against carrying at political rallies…I know my state does.

Claymore, it looked to me like the camera was still mounted when he whacked the hippie the first time…..

I think so too, but he looks to have removed it when Indiana Jones was obscuring the shot. He probably destroyed that camera in the process…I hope someone at least got stitches for their trouble.


“I just tend to think that even for those people who carry, protests are a bad place for weaponry, because tempers are flaring”

You’re exactly right. I would never carry where there might be trouble and I might need it. I only ever carry a sidearm to afternoon tea parties of the variety with those clever cucumber sandwiches and to my girlfriend’s knitting club.

Old Tanker


I just saw this at Michelle Malkin’s and the still on her page shows the camera laying at the feet of the hippie as the camera guy is running to his buddies aid. I don’t think he got his camera back.


Tea partiers, SEIU, ANSWER, and the other funsters on both ends of the political spectrum starting to rumble makes me wonder when we’ll see the equivalent of Robert Bolivar De Pugh’s Minutemen and The Weathermen’s skirmishes in the future?

Ringo the Gringo

If I’m hearing it correctly, the long frizzy-haired, peace-loving, ANSWER supporter yells, “You faggot! Get the fuck out of here!” into the face of the tea party fellow with the camera. I hope his camera was on while he was attacked.

As for the police, my guess is that the cops didn’t see what happened. At many of the demonstrations that I’ve been to, the police stay far to the outer edges of the protest area. I think that this is because in the past, before Obama, everyone at a given protest was on the same side. It’s a new thing that we now have Americans screaming at each other at demonstrations.


Damn, AS, here I was holding out hope for you and I 🙂 But, alas, I’ve been hoping you could see past my “rightwingery” and just view me as the sexual object that I am. 😛

Old Tanker

Gonna have to start calling you “Dirty Old Trooper”…..

Old Tanker

…..or maybe both of us can be “Delta Oscar Tangos”!


Looks like the tea party folks responded in kind:

Old Tanker


I’m not sure what you mean…..I didn’t see any Tea party folks sucker punch the guy with a stick from behind as he was walking away……what part of the video was that?


Read the bottom of the article.

Most of the MINN-SIR supporters were slow to catch the satire, and so the cheering from that side of the crowd took a while to subside. As they realized they’d been punked, they stood in a cold, stunned silence, while the 30 or so counter-protesters urged Columbus to go home.

Unfortunately, some of the pro-MINN-SIR audience made up for what they lacked in humor through the use of violence. Both Danielson and I saw middle-aged men attack young protesters, knocking one off a bike before he started throwing punches at the young man.


Interesting how our allegations of violence come with video, and Joes comes with “Both [someone we neverheard of] and I [and my invisible girlfriend from the niagra falls area]saw….”


This isn’t my allegation. It’s an article someone else wrote, in fact.

Old Tanker

All caught on camera for the world to see…….oh wait…..kinda like all the nazi swastikas


I counter protested back in the 80’s at the Concord Naval Weapons Station during the heyday of the Contras and El Sal. The hate and vile that was on display by the hippies/peaceniks/pseudo-vets was shocking. We were two teenage boys against 700+ retreads from the 60’s. Maybe we threatened them because we were on our feet instead of on our knees, ass in the air like they prefer.


Trust me, Joe; if there were any violence against any limp wristed types, it would have been all over the news. How do I know this? Because I live in that city and am well aware of which side does what and when. I can assure you that the drooling moonbat that filed that report was one of the usual drama queens in the spirit of code pinko and the famous butt stroke on one of meddie’s protesters in Israel (who remarkably had no bruises/cuts/blood from being butt stroked).

I wish you would provide some video proof instead of a written report of “I saw this happen”. The only “teabagging” going on at that rally was the ones writing the report out behind the porta-john. What the little pussy probably saw was one of his punks get up in someones face and get his ass handed to him, but that would make it the fault of the punk, not the middle aged guy, so, they conveniently leave out some of the important information so they can claim victimhood.


Old Tanker: I like your thought: DOT’s FOREVER!!!!

Old Tanker

Old Trooper,

I didn’t catch it at first because Joe didn’t use quotes or any other identifier but the part about him “seeing” the incident isn’t “him” he copied from the story at C&L.


Oh, I know, I was referring to the article as well. Joe just felt it necessary to use, as his example, an article written by a drama queen with no video footage, or still images to bolster the story, while there is ample video footage of commie punks attacking others.


Selena, found this for you, pertains to your thought that all should be charged:
“FS 776.013(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony”.
That’s Florida law. So, seems the guy with the tripod shouldn’t be charged, nor should the guy on the ground, who stopped the ANSWER thug’s boot with his face.


Jonn as soon as this is sent I will convert it to a .wmv file.It’s not that big a deal. Then if it does get taken down we’ll always have it.


One thing for all to remember: bobo told his people to “get in their face” during the campaign. his people took it as a standing order and have been doing so ever since. What does the left expect? You get in my face, it’s gonna get physical. You take my sign away from me, or attempt to, it’s gonna get physical. You push me, crowd me, hit me with your sign, it’s gonna get physical. The conservatives are fed up. We will not be bullied anymore, as been the pattern in the past to “take the high road”. Sorry, that road has come back together now and we are not going to be intimidated anymore, so if there is violence brought, it will be met with violence. It’s that simple.


“One thing for all to remember: bobo told his people to “get in their face” during the campaign. his people took it as a standing order and have been doing so ever since.”

Its older than that. The left has been good for a long while at violence and property destruction and then crying in front of the cameras when somebody dares to hit back.

Frankly Opinionated

AS comment #5:
Teabagger? As I attend Tea Party rallys and meetings, I look around. I am surrounded by patriots, who by and large, are veterans or veterans family. Teabagger? Did you learn that from your buddy Kieth Olbermann?
IVAW is a useful idiot for the extreme liberal left, and from member A to member Z are one of a kind. Not able to stand up to a true evaluation of nationalism, nor pride in country. It is all about themselves. And you are deep in the middle of the muddle.
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”