Taking the Gaza death toll for granted

| March 19, 2024

It’s all over everyone’s feed – “Over 30,000 dead!”  The Gaza Health Ministry has been trumpeting ever-rising number of casualties, mainly women and children, daily since Hamas kicked things of with a 1200 casualty attack on Israel. Even our politicians like Biden and Austin parrot it.

Double-checking the data with independent verification will be impossible due to the lack of independent sources in Gaza. h

Well, that isn’t too shocking. The almost metronomic casualty counts, however, are a major red flag. Any given date – 270 casualties, +/- 15%… every day.  Amazing how precise those IDF guys are – sounds like they run tighter quotas than Texas’ DPS. Oh, and 70% of the casualties are women and children.  For verisimilitude  the numbers of women and children float – one day more women killed, one day more kids – but their number seem to add up to that 70% bar.

Amazingly predictable war, eh what?

Most likely, the Hamas ministry settled on a daily total arbitrarily,” he concludes. “We know this because the daily totals increase too consistently to be real. Then they assigned about 70% of the total to be women and children, splitting that amount randomly from day to day. Then they in-filled the number of men as set by the predetermined total. This explains all the data observed.”

“If these were just reporting errors, then on those days where the death count for men appears to be in error, the women’s count should be typical, at least on average. But it turns out that on the three days when the men’s count is near zero, suggesting an error, the women’s count is high. In fact, the three highest daily women casualty counts occurs on those three days.”Jerusalem Post

Credit for the number-crunching goes to Professor Abraham Wyner A professor of Statistics and Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

He also highlights that by Hamas’s own admission, 6,000 Hamas fighters have been killed, which if combined with Hamas’s data on deaths, shows that 20% of the total deaths are combatant while 70% are women and children. This implies that “Israel is somehow not killing noncombatant men, or else Hamas is claiming that almost all the men in Gaza are Hamas fighters.”  Jerusalem Post

Not sure I would dispute that last. But here is a graphic representation.



I’m sure you combat vets can attest to every day having the exact same outcome and casualty counts.  How interesting…a mathematically precise war. More likely mathematically precise bullshit.







Category: Israel

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Body counts are like votes.
It all depends on who’s doing the counting.


Agreed, they must have gotten Dominion to do the counting.


Or some after hours election workers in Philly, Atlanta, and Detroit.


Maybe they run the figures through the counting center in Detroit? Dearbornistan is just down the road. I’m sure they would provide lots of “volunteer” counters.

Hack Stone

So, Hamas is not doing the “We will fight the infidels until the last man, woman, and child” thing anymore?

What’s today’s lessons, boys and girls? If you fuck around, you are going to find out.


Since Hamas hides in schools, hospitals, and refugee camps, civilian deaths are inevitable. While its sad to see so many perish, remember they were taking to streets cheering when the rockets were OUTGOING. Now they want your sympathy when they’re incoming? Go shout “aloha snackbar!” to some who cares. Zeros fucks given

Army-Air Force Guy

Entire crowds were beating the Israeli hostages as they were being paraded through the. To hell with them, they’re all Ham Ass.


It’s from Gaza (Hamas) so you know every time Israel kills a terrorist it’s counted as five civilians.


PallyWood is hard at work, same girl rescued from rubble 3+ times in one day.


You must be mistaken…you are racist 😉
All Palestinian children look alike, and that is a very popular clothing brand so it is natural that they all dress alike too!


I note they all have the same hair color and style.

USMC Steve

Naaah, must be triplets.


Two sets of triplets thank you very much.

Forest Bondurant

Most of the photos coming out of Gaza are either staged, or reproduced ones taken in Aleppo and other parts of Syria.

More proof the media will fabricate facts to sell a narrative, and that organizations like the UN are fucking stupid enough to fall for it.


That girl is a serious shit magnet. Palestinian parents, don’t let your kids play with her.


Her uncles are already playing with her, I’m sure.

Army-Air Force Guy

Almost certain Snopes is going to say it’s a different girl in each pic.


But the news told me?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Fuck ’em…

War is hell, when you support a shit bag government that you elected that chooses to fight with an enemy capable of killing all your citizens, well your citizens are going to die…

A novel approach would be to stop trying to fight enemies you aren’t capable of beating, but the Palestinians would never stoop to peace with Israel…

Now they get what they get.

When your “government” decides murdering babies, raping and murdering children in front of their parents, and then taking hostages are the rules of engagement they’re opening a war with, thinking those ROEs won’t come back to deal horror on your own doorstep is a rather large misstep.

Last edited 5 months ago by Veritas Omnia Vincit

“ Peace will come when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate us.”

-Golda Meir


“Only the dead have seen the end of war” —Plato
Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás

“We are evil hairless monkeys.” –T. Popp

“This isn’t even my desk.” –R. Lee Ermey as Police Captain in Se7en



Absolutely correct!!!


In fairness, and, VOV, I know you appreciate fairness, we’re a full generation past blaming the Palestinians for that election. There are grown men in Gaza who have never seen a vote in their lives.

That, of course, doesn’t relieve them of their responsibility and only cowards serve in accordance with tyranny.

Forest Bondurant

The same Gaza Health Ministry (aka Hamas) that reported over 500 people had been killed at the al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital last year? 

The same Gaza Health Ministry that managed to develop a body count within minutes of the “attack” and have it reported through international news channels? 

The same Gaza Health Ministry who lied to the world and the IDF was able to discredit within a day or two?

Math is hard.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Maff be raycisssss.

Last edited 5 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Lies, damned lies, and statistics. We just need to feel grateful that the Bad Orange Man was not (s)elected in 2020. We would of found ourselves involved in another war somewhere.

The good news is Black Rock stock is doing quite well and Joe is getting his 10%.


 At Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the tunneling electron microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. If I were using that microscope right now… I still wouldn’t be able to locate my interest in Gaza. 


My interest in Gaza is somewhere in my non-producing field of fucks that I sold.


What a quarky thing to say.


Atom Ant was unavailable for comment.

Green Thumb

comment image/revision/latest?cb=20230312214219


On the whole “those guys versus the other guys” sitch, I’m tore ‘tween not giving a F and not giving a S.

I say take whole Wing of C-5s, load up (image) that’ve been dipped in lard, airdrop them ‘itches right over top the whole AO, and let objections become reality, setting a condition where the most convicted win.

And the good people on both sides (to the extent they exist, because they must!) get to wax the tyrants of their choosing because those are ubiquitous among our ‘rulers’ ample for our habitual failure to act.

I may be pointing at Israel/Palestine with one finger………


I like that idea. 👌

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

I’m just going to say: as it happens, I’m Jewish.

Which means my children are Jewish too.

This entire situation has had me keeping a very close eye on it. I, my family and my friends are seeing it all coming again. As it has in the past. As, no doubt, it will in the future, because for some people, the only good Jew can ever be a dead Jew. (Seriously, there are whole BOOKS on this topic.)

I wish I could tell you all that I weren’t very tired. But I am. I was very tired before all this started, what with three young children and a farm to (try to) keep up.

I will never pretend the government of Israel is perfect. No government is. I will never pretend all Jews everywhere are perfect. We’re not. We’re often loud, we’re often demanding, but we demand of ourselves first and foremost, and we argue with the sky a great deal. Teyve’s quote from Fiddler on the Roof has been getting repeated a great deal these days: ‘Lord, I know we are Your chosen people. But just for once, could you choose someone else?’

I’m tired. But my Mosin is not far from me. I hope I won’t have to use it.


Sadly: that sounds like a LOT of America today. I’m tired, you’re tired, we’re ALL tired. Somehow in the past 100 years or so we went from diplomatic statesman who felt the call to serve and did their best for their COUNTRIES interest to professional career politicians who are on the graft and have turned a 100K annual salary into MILLIONS. Somehow, someWAY they bilk people into re-electing geriatrics into power. These same people are who can’t even stay away at congressional meetings. Yet, they want to lecture US on what’s “good” for us, unilaterally vote to send BILLIONS to foreign countries who hate us in the name of “diplomacy” and attempt to pass these omnibus spending bills that tie foreign aid to border aid and scream across the aisle, “See? SEE!!! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE BORDER!!”

I’m tired, you’re tired. My kids are 14,12, and 10. They’re tired. Im tired of half my salary going to people that can’t work/wont work. I’m tired of people not even in my country lecturing me on global warming when 83% of the top 100 cities are in India.

I’m tired. But, my go-bag is packed, my pantry is stocked, and my garden is planted. It’s gonna go to hell eventually and I am hoping I live long enough to have a ringside seat.


Jus’ sayin’…

It’s Time To Batten Down The HatchesPosted on March 19, 2024 by bustednuckles
If you have been paying attention, several things added together recently suggest that there is literally going to be a shooting war inside the United States of America in the very near future.
The most obvious clue is the millions of fighting age loner male illegal immigrants that have been invited across our borders by the current illegitimate administration.
The Commie Bastards in charge have also informed us that the term Illegal Alien/Immigrant is no longer allowed to be used.
Fine, then we shall start calling them what they really are.
Enemy Combatants.
Then we have certain states like California who are allowing the Enemy Combatants to be Police Officers and now we have a Federal Judge who says it is perfectly fine for them to own guns.
Those 3 developments alone should be all you need to add up to see what is coming down the pipe.
Everything else at this point is a distraction.
I suggest you prepare accordingly.


It is nothing but Pali-Nazi propaganda put forward by Hamas. Where are the numbers for the dead Hamas fighters? Or, their WIA?


Really, only 6,000 hamas fighters since October have died, but at least 24,000 women and children have killed by IDF munitions?


Maybe if you count the ones that are being shot at the IDF but land on hospitals INSTEAD..

Prior Service

So 30k killed, and only 6k are Hamas? If we factor in six degrees of separation, then I guess that means 12k Hamas supporters and 12k potential Hamas recruits. I’ll take those numbers, though I’m in agreement with the analysis presented in the article.

MSG Eric

Everytime I see “Gaza Health Ministry” all that means to me is, “Hamas is claiming…”


Unintended consequences??? It’s a shame that they didn’t expect the Israelis to not only defend themselves but to ensure that their enemies were never able to do it again. The world has went crazy, but it seems our brother and sister citizens have taken it as a personal goal to “be first”!


The reaction was completely intended It was the point. Arab states were recognizing Israel which is a huge calamity for Palestine. Israel wasn’t going to attack on their own so they had to make them attack. Now they can throw the victim card all day long.