American troops on the ground in Yemen

| January 30, 2024

For a while, the White House refused to admit that there were troops on the ground in Yemen. In January 17, Brigadier General Pat Ryder said that he was not aware of any US forces on the ground in Yemen. The Department of Defense backed his statement and said that it was accurate. However, a report from the White House from December 7, 2023, showed where US troops were deployed for counter-terrorism operations. Yemen and Jordan were among the countries listed in the report.

From The Post Millennial:

Troops are on the ground in Yemen, according to a report from the White House. When asked if there was a presence there, the Pentagon refused to acknowledge the reality earlier in January.

“A small number of United States military personnel are deployed to Yemen to conduct operations against al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS,” the White House told Congress in a December 7 report.

In a press briefing on Jan. 17, Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder was asked if he could say with confidence that troops were not on the ground in Yemen. He responded, saying, “I’m not aware of any US forces on the ground.”

After reporting on the contradiction, the Intercept reached out for comment from the US Department of Defense.

“Maj Gen Ryder’s prior assertion that there are no US forces on the ground in Yemen remains accurate,” DoD spokesman Lt. Col. Bryon McGarry told the outlet after the report’s publication.

The Post Millennial has additional information. The White House report details where US troops are conducting counter terrorist operations.

Category: Military issues, Terror War, Yemen

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We already know the Pentagon and White House have communication problems. Sad state of affairs when our two most senior military leaders, the CinC and SECDEF, seem to avoid each other like the plague.


Sad state of affairs…” Naw, fm217…we’re in a sad state of confusion. Some think that this has been brought about by prezzy sniffy creepy’s incompetence, others of us think that is a planned, deliberate part of the “fundamentally change the face of America…” plan put in place by the JEF and other foreign and domestic enemies of our Country.

My personal opinion is that the only country that we should have troops in is OUR Country. Yeah, I get the reasoning behind the whole “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” thing. However…while we have been spending untold amounts of American Blood and Treasure “over there”, defending other’s borders, we have allowed untold amounts of invaders to pour across OUR borders and into every section of OUR Country. We WILL have to fight (((them))) over here, because (((they))) are here. And how has that “fight them over there worked out? Not too freaking good, eh.

The primary purpose of the American Military should be to, well…DEFEND AMERICA, not defend the world, or more importantly, be a social warm and fuzzy feels good experiment. Run the numbers. If only 10% of the millions that have invaded us over the last 3 years have nefarious plans, (((they))) outnumber the total military service people we have world wide. The 69th Intersectional Dildo Brigade is more concerned about which bath room/pronoun they can use while our enemies are training up on how to kill them all.

Still think we’re gonna vote our way out of this? Don’t know about y’all, but for me and mine…we are going to…Prepare


It only takes 2% of the population to have an uncontrollable insurgency. They have let nearly that many people in already.

History will show Joe Biden to be the worst US President of all time…. Possibly the last.


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image


When you say “allowed”, is that a code word for encouraged, aided, and abetted?


Yes…and you may want to add the prefix…treasonously.

Old tanker

So the good General isn’t aware of any troops on the ground…. Does that mean he has them circling in a holding pattern above the ground then? Or did he just pull them back across the line on the map before the press conference?


Yes the new alien acquired technology allows us to fold space, and be in two spaces at once. So technically he was stating the truth, that he was not aware of anyone stepping out the bubble at that time to be physically on the ground in Yemen, not just based there!


All of the troops in Yemen jumped in the air as the general unloaded the latest delivery of bullshit. Therefore, no troops on the ground.


“I see nothing. I know nothing.”
— Sgt. Schultz, Hogan’s Heroes.


Man, that AI generated image is too much. That troop is ready for Skynet to jump right out of that computer screen. Anyway…

No one knew where SECDEF was for several days, not surprised a lowly one star doesn’t know where everyone else is. Bureaucracy in action.

Prior Service

As long as those Soldiers have the gear necessary to allow the USAF (or USN, I’m not picky) to deliver 1000 or 2000 lb GBUs on target, I also say “we don’t have any troops on the ground in Yemen.”

Green Thumb

Someone should check with Austin on this…..


Well, luckily there was congressional approval and Lloyd Austin is on top of this…

RGR 4-78



Schrödinger’s Observational Uncertainty meets Heisenberg Limit of Time-Relationship in SOCOM operations: Even if you observe them, did you really…? And if you did, based on the remaining time you have on this planet, did you really?

Forest Bondurant

Not a fan of any press spokespeople (and certainly not defending MGen Ryder), but had I been the one asking the question to LtCol McGarry, I would have confirmed his statement (hence DoD’s position) that there weren’t any U.S. forces in Yemen – put him on the defensive.

MGen Ryder didn’t make that assertion. LtCol McGarry did. 

When MGen Ryder was asked if there were U.S. troops in Yemen, he said he wasn’t aware (meaning that he did not have knowledge, or that he had not been informed of that fact). 

MGen Ryder didn’t say there WEREN’T troops in Yemen, he just said he wasn’t aware if any were.  

I think there’s a distinction, and Pentagon spokespersons need to be made to squirm now and again.