Illegal alien charged with murdering nursing student

| February 25, 2024

Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, illegally entered the United States via El Paso, Texas, back in September 2022. He was subsequently released into the U.S. via parole. Ibarra is accused of murdering Laken Riley, a nursing student with the University of Georgia. Manny of the illegal aliens coming into the country are not fully vetted, if any vetting is done, and many among them have committed crimes in their own country.

From Fox News:

Twenty-six-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, the suspect charged in the murder of nursing student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia campus, is a Venezuelan national who crossed illegally into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022 and was released into the U.S. via parole, three ICE & DHS sources told Fox News.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., shared his condolences with Riley’s family and friends while also reemphasizing Republicans’ efforts to pass border legislation.

“The brutal murderer who took the life of Laken was one of the millions of illegal aliens that the Biden Administration simply released and unleashed upon our country,” Johnson wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“For Laken, and the countless many others lost to this border catastrophe, House Republicans will continue to fight tooth and nail for a return to law and order. Mr. President, use your existing statutory authority and CLOSE THE BORDER!,” he added.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp posted a letter sent to President Biden on Saturday, “demanding information” on Ibarra’s immigration status and calling for a holistic approach to border safety.

“Joe Biden’s failed policies have turned every state into a border state, and I’m demanding information from him so we can protect our people when the federal government won’t!” Kemp wrote in an X post.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: Government Incompetence, Illegal Immigrants, Joe BIden

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Fuck Joe Biden.



I fear the Molester-in-Chief and his anti-American cohort will never be brought to justice while fleshed.

God willing, we will see what the future holds.

“Prepare” –Arty McGeorgiaburg


When you’ve been paroled doesn’t committing another crime usually get it revoked and incarceration is resumed


And George Soros.


You know the Devil’s waiting for his ass.

Amateur Historian

Hopefully not too long.

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, there will be firings of DHS personnel. The ones to be fired will be those who provided the media information about the suspect being in the country illegally.


Heads will roll. The guv penned a strongly worded letter.


Another one of their “best and brightest” that are only coming here to kill the people that Americans don’t want to kill.

My sources tell me that this POS is not just a “suspect” but did indeed kill this girl. So now the taxpayers of Georgia will have the added expense of trial, incarceration, and care of this POS for 30-60 years. I would love for “Old Sparky” to be hooked back up, or better yet, bring back public hangings and televise the event for all to see.

Millions of illegals in this country means that if only 10% are dirtbags, we have millions just like this POS. It is even obvious to Ray Charles (a blind, dead man) that the current (s)elected federal grubermint is deliberately ignoring their duty to defend the country against an invasion of murderous scum.

It’s just going to get worse…Prepare


Dammit KoB, you stole my line… Mayorkas and biden should be held responsible as accessories, and seeing as there’s video evidence, and he’s here illegally, he and his brother who lied to police to protect him should be summarily executed… of course this is all in a just world, and the Department of Injustice has proven that we no longer live in such a world.

Be damn sure you vote this november, and do what you can to ensure that the dims aren’t as successful in their cheating as they were last time around.

Prior Service

The commies had exactly one thing right. The willingness to ask for “your papers, please.” We, on the other hand, won’t do it at the border or ballot box. And yet most libs are commies? Somebody explain this paradox to me.


They’re not asking until they have control and peasants to rule over.. Make no mistake they plan to follow tradition as soon as they think they can… Why else are they trying so hard to destroy the 2nd Amendment..


Imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.
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Never forget…these are their words…Prepare

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And yet nothing is done… “Trump never proved there was fraud”.. amazing what happens when you can’t even present such evidence


Yep. There’s only one (1) box left that We, The People have left that can save Our Republic. Sad, ain’t it.


Yep, the sheeple are to stupid to be persuaded by the soap box, and the dims have completely corrupted the ballot box…

Green Thumb


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I have a quick and easy one-last-time deportation that will guar-an-damn-tee that he will never offend again.
It can be done anytime, anywhere with any person.

Wrap his illegal ass in chain-link and drop him off the coast of your choice.


Gee, it would be a shame if some of the folks in cell block D did a public service and some this dirt bag didn’t wake up one morning.

Hack Stone

How much does a pack of smokes cost in the joint these days?


Medical or recreational?


Three grams (enough for about three cigarettes) = $40.00

But forget about smokes, they say the new currency in the slammer revolves around Ramen noodles. / s


Banning smoking in all federal facilities, prison or not, kinda did that.
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A Proud Infidel®™

It’s not just Hispanics, many from Africa, the middle East and CHINA have been apprehended crossing illegally.

FUCK. Joe. Biden.

Hack Stone

Apprehended, then released. They keep telling us that the border is “secure”. Somebody buy this administration a dictionary.


“secure” in securing a student loan for future default
and forgiveness.


As has been noted, the only reason to get “asylum” here is if you are being politically persecuted. Not seeking better opportunities, not being poor, not liking where you came from. And also not being a fleeing felon.

The Biden assholes are flagrantly ignoring, disobeying, and trampling on the law. Mayorkis needs to be thrown from a tall building.


They know what they are doing. They proved the border could be secured at any time. In December Blinken went to Texas and met with the Pres of Mexico. And then “poof” suddenly border crossings in Texas dropped 76%. Of course all the traffic was immediately diverted to California with California seeing new all time highs.

Once Trump has been errr neutralized… and the election over they will turn the spigot right back on.


As has been said:

Slow Joe

Why do we tolerate this?


Because becoming a vigilante is still illegal.

Hack Stone

Those on the Woke Left speak of vigilantism as being a bad thing. It means to be alert and aware of your surroundings. How is that a bad thing?


When people they attack do it.


Don’t worry, the commie cuttlefish will be here soon to tell us how throwing open our borders to scum like this makes us a better nation..

Hack Stone

“Diversity is our… you know the thing.”

President Joe Biden


AmeriKKK is racist and owes them good sh*t stolen from them in colonization or sonething…


The first thing he will do is call us all racists because we want this invasion stopped. I personally don’t care what race the illegals are.
If they didn’t get or stay here legally they should be deported.


F*ck that pendejo, give him the chair. After a few years in El Paso, I’m fresh out of sympathy.

Hit-and-runk drunk driving on I-10 without a license or insurance that leaves people dead? Because having so much as a ticket screws getting a green card and they “can’t feed my poor family”? F*ck you, puto— they got licenses, car insurance and laws against your selfish BS behavior in Mexico, too.

Mexico gave your dumb sh*tbag ass a map (along with those freeloading Hondurans you traveled with) because they don’t want you either.
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Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Oh, and he got busted in NYC for running over a kid while driving w/o a license before this latest sh*t… gee, I’m shocked. /sarc:

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

As trump said, they aren’t sending their best and brightest. Trump was right. Again.

Old tanker

Make no mistake, this is not just president dementia. This is the policy of the entire demokrat party. If the party HQ and senior members of the party were not all on board with this bullshit the border would have been closed years ago.


Go ahead, liberals. Justify this.


“It’s part of their culture to rape and brutalize unescorted women… no, wait, that’s muslims– aw, f*ck it, they’re all dirty brown people we don’t want in Martha’s Vineyard with us.” –Liberals (truth be told)

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Back in the 1990’s some politician in Southern California wanted to prosecute adult males for statutory rape who impregnate teenaged girls. Some Democrat politician opposed it, saying that adult men having sex with teenaged is part of the Hispanic culture and it would be racist to expect to follow society norms in America. Now just imagine if a Republican politician said that adult Hispanic men had a propensity to impregnate teenaged girls.


They are trying

“Don’t jog alone”

And don’t forget when Illinois advised women to vomit or urinate on their attackers….

“You’ve come along way baby” has evolved so well /s


Just love how non-violent progressives always let anyone else die for their freedom and beliefs… often with them having their own armed security.

Major Tuddy

President DeSantis would end this 🐂💩 very quickly.


You forgot :/ at the end of your comment.


Once the parasite invaders get the hint The Donald will be back in the WH, hold on to your seats. There will be a panic bum rush on the borders (not just the southern – northern, east coast, west coast, gulf coast). Hordes of locusts. The parasitic invaders easily outnumber our law enforcement & military combined. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

Major Tuddy

As much as I would love to be proven wrong here, I don’t see that happening.

I want Trump back; so do many of you. However, I’m reminded of an exchange between Adlai Stevenson and a reporter. The reporter said, “Mr Stevenson, you have the vote of every thinking American.” Stevenson’s response? “Thanks, but I need a majority to win.”

Trump has the vote of every thinking American. Too bad that the idiots and useless eaters outnumber the thinkers.

Last edited 7 months ago by Major Tuddy

The establishment cabal absolutely fears Trump. He even called it before all this current brand of crap/scam court proceedings started when he said “We got em, We got em all”. They fear retribution for not only the shit they pulled on him, but also for being exposed for the shit they pulled on us. Let them swing freely in the breeze from the corner lampost.

Even the gov of New York had to publicly admit to investors that the law recently passed in New York was to get 1 person, and that everybody else had nothing to worry about.

Can’t wait to see all this come back around and take a HUGE bite out of them. What’s that saying… Don’t let your tiger mouth override your paper ass. Or don’t let your mouth write checks that your body can’t cash. You get the idea.


Unfortunately, I have to agree that the idiots are strong in numbers. I had IDT the last three days in a university town. I could feel the stupid around me. I wasn’t ease-dropping, but couldn’t help but overhear the conversations while in restaurants or while navigating through public. I could feel myself getting dumber just from hearing them.


Yep– GTFO, putos!

Skivvy Stacker

Cotton Eye Joe is absolutely certain that this is the fault of Trump, and his border policy.


He needs to be impaled alive. Where the other illegals can see.

Then impale the others if they so much as fart.


It worked for Ol’ Vlad the Impaler. Those invading Muslims definitely got the message.


One or the other…works for me…

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embrace the power of AND…


Oh and this… a weak-minded individual falls for the “woke” leftist BS and sets himself on fire in front of Israeli embassy over “genocide” (and not Hamas killing Jewish peopke):


More of that… LA Times had to editorially qualify the “Hamas attack bad, but Israel genocidal” blather it because it was so dumb:

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

The 25-year-old male active duty member of the Chair-Force was obviously fully indoctrinated into the cult of progtardism, as one of its articles of faith is pro pali-Nazi-ism.


He was also an anarchist who advocated for disarming the police and the military.


And card carrying Antifa.. Imagine that.. maybe he was buddies with Commie-Tsar


I’m still in on the police thing. Might be a crime surge for a while but it will drop like a rock after the purge and never come back.


They had a pentagon spokesman on earlier talking about Gaza. They asked him if his internet behavior would have been deemed extreme? He non answered and then said that sitting yourself on fire was an extreme act.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC
Veritas Omnia Vincit

Huh, we were told these fine young foreigners were only here to pick the strawberries that Americans no longer wanted to pick for themselves…