Biden Repeats Claim of Son Beau Being Lost in Iraq

| February 1, 2024

I guess in the spirit of repeating something often enough – it becomes true – Biden repeats the claim of losing his son in Iraq.

This time, it was to the grieving Gold Star parents of 24-year-old Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, who was killed in Jordan.

Biden repeats dubious claim about son’s death in call to fallen service member’s family: ‘The nerve’
‘My son spent a year in Iraq; that’s how I lost him,’ President Biden told the parents of 24-year-old Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders

Kyle Morris | Feb 1, 2024

President Biden repeated a dubious claim about the death of his son, Beau Biden, during a call with the parents of a U.S. service member who was recently killed in an attack on a base in Jordan near the border with Syria.

While speaking on Tuesday to the parents of 24-year-old Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, who lost her life in an Iran-backed drone strike this month in northeast Jordan that killed three service members total and injured 25 others, Biden said he lost his son to the war in Iraq.

During the call, which was first shared by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Biden told Shawn Sanders and Oneida Oliver-Sanders that their daughter was being posthumously promoted to sergeant.

“Oh, well, I tell you what, it means a lot to me,” Biden responded. “My son spent a year in Iraq; that’s how I lost him.”

“Oh wow, that is the best news I’ve heard today, thank you so much,” Oliver-Sanders said as she and her husband were brought to tears. “You don’t know how much that means to us.”

In contrast to his claims, Beau Biden died from glioblastoma, the most common form of brain cancer, in May 2015 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Beau served a tour in Iraq from 2008 to 2009.

I think cancer from a burn pit got him.

I wonder if the parents found that comforting?

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Army, Iraq, Jordan

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Fuck Joe Biden.

Amateur Historian


Don’t we all.


No matter the catastrophe, that old fool makes it about himself. Yes, his oldest son died…in a bed…from cancer…years AFTER he was JAG officer in the Guard. Speaking to people after fires in Maui he blathered on about a small kitchen fire at his house. The guy is a fucking of shit, and the fucking media NEVER calls him out for all his fucking lies.


I’m sure he wishes it were true at this point. He has said it enough, the sick FJB

Forest Bondurant

“My son spent a year in Iraq;…” (Obviously a lie. FJB’s son didn’t spend a year in Iraq. His son was activated and sent to Ft. Bliss for a few months for pre-deployment training.)

“…that’s how I lost him.” (Everyone knows the second part is also a lie. FJB’s son spent 7 months in Iraq, at Camp Victory, where they had running water, functioning toilets, and scheduled trash removal. In 2008-2009, it’s highly unlikely anyone stationed there would be exposed to burn pits – unless the amenities there had them (e.g., Burger King, Pizza Hut, Subway, the dining facility, novelty shops, Cinnabon or Taco Bell))

rgr 769

Based upon what I know about Army JAG officers, I fail to see why one would need to visit a burn pit. Moreover, I doubt that the flag officers in charge at Victory would allow a burn pit anywhere near them.

Glioblastoma is the most common brain cancer. There is no evidence it has been caused by exposure to fumes from a burn pit miles away from the HQ where spent his seven months in Iraq.


The mocha syrup at the Green Bean coffee joint was 50% asbestos and the milk was sourced from cows Saddam had genetically modified to produce sarin.


Betcha ol’ Beau was pounding on the counter at the PAC to get the HHB commander to sign the memo granting him a CAB for being 195m from that indirect fire impact (well within the 200m or less standard in the reg, you know) there, by gum!

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Lying, classless, self centered, egotistical, grifting, pedophylic POS.



Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel! By the way I can think of several other thinks I could say about that lying piece of liberal pond scum.


Tad Poles gotta eat too… there’s only so much comfort in that fat Jill Biden Frog Butt.

RGR 4-78

Does anyone know if Beau was as big a white powder hound as his little brother Hunter?

If he was, it might have contributed to his brain cancer.


Maybe Beau used KU band to dry out his swimmer’s ear after enjoying the pool at Uday’s palace…?

It’s was a hard knock life on Liberty, especially at 1700 hours trying to find a place to hide from Retreat and To the Colors.


Promotion to the next higher rank is the norm for those lost in combat zones, especially to enemy action. FJB had nothing to do with it.


How come every Iraqi doesn’t have cancer?


How come everyone over the age of 60 isn’t already dead? Some of us were breathing pollution before pollution or the EPA was invented. There was a trash/garbage incinerator within walking distance of my house when I was a kid. Not to mention used motor oil sprayed on bare dirt to keep the dust down, carcinogenic dry cleaning, etc. And that’s just civilian life. Up to our elbow in solvents while cleaning weapons, which were disposed of in what are now considered “inappropriate” ways. You think the “tainted” water at Camp LeJeune is an isolated case? Think again.

Then there is the second-hand cigarette smoke BS.

Hack Stone

And his son Hunter lost $2,000,000 in the Champagne Room of The MPire Club.


Beau gets all the recognition from daddy, hunter gets less and his granddaughter doesn’t even get acknowledged.

We all see how hunter turned out. I don’t even think want to think how his granddaughter is going to turn out

Oh yeah… FJB.

Hack Stone

Which granddaughter, the one it took five years to acknowledge existed, or the one that Hunter drained her college savings on hookers and cocaine?


“President Biden repeated a dubious claim about the death of his son, Beau Biden…”

It’s not a “dubious claim”. It’s a blatant lie.


Blatant lies are only “dubious” when uttered by D-rat politicians, according to our MSM. Them calling it dubious is proof it is a lie.


Maybe he meant he “lost him,” as in forgot he joined the military and knew where he was until someone told him he was in Iraq.

Given the fact that he often forgets he’s even on stage at times giving a rambling speech, I could possibly believe that .


You would think his handlers would put a stop to his crazy twisted lie about his son. I was walking through the TV room and heard this last night and I felt so bad for the parents who immediately knew he was fake as hell on that call.


People that believe this shit probably wear Covid masks while driving.


Yes, driving alone. That always gets me when I see that. Usually, it is Asians.


Actually, Asians tend to mask up when they have sniffles or colds out of consideration for their coworkers. Part of it is a work ethic, not wanting to miss any work, but generally they were trying to be nice. And yes, they would continue wearing the mask in their car on the way home.


But why? Do they just like wearing them? Although, I have noticed quite a few people caught on surveillance videos of the smash and grab robberies and car jackings seem to be wearing them. Also, the gloves as well. They must just be trying to keep the store staff safe from viruses.

Slow Joe

Yes, but is different, because Asians wear it to protect others while Covidians wear it thinking it will protect them from the rest of us.


So not only are Asians smarter than us, they are also nicer than us?


Or blacks or white women.


Masks seem to be an Asian thing. I saw many Asians wearing masks before Covid.


COVID masks are a blessing if you’re fugly and you know it


There’s Covid-mask porn now, too.


Don’t want to catch an incurable disease.


Can burn pit victims cite Brandon to support their own VA claims?


If they have glioblastoma, it won’t do them much good, as they will likely be dead long before the VA acts on their disability claim.


I notice our beloved SecDef was at Camp Victory during the same time frame as Beau. Maybe his prostate cancer was caused by the same burn pit. Perhaps he and Beau ate lunch together next to the burn pit.


Doesn’t matter if it did. VA says yes, it’s presumptive, no, it isn’t disabling, no percentage increase for you. Thanks for stopping by, super sorry the Army gave you cancer.


I thought it was only presumptive if one could prove likely exposure to Agent Orange.


Reproductive cancers are now considered presumptive under the PACT Act.


Sorry not sorry.
It’s how we deal with grief and trauma. IYKYK.
Fuck you, get on the bus.


I was born a poor black child…


Classic line.


I’ll tell ya what… son Beau died fighting the Viet Cong in Iraq. But before he died, Beau had the pleasure of serving under my Uncle Frank. You know what?
My Uncle Frank fought the Japanese in Afghanistan during the Korean War. He single handedly killed 50 Confederate rebels! That’s how Uncle Frank won the Iron Cross that I pinned on his chest during a ceremony in the garage with my Corvette while I was VP. My butts been wiped you lying dog faced pony soldiers




Damn near pissed myself reading that


I heard it in Joe’s mumbly voice. I need a drink.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND he has a Luger he took from a dead VC in downtown Baghdad!

Army-Air Force Guy

“AND the Iron Cross ceremony took place while my entire house burned to the ground.”




Amateur Historian

Marine: Yes, Mr. President. For the umpteenth time!


Well, SFC D and the ninja family were at Bagram when there WAS a Burn Pit in early 2002 during OEF…We still remember the OIC of that Burn Pit, an Engineer, O4/Major who reeked of smoke everytime we ran into him.

That burn pit was near our working area as well as where we bedded down. Did not think much of it then…

After 21 years, the ninja family and SFC D are still here…and so is that OIC…

Joe Biden has Narcisstic Personality Disorder. No wonder Hunter ended up the way he did.


I remember that pit. The burn pit in Balad really fucked me up though. That deployment was one long asthma episode.


“O4/Major who reeked of smoke everytime we ran into him.”

Everyone on LZ Jane et al. reeked of smoke. And shit. Kind of took some of the fun out of being in the rear.


I wonder how many times FJB’s handlers have had to face-palm themselves over his shit?


I wonder how many times FJB’s handlers have had to face-palm themselves over his shit?

Slow Joe

Humm…the mom has a hyphenated last name…

Ok. I won’t go there.


Slow Joe:

You mean to tell me you have yet to serve with any Soldier of Hispanic background that uses a hyphenated surname?

They are out there. We know. We had a pleasure of working with (or they worked for us) a couple of Male Soldiers, Hispanic background, who had hyphenated surnames…


Slow Joe

This is different.
The father is Sanders, the mother is Oliver-Sanders.
Obviously she kept her maiden name and hyphenated it with her husband’s last name.

That ain’t hispanic.
That’s a democrat naming convention.

But it doesn’t matter.


Hispanics with hyphenated last names is quite common. But I would think many would be too long to fit on a name tag.


Change my mind.
God help us all.


He told them who he was for 4 decades.

They failed to listen.

Buckle up, buttercups!


Hell, I remember when Brian Williams and Field Marshall BoBo “Bidet” John-Kerry-Von-.Biden ran out of rolling papers while singing back-up for Sha-Na-Na.


It’s not a dubious claim, it’s a lie.


I can’t imagine the pain of losing a child.

However, every time he is allowed to tell this fairytale, it’s an insult to those that gave the fullest measure while in uniform and to their families and loved ones!

I don’t wish cancer on anyone. But to let him get away with this lie, confusion, ignorance, dementia, -whatever you want to call it, is wrong. It’s even worse because he is the leader of the US! I never thought I’d witness the incompetence and ignorance be ignored by the rest of the government/country, in order to benefit for the sake of a personal bank account!

I’m too old to worry about me, but I absolutely worry for my kids.

I buried a close friend today that I served with. Known him for 18 years. He came from Venezuela at 15 YO, not knowing English. He worked hard, became a citizen, joined the Army, built a marriage and family, made it to E8, and would kick your ass for disrespecting this country or its flag. That’s what this country is! Not what the “Rich Men North of Richmond” think it’s here for!

Till Valhalla Tony! I love you brother and miss you already!


Just read that remembering events that did not happen is a symptom of early dementia or Alzheimer’s. Of course, in the Groper’s case it is hard to tell whether he now believes his fabulist lies. Also, he has told so many made up whoppers for the past 30 or 40 years, that it is hard to know what he now believes is true.

Old tanker

Why is anyone surprised? I doubt the dementia in chief even knows what day it is unless his wife and handlers tell him.


If you are a veteran and you vote for Biden, take your DD214 and wipe you a$$ with it. That’s all it’s worth in your possession.

Yeah, I said it and stand by it.


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