VFF’s March on the Hill
We were a bit overcome by events on Thursday, but Rurik reminds us that along with the Vets For Freedom, he stormed Capitol Hill on Thursday morning and sends along these photos. Rurik, our Vietnam veteran, combat engineer buddy who attended the Winter Soldier hearings with TSO and me, is the youngest looking guy in this picture;
It looks like they had a pretty good sized crowd;
Of course, you can’t have a protest in DC without at least one moonbat showing up. About Medea Benjamin in this photo, Rurik wrote; “She seems so forlorn and looked so sad at being ignored, that I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt her misery by actually giving her some attention.” Her sign says “Bachman Plan; Die Early”. Sweet sentiment, huh?
Category: Vets For Freedom
Looking good Rurik 😉
Yeah, she does look out of place. Kinda like a turd in a punch bowl. Where were all of her buds, that’s right, it was the morning. I’m sure mom didn’t wake most of them up in time.
Rurik is cute.
What, no polo shirts this time?
Way to go Rurik! VFF is a great organization. Wish I could have been there too.
“Rurik is cute.” ?!! That is why I’m not turning my back on you. Okay, maybe I must admit that I’m a little cuter than the evil Medea.
All of us in that photo are current or former Minnesotans, except for the fellow on the end, in the dark shirt, who is a retired squid from Iowa. I was saving the tan polo shirt for the next day; this photo was taken as a Military Families United reception the night before. And no, despite appearances I was not the oldest participant. There was a retired Air Force Phantom pilot who has me beet by a few years, and an Army helicopter pilot who flew Cobra gunships in Viet Nam, and later was ablbe to re-up to fly Medevacs during OIF. But I am most impressed by the young dudes who are doing their veteran activism barely after becoming veterans. They will be a formidable addition to public life for a LO-O-ONG time into the future.
I understand the Benjamin Health Care Plan is “move to Cuba, pray for quick death”.