USS Boxer turns around from deployment for repairs in San Diego

| May 3, 2024

The USS Boxer departed for deployment on April 1, 2024. Their destination was the Indo-Pacific to join other ships conducting operations in that area. While conducting integration training with the MV-22 Osprey, the ship’s starboard rudder demonstrated issues. The USS Boxer returned to San Diego where its starboard rudder will be subject to underwater repair. The ship will resume its deployment after these repairs are complete.

From the Daily Caller:

The big-deck amphibious warship got underway along with elements of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the eastern Pacific on April 1, according to USNI News. It was conducting recertification exercises with the MV-22 Osprey after a months-long grounding of the aircraft lifted when the rudder apparently broke down.

It was reportedly slated to deploy in late 2023 but did not become seaworthy until August amid command investigations, which discovered mismanagement and complacency among the ship’s engineering department and senior enlisted leaders.

“Boxer departed San Diego on April 1 for an Indo-Pacific deployment and was conducting integration exercises with the MV-22 Osprey in the 3rd Fleet Area of Operations,” the U.S. 3rd Fleet told USNI News earlier in April. “USS Boxer will resume its deployment in the near future.”

The repairs could take up to two months to complete. The Navy is conducting an investigation to determine whether “materials, parts or a faulty installation” are responsible for the engineering casualty, the Navy told USNI News in the statement.

The Daily Caller has the rest of the story.

Category: Big Navy, Navy

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Everything woke and DEI turns to sh!t.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

I think this is more diarrheal icing on the sh!t cake than anything.

When I was aboard the Boxer back in ’09, she ran just fine, bar an issue with the hot water in our berthing and an A/C unit that crapped out.

The Comstock, though….she managed to spend 7 months in Sasebo, due to a blown engine. Said engine had gone down on every workup cycle prior to us sailing from Pearl Harbor, too.

Then, to make us good and unhappy, the Navy saw fit to surface the Greenville into the New Orleans, thus putting the New Orleans in Bahrain for 53 days and leaving us to spend a full 90 days circling off the coast of Somalia.

The Navy already had problems. The current woke plague is just exacerbating them.


Left/libtards f*ck up everything they touch.


The way she keeps ending up being broke down you might think sabotage. Usually the reduction gears would be the main target, and that’s why they locked and secure. In my day, just suggesting tossing some debris in there would get a trip to see the Old Man. Steering gear sounds like a maintenance or installation failure.
You never know because there is always some land lubber crying in his rack that his girl is going to leave him if he go out to sea. If he’s so afraid of Jody, he might be capable of anything.

Hack Stone

Remember the dumbass who wanted to start his weekend early so he started a fire on a submarine? His plan was successful everyone got the rest of the month off. And then some.


I wonder who on the crew won the pot on when they would return to port?

Prior Service

Somebody give Jody* a heads-up to skip town pronto.

* Jody: Noun. The guy army wives take up with while their husband is out in the field. I’m assuming there is a nautical equivalent.

Hack Stone

The last time Hack was in National City, he saw that The Trophy Lounge was no longer open. Jody must be devastated.


About right, always a bastard…


So…a plane that can’t fly is assigned to a ship that can’t sail. Do I have that right?🤣


The important thing is that “trans right” are safeguarded.




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Old tanker

Actually the ship is sentient to about the 2 year old level and has separation anxiety about leaving the shipyard (Mom)….

Hack Stone

While the ship is sitting in port, this should give the crew plenty of time to complete their DEI training.

A Proud Infidel®™

EI, SHARP, and all of the DEI-whatever shit, apparently that is what is FAR more important than being combat- ready, POLITCAL CORRECTNESS is THE TOP PRIORITY these days.


Anyone have a rough idea as to how that rudder might weigh? I presume that they are hydraulically operated.

Would it be reasonable to think that the propeller pitch dynamics are synced with the rudder tuning?

Might be interesting learn about the design and forces that a rudder has to withstand when moving a few millions pounds of ship. Wouldn’t want to see a lot of “flexibility” in a big sea.