Who wants to be the last to die for Kerry’s lies
The Washington Post reports that John Kerry is satisfied to maintain the status quo in Afghanistan. Kerry is perfectly happy to let the Taliban and al Qaeda run around the country raising Hell and lowering Afghans’ trust in the US commitment to their security;
“We do not yet have the critical guarantees of governance and development capacity” in Afghanistan, said Kerry (D-Mass.), who just returned from a trip there. “I also have serious concerns about the ability to produce effective Afghan forces to partner with, so we can ensure that when our troops make heroic sacrifices, the benefits to the Afghans are clear and sustainable.”
So until we get these nebulous “critical guarentees of governance and development capacity”, the folks we have deployed there can just suck eggs.
Kerry said he came away from his conversations with McChrystal in Afghanistan convinced “that he understands the necessity of conducting a smart counterinsurgency in a limited geographic area. But I believe his current plan reaches too far, too fast.”
Of course, Kerry is drawing on his vast experience as a Navy lieutenant with three months in Vietnam who personally chased down an unarmed teenage Vietnamese boy and shot him in the back, much like he’s shooting our troops in the back now.
But Kerry claims that more bureaucrats in Afghanistan are more important than more troops;
The senator also said that the U.S. civilian presence in Afghanistan is “disgraceful compared to what it ought to be.” He said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton understood the urgency of dispatching civilians to help improve governance and provide services. “They’re trying to find people as fast as they can,” he said.
Yeah, who is going to secure the area so those civilians can ply their trade? How many US civilian employees are going to die for John Kerry’s latest lies?
Kerry also took time out to take some shots at the Bush Administration, according to the Washington Times;
He said former Vice President Dick Cheney has no grounds on which to criticize the president after eight years of failed policy in Afghanistan.
“This from a man who in 2002 told Americans, ‘The Taliban regime is out of business,'” said Mr. Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat and chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. “This is one time I wish he was right.”
Another botched joke? The Taliban is out of business – they don’t run a country anymore. Of course, John Kerry can rectify that like we did in 1988.
It’s almost funny (if it wasn’t so tragic) that the Democrats claim that we can’t afford to maintain the status quo with our health care system, but it’s perfectly OK to do so in Afghanistan. It’s no wonder the troops think we don’t give a shit.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Usual Suspects
[…] and defeat” al-Qaida in Afghanistan – a strategy endorsed by our very own Gordon Brown. Who wants to be the last to die for Kerry’s lies – valorguardians.com 10/26/2009 October 26th, 2009The Washington Post reports that John Kerry is […]
Maybe HRC can dispatch the ACORN workers who helped Freakin’ Franken steal Minnesota? Meanwhile, John, “he served in VietNam”, Kerry continues to prove that the Swift Boat Vets were absolutely right about him. “Unfit for Command”, truly.
I can’t eee-ven comment on why this asshole’s opinion matters.
What do we know. We are to f***ing stupid to understand, or get of Ira…er…Afghanistan.
Advice from a lying cowardly traitor who ran from combat after 4 months and abandoned his troops. I’d like to go to combat with him, the circle on his back would be hit by every troop serving under him, that is if he survived the dozen fraggings before he got to the field.
Well, let’s see?
I wonder what will be the “peace with honor” phrase this time around?
Is Clinton (either one) available to have meetings with the taliban ala Kissinger? There won’t likely be any Paris peace accords since Sarkozy is a bit miffed with Obama. Maybe Norway will stand in? Seems they’d be willing; Obama winning the Nobel and all that.
This bit of history is being written by those who define what happened in Vietnam as a victory… their victory.
Great, now that he’s done digging the rice out of his ass and putting himself in for medals, he’s the end all beat all of theatre military strategy ‘cuz he can’t find Cambodia on a map. Who in the f%*k is listening to this guy? Oh, right, Joe Biden, the “other” Stratego warrior…..What do we need Generals for anyhow?
This is only one of the myriad reasons that I f***ing hate John Kerry and his bullsh*t military pseudo-strategy. Since when does he matter anyway? Why the hell are we suffering these fools? Americans are going to DIE because of this a**hole’s half a**ed prognosticating and head-up-his-a** myopic view of central asia, radical Islam, and just about everything else.
Standards before status worked so well in Kosovo, let’s try it again in Afghanistan.
Security comes before infrastructure, which is a hard won lesson from Iraq.
In the words of Lt. Gen. Russel Honore – John Kerry is stuck on stupid.
[…] from Botswana to tell the Premier of Lesotho that he thinks he’s uber swell or maybe he’ll send John Kerry to play rock paper scissors with the Taliban and settle this whole […]
This is going to be different. Kerry(he served in VN) will be against the surge, before he’ll be for it.
Okay, no offense to those of you from Mass, but what the fuck? How the hell do you keep electing this asswipe? Let alone the former Ted “he served honorably” Kennedy, and Barney “I didn’t know that the male prostitute was running a business out of my apt” Frank. Granted I am from a state that elected a dead guy to the senate (Mel Carnahan), but is it one of those things where a pedophile is running against them every year? I wouldn’t trust this fucker to run a girl scout troop sing along let alone stategy where our brothers and sisters are getting killed.
General John Kerry also just announced that President Obama’s Commanding General in Afghanistan is moving too far and too fast in regards to his plea for additional troops. In the Same breath Kerry warned that the United States cannot risk a shift in strategy that would narrowly focus on hunting terrorists. Well if McChystal dosn’t get the troops he needs don’t we need to downsize the mission?
If and when the president abandons us, I would suggest we all go to DC and toss our Iraq and Afghan medals over the fence at the white house.
I think it would be much more appropriate to toss Kerry and his ilk over the fence!!