The US and Iraq to negotiate end of US-led military coalition

| January 25, 2024

The US is leading an international coalition in Iraq assisting the Iraqis with their security. However, events such as the escalating back and forth attacks between the coalition and the militias attacking them have led to a desire to end the coalition. The U.S. initially set preconditions requiring that the attacks against the US military stop. The US side may have dropped these preconditions.

From Reuters:

The United States has 2,500 troops in Iraq, advising and assisting local forces to prevent a resurgence of Islamic State, which in 2014 seized large parts of Iraq and Syria before being defeated.

Hundreds of troops from other mostly European countries are also in Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition that was set up to fight Islamic State.

That mission’s presence in Iraq has come under increasing pressure.

Iraq, a rare ally of both Tehran and Washington, has witnessed escalating tit-for-tat attacks between militias and U.S. forces since the Gaza war began, with the militias seeking to pressure the U.S. over its support for Israel.

U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria have been attacked about 150 times by Iran-aligned militants based in Iraq, and the U.S. has conducted a series of retaliatory strikes, the latest on Tuesday.

The escalating violence has led Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to call for the quick exit of U.S.-led coalition forces via negotiations, a process that was beginning to be initiated last year but stalled when the Gaza war began.

Washington had been unwilling to negotiate a potential withdrawal while under fire, concerned it would make any change to the mission seem coerced, thereby emboldening regional rivals, including Iran.

But the calculus changed amid a realization that the attacks would likely not stop and that the status quo was leading to steady escalation, two of the sources said.

Reuters has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Iran, Iraq, Military issues

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Old tanker

You know damn well that when the movement happens, the terrorists will still claim it was coerced by their actions and claim victory, no matter what.


The democratically elected government of Iraq, which the Americans created, has voted for and demanded that all American troops be withdrawn from their country.

The Americans have refused. There is a legal name for that.

At some point, the hypocritical policies can’t be talked over anymore.


I am curious why Iraq has to negotiate the removal of foreign troops on its soil.


Don’t worry, the bite me administration has plenty of top people with the knowledge and experience to successfully withdraw from anywhere. There will be no evacuations from rooftops by helicopter. It will be a secure and orderly withdraw prioritizing the safety of our troops. Practically no one will be left behind and held hostage.

And those attacking us in Iraq will get the same treatment that ISIS-K was promised when we fled from Afghanistan. Which is to say empty threats, So they better watch out.

The country will be twice as safe and secure as it was when Obama withdrew back in 2011. Maybe even three times. No large insurgency will take over the Western half of the country that hates the eastern half. Or the northern part that hates the southern part. Everything will be totally great. And if it isn’t, it was because Donald Trump did something bad.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(cue the Indiana Jones “Raiders of the Lost Ark” finale)

My reaction exactly.


“In a statement issued by the Brandon Administration, spokes…person… H. Balz said, “In our ever-increasing efforts to create equity, we want Iraqi veterans to feel the same as Afghanistan veterans”. In response to a question about what further DEI efforts may be in the offing, she/they/it said, “we are always looking for ways to provide equity for our veterans. It is important this generation of veterans have the same experience as did our veterans from our previous longest war.” In other news, Hines VA, Jesse Brown VA and the region’s CBOC’s are in discussions to consolidate facilities and services.” – probably in an upcoming Babylon Bee.


It’s fine, I already feel screwed over.

Drag Racing Maniac

…heh heh… heh heh… balz…


“Well, this is going to end well.”

Me. 21 years ago.


Good… we don’t need to be there


Have the engineer/sapper troops wire everything we built/or leave, put everybody on an aircraft, take off, then blow hell out of it all. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. As Old tanker said, the terrorists will claim they run us off no matter what. The last two (2) Middle Easterners left alive will kill one another with a rock. We have wasted way yonder more American Blood and Treasure on this area of the world. Enough is enough.


Sounds fun!


I love this idea. I’d come out of retirement just to prime that final charge. I’ll even do it for free.

You don’t even have to pay me. Like one of those flights to Saigon they give ‘Nam vets so they can “come full circle” or whatever.


But let the Kurds keep their share. They’ve earned it.


Fuck ’em. Leave the shit hole to them with the warning, “You export your terrorist shit outside your borders and we will be back, once, from above.”


I don’t understand this “negotiations”! I thought we just got on planes and left! That includes leaving all of OUR (taxpayers) stuff behind!

What’s going on with this?

But seriously, we will pull out and Iran will use Iraq (more than they currently do) for moving weapons and supplies to the Hamas- Hezbola. Then when ISIS( or the latest named version) takes over again, we’ll get some of our kids killed, maimed, hurt to go back in there and start over again.

I feel like I read this story before!


You did, back in 2011.

I was there you see, one last deployment before it all went away. And then a retirement not long after because I knew that somebody was going to have to go back. Things are better there now that they have been in the last 50 years. But when I talk to my former Iraqi friends now living in the United States they have no plans to return. Because going back makes no sense.

For most of them, America is the only Nation that their children have ever known. They would like to keep it that way.


We’ve already left there twice, maybe three’s a charm.

Prior Service

Cue the emergence of a strongman psycho in “America Leaves + 5.”

The only questions are whether he’ll be Sunni or Shia and if he’s secular or a religious extremist.


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