Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok
She was fucking with 21 of her students!
WHOA. A teacher in Tennessee who was arrested and charged with r*pe and s*xual ass*ult of multiple students and became PREGNANT with one of her victims’ babies was just indicted on an additional 23 charges. There are 21 known victims.
WTF is going on in these schools?! pic.twitter.com/EMw6qbO0rJ
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 12, 2024
Racist college
SCOOP: @uarizona teaches white students that they’re violent oppressors because of their skin color.
If you’re white, straight, or male, you’re a privileged oppressor. They teach that whiteness makes you violent, and there is a giant societal power system called the “kyriarchy”… pic.twitter.com/o3NCC8ZlTT
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 11, 2024
Who wants to tell him?? pic.twitter.com/s4mel8wrnr
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 12, 2024
Wait. People are still masking?
This person cut off contact with people very close to her because they stopped masking in 2024. No words… pic.twitter.com/6OUjB8u6Tl
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 13, 2024
Things groomers say for $1000, Alex
MN State Senator @ErinMayeQuade (D) says teaching kids about abstinence is wrong because “it’s weird when adults tell children when they should be having s*x, no matter when that is.”
These are the people who support giving kids gay p*rn in schools.pic.twitter.com/Of0TmlVCL6
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 13, 2024
This is why I don’t trust the government
BREAKING INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense says, “Why not just have an open border?” “Tear down the wall.”
“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away!” says Jason Beck, who has a classified security… pic.twitter.com/QSuXmgQAPz
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) March 13, 2024
Coming for the kids
More information is coming out about the secret LGBTQ club in Elk Grove. The school requires permission slips for all clubs besides this one. They didn’t inform parents and reportedly purposely hid it. Unbelievable. pic.twitter.com/7C7os73eUI https://t.co/r8iId94DVF
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 14, 2024
We have at least one SCOTUS justice that would agree with this
INSANE. During a trial for a s*xual ass*ult case, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that a female victim shouldn’t be referred to as a “woman”, rather a “person with a v*gina.”https://t.co/HCN44bspF3 https://t.co/bU9CGglocW
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 14, 2024
Oh look, here she is now
WOW. The person who doesn’t know what a woman is, also doesn’t know what the first amendment is. https://t.co/Q7NoikMdt9
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 18, 2024
You’re not born a racist. This guy had to work to become such a racist!
TikToker goes on racist tirade against white people. Says all whites are oppressors simply because they’re white and it’s life-threatening if white people are not actively working to be anti-racist
White people are the only group you’re allowed to be racist towards pic.twitter.com/fptnxrNcR9
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 17, 2024
Grammar is racist
Trans nonbinary elementary school teacher says correcting people’s grammar and syntax is white supremacist and racist.
I wonder what her students are learning… pic.twitter.com/xELoTzpkGz
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 18, 2024
Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok
Not to be rude, but where were all these hot female teachers who wanted to jump junior high school boys when I was a kid? (Probably why, in the old days, us raging hormones were taught by Coach and Grandma instead at those ages. We were much too young to be left to let our d*cks do the thinking.)
Some guys still think with their dicks even when at an age they should know better. There have been articles here where officers (college educated?) couldn’t resist.
More pull than a Mack truck apparently.
Grown up in nasty urban settings w/ violent, drug using and sexually active dumb kids (folk got pregnant and dropped out of jr high or shot dead over bangin’ somebody else’s girlfriend) it was unimpressive that superiors two or three times the age I was then (the most retarded, hormone-addled period of my life) couldn’t police their zippers like responsible adults.
I should have included enlisted as well.
Knew a guy who made SGM in 16 years and was twiddling his thumbs at 19 years waiting to drop his retirement paperwork because he stepped on his d*ck.
Kinda telling when you ask about someone and the first thing you hear is “Oh, that son-of-a-bitch, is he still f*cking lieutenants?”
Sounds like a certain 3/7 Infantry CSM when I was at Stewart. I forget his name; he was only in the position for a few months. He had eyes on one of the (admittedly attractive) S2 LTs. Eyes on is one thing, but a 30-something CSM trying to put the moves on a 1LT in her early 20s is another. From what I recall, unfortunately the officer had already had a SHARP incident at a previous unit, so when the CSM invited her to go to the beach with him, then started cornering her in the office, she went straight to the BDE SARC. My time as BDE VA was already done, and I was just biding time waiting to report to Benning, but the unit wasted no time relieving him. For some reason, 4th BDE (later 2nd BDE), 3ID had a history of CSM issues. The BDE CSM when I arrived was temporary (unfortunately for me, because his verbal promises meant nothing when he left after a few months, and I was stuck in S3), having replaced a guy who’d assaulted his wife at a military ball. His permanent replacement was a wiry burnt-out Ranger who was relieved after multiple warnings due to drinking on duty. We got a rapidly promoted CSM for Afghanistan, who’d was supposed to take a battalion in 1st BDE but was diverted to take 4th BDE instead. He was great, and later served as the CSM for Carlisle Barracks. His replacement was a CAG guy who loathed Big Army troops but who got hemmed up after allegedly assaulting a CWO who was speeding through the Back 40. My Ops SGM in MDW was the HHC/2nd BDE 1SG after I left and told me it was a bunch of BS. The CWO had passed a few vehicles illegally and the CSM had the gate guards stop him when he tried to go on the 2nd BDE compound. He wouldn’t give his name, the CSM tried to grab his uniform blouse to get it, and the cameras and guards only saw the CSM reach into the… Read more »
I remember the last incident–I was there JUL 2015-MAY 2017.
Back in my high school days most of the teachers jumping students were males. This is mostly still the case but they just don’t make the news as much. Still, it went on it’s just that you are a lot less likely to get caught. Kids were a lot smarter back then and they kept their mouth shut. Plus there was a lot less evidence because there weren’t any cell phone text messages or selfies.
If you slept with a teacher and you came out with it it was your word against theirs. If you banged Stacy’s mom you didn’t want Stacy finding out about it anyway. Short of getting caught in the act The police wouldn’t even care.
Of course, with drag queen story hour (a.k.a., Bacha Bashi) nowadays, the NAMBLA types will make all that sh*t worse… hide yer sons, warn ’em about pedos.
Is it just me, but does the Canadian Supreme Court justices look like elves on a shelf to anybody else?
Yes. They’d certainly make good tree ornaments too!
Bet they like to hide the pickle.
Good tree TOP ornaments, kept in place the Vlad the Impaler style.
Somebody needs to let her know that the Bill of Rights is designed to hamstring the government. That was the whole point. It isn’t just a inconvenience It was what it was for. It was just a little social contract to prevent future governments from becoming authoritarian.
Nah. Won’t do any good. She either can’t read, or doesn’t have the intellect to comprehend.
Either way, it would be like trying to teach a pig to sing. It just irritates the pig.
More like she don’t want to, too.
Most of us learned that in Jr. High civics or social studies. She must’ve missed that in law school. She’s just gotta keep perpetuating that diversity hire stereotype.
Well, if she can’t define what is a woman, is anyone surprised she does not understand the Bill of Rights or its purpose. I wouldn’t even allow that person to serve as a trial court judge. Well, maybe for Traffic Court. Anyone who won’t say a woman is an adult female human should not be interpreting anything, let alone the law.
Roman Moronie explains it to anti-Constitution folk best:
There will be more like her if they actually stack the court like they want to.
It never is
Wait, so I was born raysis?
Then why does it feel so right to “become aware how things are” and that ‘noticing’ actually makes it easier for me to make the decision to be consciously and conscientiously more suspicious of various categories of people (what you’d prob call ‘racism’).
I guess it’s just all that cave-dwelling and cousin fucking of my chalk demon ancestors that was bred into me, and color is the only thing that matters now!
(/s off)
You are “preoccupied” with being a FKing tool.
…and I need a shower.
Yep, gotta agree with Ms Thang in the FIRST (ht2 CW) vid…”what the hell is wrong with people!”
Do the maintenance on your MorBark…it’s gonna be needed soon.
I can’t afford a MorBark (even on an easy lay-away plan), but I can afford rope, and I have several tall trees in my yard.
I need a drink.
‘We’, Comrade. We…
I hate to drink alone. Not that I won’t…
If you have an irresistable urge to date trans women, you’re probably gay. Just sayin’.
No kidding, I’m realizing I’m truly a dinosaur with each passing year lately…
I still prefer women who were born without a penis as part of the OEM gear package.
So what physiological or biological (or illogical) process makes these guys’ voices so sickening?
Malformed balls and/or personality.
Oh, jeez… Milley whines how it was State Dept’s fault the A’stan pull-out was F*-ed up because they didn’t order NEO sooner:
Who says the Alphabet advocates in education don’t want to groom children in grade school to become sexually active with adult deviants aka “MAP’s.”https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1768097239514407151?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
See first tik toc video.
Let me start from the top:
Trans wonder woman- could it be that you are a sexual deviant that does anything?
The masking worry wart- sounds like you found out that your will does not equate to another giving up their freedom. I’ll bet you have your nose shoved in a lot more of their business besides masks. Oh, and BTW, a lot of “that Stuff” that’s going on out there, wasn’t a problem prior to 8-10 million illegals bringing it back to us.
To me, it’s VERY weird to “tell your children when they should have sex” ! I think I agree with her, but I’m not sure. After watching it 3x. In today’s world, it’s hard to tell with they plays on words.
Jason Beck: “when has a terrorist ever came in?”! He’s too stupid to argue with.
LGBT club for 3rd graders- LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!
The Canadian government has lost the last of its ever loving mind(s)
KBJ- as a Supreme Court Justice, I would hope that you know the 1st Amendment is for the citizens, not the Government!
The “Racist Caste” – funny how he generalizes all white people based off of HIS experience and opinion. Nice to know that I’m a racist because I am white and for NO OTHER REASON! I’ll go apologize for my oppression to my Indian Wife, the 3 Mexican kids, the 2 Black kids, and just for equality, the 2 white kiddos that we raised/are raising. But, nice to know I’m so powerful that I can oppress others, I guess.
I worked my way through getting an MBA, I wish that my teachers from grade school, all the way through graduate school would have believed that grammar and syntax didn’t matter because they were racist. Also, leaders not being questioned- could lead to real racism, you twit!!
Why do these left-wing freaks who talk about whitey being the oppressor and inherent ray-sisim clam to know what every white person is doing and thinking? By simply narrowing anything down to skin color, they themselves are proving who the true racist are. This people are truly sick, demented individuals.