Stupid people of the week

| March 23, 2024

Madonna calls out fan for sitting during concert before realizing they were in wheelchair

Fans are cringing online after Madonna questioned a concertgoer for sitting down during her show — before realizing they appeared to be in a wheelchair.

The longtime pop icon was performing at Kia Forum in Los Angeles on Thursday during a stop on her global tour.

“What are you doing sitting down over there?” she yelled from onstage, pointing into a cheering crowd. “What are you doing sitting down?”

Upon walking to the edge of the stage and taking a closer look, the singer added, “Oh, OK. Politically incorrect, sorry about that. I’m glad you’re here.”

Representatives for Madonna did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Video of the incident, which circulated on social media this weekend, quickly sparked some backlash from internet users, many of whom expressed disappointment in the singer’s remarks.

The video garnered more than 2.4 million views on TikTok, where it was first posted.

“WHATS HER ISSUE,” one TikTok user commented with multiple crying emoji, getting 16,000 likes.

“Something about ‘I’m glad you’re here’ makes it even worse,” commented another.

And on X, many took issue with Madonna for calling out the attendee at all.

“Lots of people need to sit down who don’t use wheelchairs, too. This is honestly just gross, ableist behavior,” one user wrote on X. “Appreciate that the person purchased a ticket and came to see you!”

Some also wondered whether sitting down during a concert was worth taking issue with in the first place.

“Does it matter if they’re sitting or standing? they paid for the ticket and took the time to be there? Isn’t that enough???” a user wrote, concluding with a shrugging emoji.

“Believe it or not, sitting down or standing up does not directly determine the enjoyment of an audience member at a concert!” wrote another.

Source; NBC News

Fairfield school resource officer arrested for inappropriate texts with 2 students

A Fairfield school resource officer was arrested after allegations that he was exchanging inappropriate text messages and photos with two female students under age 18.

The Fairfield Police Department said that after parents of a student alerted them about the allegations on Friday the department requested an independent investigation by the Solano County District Attorney’s Major Crimes Task Force.

Officer James Louis, who works at Rodriguez High School, was booked into the Solano County Jail on Saturday. He has been put on administrative leave.

Louis faces charges that include sending, distributing or exhibiting harmful or obscene material to a minor, contacting or communicating with a minor with the intent to commit a sex crime and knowingly transporting, duplicating or possessing child pornography or other material with the intent to distribute or show it to others.

“This department holds our officers and professional staff to a high standard of care, and we are simultaneously disappointed, infuriated, and saddened by this information,” the department said.

Source; KCRA

Former Mississippi officer charged after allegedly forcing arrestee to lick urine off floor

A former Mississippi police officer pleaded guilty to a federal charge after allegedly forcing an arrestee to lick his own urine off a holding cell floor under threat of harm, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday.

The officer, former City of Pearl Police Department patrolman Michael Christian Green, pleaded guilty to one federal misdemeanor count of deprivation of civil rights under color of law, the complaint says.

Green responded to a disturbance at a Sam’s Club on December 23, 2023, the complaint says, and arrested a man. Once the man was booked, security footage from the holding cell showed him trying to tell Green he needed to urinate, the federal prosecutor writes in the complaint. After not receiving a response, the man urinated in a corner. When Green was later told about the urine, he demanded the arrestee lick the urine, threatening to beat him with a phone, the complaint says.

While standing in the doorway of the holding cell, Green commanded the man to get on the ground and “suck it up,” according to the complaint, then “removed his phone from his duty vest and filmed” the man, who complied.

CNN has reached out to Green’s attorney for comment. Green has an initial appearance and change of plea hearing set for Thursday, court records show.

Pearl, located just outside Jackson, sits in Rankin County, Mississippi, which drew national attention in 2023 after five former deputies and one former Richland police officer pleaded guilty to multiple federal and state charges in connection with “the torture and physical abuse” of two Black men at a home in Braxton, the Justice Department said last year. The men are due in federal court next week for their sentencing.

Some of the deputies were part of “The Goon Squad,” a group of Rankin County Sheriff officers known for a willingness to use excessive force and not report it, as CNN previously reported.

The City of Pearl uncovered the incident involving Green over Christmas weekend, it said Thursday, and opened an internal investigation. Green was placed on administrative leave and resigned on December 27, Pearl Mayor Jake Windham said during a Thursday news conference.

The city provided video of the incident to the FBI and hired an attorney to review the police department’s policies and procedures and provide training assistance.

“We handle things swiftly around here. I think there’s a stark contrast between the Pearl Police Department in this incident and the Goon Squad,” the mayor said. “It does paint us in a negative light. I’m not running from that. I just think there’s a clear difference in how we’re handling it, than it has been handled nationally or on a local level. We have a no tolerance for things of this nature.”

“If you’re going to be a police officer, you’ve got to do things right. You’ve got to operate within the Constitution of the United States,” Windham said. “And I feel very strongly about that, and I apologize to the family of this gentleman, that was exposed to just the type of negligent and horrible type treatment from an officer of the law.”

Windham said Green had been with the Pearl Police Department for approximately six months and had “some personnel issues, but nothing like this.”

He is scheduled to be sentenced on June 12 and faces a maximum penalty of 12 months in prison, a news release from the US Attorney’s Office said.

Source; CNN

Married WA medical worker forced abortion pills inside pregnant girlfriend, charges say

A married Gig Harbor nurse practitioner is accused of forcing abortion pills inside his girlfriend in late January after she told him she might be pregnant.

Pierce County prosecutors have charged David Benjamin Coots, 49, with second-degree assault with a domestic-violence emphasis, third-degree rape and witness tampering. He was arrested March 11 for five counts of violating a domestic-violence court order, records show.

Coots is an advanced registered nurse practitioner at MultiCare Gig Harbor Medical Park. As of March 14, his staff page had been removed from the MultiCare website.

“MultiCare has no higher priority that the safety of our patients. We take these allegations of inappropriate behavior by our provider very seriously and are conducting a thorough investigation. The provider in question is currently on leave. Due to patient privacy, we cannot disclose additional information,” the medical facility said in a statement to The News Tribune on March 14.

Coots’ wife, Melissa Coots, was charged March 13 with tampering with a witness. She and David Coots are accused of showing up at the girlfriend’s house and trying to pay her to not pursue legal and medical aid as “they did not want their lives ruined,” charging documents show.

A Pierce County Superior Court court commissioner set Coots’ bail at $500,000 on March 13. Court records show that the defendant submitted a bail bond receipt and was scheduled to be release from jail the afternoon of March 14.

Melissa Coots has not been arrested, records show.

More at the source; News Tribune

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Police, Stupid Criminals

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Hack Stone

You would think that with the talent that Madonna believes that she possesses, her mere presence would be enough to make the concert attendee to stand up and walk again.


Just to clarify, there are two officer James Louis’
in that school district and it was this one. This one is the stupid one.


Nice smirk…


Meanwhile in Mississippi, Christian Green has that strawberry palette of a face and that pole smoking secret smile that says; “meet me out behind the dumpster in 10 minutes and I will rock your world”.


He should be put in the general population with his identity known and let the chips fall where they may.


Four (4) more reasons why I try to stay within the perimeter of Firebase Magnolia, only leaving when it’s absolutely necessary.

We’re gonna need a bigger wood chipper.


Someone smarterer than I can math it out, but (below) might be a more gooder option.

Without cleaning the chippah drum, sharpening blades and other PMCS could get a little nasty. Heck, wood by itself ain’t no picnic on normal wear-n’ stuff.

I hope you’re having a blast with the matri-money(gone) thing, and whatever else today is/may be*.

*calendar’s operator is unqualified at this time and deemed untrainable.


I have concerns…

comment image


You practice inner OPSEC with yourself too?!

Army- Air Force Guy

COL Flagg, one of the best M*A*S*H recurring characters.


My contribution to the SPotW:

Oakland. All of it.


WTF? How stupid are they? Rhetorical….

Around here if you leave your car for more than 2 days a tow trucker picks it up and hauls it off and lets the police know. You don’t claim it in 90 days and he can file for title. After 180 days it gets sold at auction or for scrap. There are literally ZERO abandoned vehicles at any time.


Why did ISIS-K attack people in Moscow? Just less patient than in Germany. (Chechens got two wars out of killing folk in Russia like that.)

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

I fear the great awakening of the anglo-saxon man.

It has never been pretty…



Hack Stone

I’m no Madonna fan but I’m sure she was just caught up in a moment and not being intentionally cruel.

USMC Steve

Is there some kind of rule at her concerts that people cannot use the seats they paid to sit in? Way over the hill too.