Tennesse couple committed TRICARE fraud, spent lavishly

| January 30, 2024

Jimmy Collins, 59, and Ashley Collins, 37, defrauded over $65 million from TRICARE. The Collinses ran a medical clinic that leveraged a network of doctors and nurse practitioners to bring them customers who used TRICARE. This network apparently prescribed prescriptions that were not needed, and then referred them to this clinic. The clinic charged TRICARE thousands of dollars beyond the actual cost for the prescriptions.

From military.com:

From 2014 to May 2015, the Collinses ran a medical clinic that used a network of doctors and a nurse practitioner to recruit service members and other Tricare beneficiaries to receive specialty medications they didn’t need in return for kickbacks.

The prescriptions were then filled by a pharmacy in Bountiful, Utah, which billed Tricare at amounts of $10,000, and in some cases up to $20,000, per prescription — enough for the Collinses to cover the cost of beneficiaries’ copayments, provide payments to participants and spend lavishly on themselves.

According to the Justice Department, the Collinses used their taxpayer-funded wealth to finance a lavish lifestyle, purchasing an 82-foot yacht, two Aston Martins and other luxury vehicles, three pieces of real estate in Tennessee, gold and silver bars, and a multimillion-dollar investment annuity.

“Today, defendants who defrauded millions of tax dollars intended for the care of our nation’s service members were held accountable for their crimes. Yachts and Aston Martins are a fantasy now, and prison is the reality,” U.S. Attorney Tara McGrath said in a statement.

The Collinses are among hundreds of defendants pursued by the Justice Department in the largest case of medical fraud in the Pentagon’s history.

You could get more information form military.com.

Category: Society, Veteran Health Care

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Forest Bondurant

If they do any prison time, they’ll be primed to run for office once they’re released.

Hack Stone

When told of the amount of fraud committed against the government, Phil Monkress said “Hold my Budweiser Trident.”

Arny-Air Force Guy

Phildo citing the above example during one of his employee motivational meetings: NOW THIS IS THE KIND OF GRIFT- UH…MOTIVATION I WANT FROM YOU PEOPLE!”

Hack Stone

Phil Monkress’ favorite John Wayne movie? True Grift.


Thieving c*cksuckers. Wonder how much they stashed in an off shore bank account?

In related news, I saw where that skrunt in Texas that stole $100 mil will be allowed to retire with full benefits.

This is why we can’t have nice things…and the VA can’t look after deserving vets…and the taxpayer is $34 TRILLION in debt.


Last edited 7 months ago by KoB

That is a b******* right there. In most states if a police officer gets caught in corruption they pull his retirement. Just goes to show you a power of the union.


“Rules for thee, but not for me”…and while we’re at it… “Protection for me, but not for thee.”



Check This Out…He’s A Kindegarten Teacher As Well!

“Military Veteran Faked Using Wheelchair For 20 Years To Collect $660K In Benefits”


“A Veteran in New Hampshire admitted he spent the last 20 years bound to a wheelchair to collect more than $660,000 in benefits for his fake injury after he was busted “walking normally” following visits to his Veteran’s Affairs office.”

“Christopher Stultz, 49, pleaded guilty Thursday to making false statements to the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2003 to collect a 100% disability rating”.

“Stultz’s elaborate scheme started in Jan. 2003 when he told the VA that he could not use his feet after leaving the service, granting him a substantial rating.”

“A 100% disability rating currently ranges from $3,800 to $4,200 monthly, but the compensation has fluctuated over the years.”

“Stultz also obtained funds through the VA’s Automobile Adaptive Equipment to purchase “special cars and vehicle adaptations designed to help mobility-impaired veterans.”

“Stultz, a kindergarten teacher at Antrim Elementary School, received $662,871.77 in VA benefits he wasn’t entitled to between Jan. 2003 and Dec. 2022.”

“Before coming clean to his lies, Stultz had been witnessed and recorded multiple times walking without needing a wheelchair or other ambulatory device to move around.”

“Stultz’s sentencing date has been set for May 6, 2024. He faces up to 5 years in prison and three years of supervised release.”

“He may also be ordered to pay back the entirety of the funds he fraudulently received over the years.:


His picture at his Kindergarten class…

“Veteran, 49, Admits He Faked Using A Wheelchair For TWENTY YEARS To Claim More Than $660,000 In Benefits After Former Kindergarten Teacher Is Pictured STANDING In Class Photos”


“Stultz apparently went along with the scam while he was employed at Antrim Elementary School. According to the school’s website, he worked as a kindergarten teacher, and before that, a library media specialist.”

“When DailyMail.com reached out to the elementary school, a person in the main office said they could ‘not comment,’ but revealed that he ‘no longer works at the school.'”

“On his social media page, Stultz is pictured sans wheelchair while participating in several activities with his former students. In one photo, he is seen ‘standing’ straight while dressed in a costume. In another photo, he is seen sitting with his students during storytime.”

“According to the U.S. Attorney´s Office, Stultz claimed in early 2003 that he could no longer use his feet. His claim prompted the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to rate him as 100 percent disabled, and increase his monthly benefits.”

“Stultz’s deception was revealed when law enforcement officers ‘surveilled him on multiple occasions’ walking normally, and without the use of his wheelchair.”

“In 2021, Stultz used a wheelchair while inside a VA medical center in Boston, but after leaving the facility, he stood up and lifted the wheelchair into his car.”

“He then drove to a mall and walked around various stores…:

“A year later, Stultz repeated the same actions when leaving a Manchester VA medical center, driving to the mall and walking around…”

“Prosecutors said that several people who knew Stultz – going back to the early 2000s – said they had never known him to need a wheelchair or other ambulatory device for mobility.”


If I were in a wheelchair I would do a “roll by” on his house.




Forest Bondurant

“I got better…”




He’s no Billy Ray Valentine


Dude’s full name is Christopher Neal Stultz, born August 1974.

Articles have him identified as an Army Veteran.

We are thinking of US Navy since he lived at Great Lakes, Illinois and Jacksonville, Florida.


Easy fix. Sentence him to receive the disability he claimed.

A simple spinal cord severing could probably done under local anesthesia. Walk-in at 9, roll out at noon!



How did he get away with this for 20 years?????


Lying like the piece of shit…got a neighbor who lies about everything just like this asshole..


Clip his achille’s tendons. Anesthesia? Nah.


This fraudster bastard is only going to get a an eighteen month sentence per his plea deal. Which means he will only serve 13.5 months of this federal sentence.


Good Lord…meanwhile the CBOC in my town cant seem to keep providers and I get shuttled around to ‘covering providers’ and my last 2 appts were teledoc appointments who were 2-3 hours away.

Fuck me….why is it the people that do most to keep this country free and contribute the most to society get treated worse than illegals and layabouts?


We get what’s selected for us. 81 million votes, remember?

Sarc off

Green Thumb

Graduates of the All-Points Logistics School of Executive Management.

Hack Stone

Just wondering if the prison he serves his time in will be Americans With Disabilities compliant.


So long as we are piling on with frauds… You’ll never guess who else at Harvard doesn’t have any original ideas…..



When the DVA budget is over $250 BILLION, what’s a few hundred million here or there?

And yeah, that was sarcasm.


I know you meant to say $325 Billion.


I’m curious as to how these people get away with it for so long! I understand getting away with it for a while, but years?

I’m afraid of getting audited all the time, and I’m honest as far as paying for my own lunch when per diem would cover it.


Plus, have burdensome weird rules that seem to make no sense…
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Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

This all makes sense now. My daughter needs special eyedrops in a % that the base pharmacy does not carry. You can’t just dilute the stuff, but Tri-Care would not cover the cost…seemed odd, but now it makes sense