Texas Border Standoff
Texas Guard standoff with feds continues, despite Supreme Court ruling
Texas officers are still erecting border wire and some Republicans are calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to defy the high court.
By Davis Winkie and Uriel J. García, The Texas Tribune
This article was shared as part of an ongoing project between Military Times and the The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit newsroom that informs Texans about state policy and politics. Sign up for The Brief, its daily newsletter.
The Texas National Guard and state troopers are still rolling out concertina wire and preventing Border Patrol agents from accessing most of Shelby Park, a 47-acre Eagle Pass park that sits on the bank of the Rio Grande where thousands of migrants have crossed.
Those continued efforts come despite the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week vacating a lower court’s decision that prevented Border Patrol agents from cutting the state’s concertina wire to apprehend people who already crossed the river.
The Supreme Court’s 5-4 order didn’t give any reason and didn’t explicitly say Border Patrol agents were allowed to access the park or that the state had to remove the concertina wire. So the state has doubled down and some Republican lawmakers have said Texas should defy the Supreme Court’s ruling.
According to NBC News, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the federal agency that oversees the Border Patrol, sent a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office Tuesday demanding that immigration officers be allowed access to the park.
They sent Governor Abbott a sternly worded letter, but the chattering class is already calling for Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. The only reason to do so is to keep the floodgates open to illegals entering the country. As migration now tops the list of voter concerns this would be extraordinarily stupid, but this administration is full of surprises.
Category: Biden, Border, Supreme Court
Federalize the Texas national guard. Relieve any general officer that obeyed the governor after the Supreme Court ruling. Relieve every leader in the chains of command of any unit that continued to put up concertina wire and block the boarder patrol after the SCOTUS ruling.
Give permanent letters of reprimand to any officer that followed the orders. Counsel any NCO that followed the orders. Hold refresher training on the duty to disobey unlawful or unconditional orders for all soldiers in the Texas National Guard.
And that is the minimum that needs to happen.
What unconstitutional orders were given by the Generals in the Texas National Guard? If you are concerned about federal laws being ignored by those in power, do you care to comment on what DHS is doing? They are obviously not following their mandate under this administration.
Detentions are higher under Biden than they were under Trump. Even higher than they were before Covid.
States have no authority to enforce our national boarders. It is ENTIRELY federal authority.
This has been ruled and affirmed multiple times in nation’s history. Even by this sitting court in their decisions to deny standing for states to sue the federal government over border enforcement and vacating the 5th circuit stay on allowing the border patrol to remove barriers placed by Texas authorities.
The constitution is clear, and SCOTUS has been clear on this for two centuries; states have no authority to enforce national borders.
Any officer following a state order to disrupt or deny federal authorities efforts to manage border enforcement is violating the constitution.
A senior officer should know that. A general is incompetent if he doesn’t know that. More likely they knew that and did it anyway, which makes them unfit to continue to serve.
“Detentions are higher under Biden than they were under Trump. Even higher than they were before Covid.” Ver doubtful! Why have we not seen entourages of Reps and Senators visiting the detention centers, with teary eyes, and screeching about tearing families apart?
“States have no authority to enforce our national boarders. It is ENTIRELY federal authority.” Have you read each state constitution? The states have a right to defend themselves if their government is not going or willing to.
“Any officer following a state order to disrupt or deny federal authorities efforts to manage border enforcement is violating the constitution.” The unconstitutional part is coming from the feds refusing to secure the border. Most of those Soldiers have families being affected by this unhinged border fiasco. A Soldier has a responsibility to NOT follow unconstitutional orders.
“ A senior officer should know that. A general is incompetent if he doesn’t know that. More likely they knew that and did it anyway, which makes them unfit to continue to serve.” you just described the JCS for the las three years.
The number of detentions and deportations by year is public information.
You can check yourself by looking at the DHS and ICE annual reports. Reports they are required to produce each year.
Hell, even under Obama deportations and removals were higher than Trump.
Highest in our nation’s history. Which is why Obama had the nickname “Deporter in Chief”.
They (the feds) are counting every engagement as a detention. They then, under order, are letting them on their way. That is not a “detention”!
That is false.
Total removals, returns, and expulsions are at an all time high.
You know what else is at an all time high??
Illegal border crossings because the federal government isn’t doing its job to secure the border. In fact, they are actively doing the exact opposite.
Are you sure that you’re not just OK with this is because it means more progressive voters for your side?🤔😉
Detention and removal are at an all time high.
They are doing their job.
The problem is not that they are not doing their job..the problem is immigration attempts -legal and illegal-, and global migration in general is at an all time high.
Some of it can be explained by a sort of “backlog” of immigration as many prudent people that wished to emigrate stayed put during Covid due to the risk of getting sick during the journey.
But most of it is because things are not great in many places. And most countries had weaker economic recovery than the U.S. following Covid.
Many countries are also highly destabilized and dangerous…Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Columbia, Argentina…
Most immigrants are doing what humans have always done throughout the entire history of humanity…migrate from a place that is unsafe or where they unable to feed and shelter themselves and their family…and migrate to a place they can.
Great Dred Scott, Batman!
Most here ain’t cool with a two-tiered citizenship status and the abuses to us, and these illegal aliens, is a step too far.
Legal and lawful immigration ain’t that hard.
Unless you’re calling these poor people stupid…
They arer not immigrants. Immigrants come to the US legally. What you’re defending is illegal immigration and fraudulent asylum claims. These are not refugees.
SFC D- they have changed the name again to Migrants now. You really need to stay up on the latest lingo! 🤷♂️🤪
Nope, they’re illegal immigrants. I ain’t changing. Changing the name of a turd doesn’t make it stink any less.
Exactly right. See my reply above about that very thing.
Wow! Blast from the past. I haven’t heard that song since I was 14-15yo. I always liked Genesis/Phil Collins.
You have no clue where the people are from. Would it interest you to know the 100,000 Haitians came across the southern border last year. 20,000 Russians? 40,000 from India. The countries that you mentioned historically represented well more than half of all illegal immigration. It is now less than half.
“Most immigrants are doing what humans have always done throughout the entire history of humanity…migrate from a place that is unsafe or where they unable to feed and shelter themselves and their family…and migrate to a place they can”
And this is why there is a shortage of U-Haul trucks and trailers in the state of California. Nailed it, Commissar!
“Detention” and “removal” are not benchmarks to prove success. Had Obama or Biden enforced immigration laws, the need to detain or remove anyone would be less. The number of “detentions” and “removal” during the last administration were fewer because laws were being enforced. They were lower during COVID because of the admittance restrictions under Title 42. Any safeguard to reduce illegal entry into the U.S. were removed by Biden, and here we are.
Well, I’ll give you credit on this, you sure do get ALL of MSNBCs talking points down!
Just because you change the name from “ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION” to “MIGRATION” doesn’t change what is happening and it doesn’t make it right!
Under Lord O, Or Trump, we never witnessed groups (caravans) of thousands walking right in. That has only started under the current dumbass and cackles.
Also, when you watch the videos and look at the pictures, you will notice that MOST of the “migrants” are fighting aged males. What is the left going to say and who are they going to blame when some shit goes down in this country resulting in a lot of dead folks? Even the intel agencies are saying that it’s coming!
Will y’all use the words “treason” and “insurrection”?
Joe invited people to cross the border illegally.
Therefore, more people are crossing the border illegally.
It logically follows that since crossings have increased exponentially, so shall removals, returns, and expulsions.
Tell the whole story, stop cherry-picking stats, and just go sit in the corner quuietly. You’re not only a fraud, you’re creating facts that don’t exist. We call that a liar. You may go now.
I will go ahead and take your advice on this.
Arguing with most of you is a waste of time.
Mostly you all just regurgitate shit you hear from your propaganda echo chamber and when confronted with actual data just double down anyway.
“Arguing with most of you is a waste of time.”
Because you’re wrong.
IMHO Major Moonbat aka Commissar has a mind like CONCRETE, it’s mixed up and permanently set!!! 😀😀😀
I’m not arguing your numbers. They are correct. What you don’t understand, and dont care to understand, is the reason behind those numbers. The numbers are based on fraudulent efforts by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their supporters. I’m not regurgitating talking points, you’ve cornered that market. I’m telling you what I’ve seen, what I’ve experienced, what I know, and what I’ve lived. I don’t live in an academic utopia, force-fed liberal/progressive pap. You’re clueless, ignorant of the world around you, and a total fraud.
Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up.
That is because we are arguing with someone whose grasp of reality is very tenuous. Buh Bye Felicia.
And there you go again, projecting like a multiplex.
Yes, according to liberals, the U.S. Constitution and the expectation of the government to do the job it was fucking elected to do are considered propaganda. Thats probably the most accurate point youve made in at least 1,000 posts.
You feeling alright?
If “Village idiot” was a listable occupation, you would have an absolutely STERLING resume’!
He never invited people to cross the border illegally.
And I didn’t cherry pick stats. I stated the stats as they are and linked the stats so you can see for yourself. I linked the entire crosstab.
Yes, you’re cherry picking stats. You’re quoting numbers while wilfully ignoring the facts behind the numbers. Obama changed the rules to increase the percieved number of deportations. I don’t need to use your links, I watched this happen in real time. Yes, your numbers are correct. But they’re based on the actions of a fraudulent president manipulating the numbers so you could swallow them whole, in very much the same fashion as you would happily swallow your lord and master Obama’s weewee. A whole new definition of getting “all wee wee’d up”. You’re a fraud, an indoctrinated stooge.
The hell he didn’t. See the video below, moron.
I don’t know about you, but it sure sounded like Joe Biden rang the dinner bell when he said this.
Bullshit, I heard him say the “migrants” in Mexico should “surge” the border during one of his campaign events. Then on his first day in office, he reversed every Trump policy and action to keep out illegal aliens.
Sure detentions and removals are t all time high but you know what else is out at all time high?
People staying. Millions and millions of illegal immigrants staying.
You know what else is at at all type high? Illegal drug imports, human trafficking, people entering the southern border for places other than The Americas.
It’s kind of like a saying we arrested twice as many people but crime went up 1,000%.
So yes, you’re still a moron.
Even if that is true which I doubt, the sheer number of people crossing the border illegally is at an all time high. The number of people being released into our country is many times higher than during President Trump or any other president. Stop rooting for the destruction of our country and way of life!!! I got it you’re a loser with an expensive education that still has gotten you nowhere, you hate our country, and way of life. Communists are always malcontent losers, and flooding the country with poor people is how people like yourself want to destroy the affluence of Americans and make it easier to introduce communism. Countries with a large percentage of people doing well don’t look to socialism, poor people and educated losers such as yourself do.
Recent history shows us that reporting on your own success in order to show your success returns…success. Thank goodness .gov informs us so reliably about “truth” because our eyes are soooooo lying. How’s the micro-plastic in your face diaper today?
Please pass around what you’re smoking.
Ew. Ragweed/Oregano blend with traces of Roundup.
Some joker I knew at Ft. Benning used to take the tobacco out of a cigarette, replace it with oregano, light it, and casually walk around the barracks. The reactions were amazing. Smells just like Mary Juana. Or so I’m told.
Needs more RoundUp!
Alas Commissary, the great leader has declared the border not secure.
Hey everyone, firehoses and garden hoses have different flow rates.
If you ignore that, jackhole’s argument is plausible.
Math is difficult for you, isn’t it. More crossers = more detainees. More crossers caused by your two favorite Presidents, Obama and Biden.
I did just check, and your math is deficient.
You swallowed that propaganda- hook, line and sinker! But I guess that your side gobbles up anything that slips from Lord O’s mouth.
Riddle me this. If that is true and Obama deported more than anyone in history, and was so strict regarding border policy and law,
WHY did the left lose their collective minds when Trump took over the policies that were already in place? I know you’re going to say that he changed the policies, but it’s historical and easy to find!
If you choose to believe these lies, that’s your business. Just don’t everyone to keep their eyes closed too.
Apparently, DHS is calling the few hours they are holding the illegals turning themselves in, while processing them as “detained.” Thereafter, they are “paroled” and given a free cell phone and transportation voucher.
Why should the federal government be concerned with who Hack Stone sublets a bedroom to (boarders)? But the Federal Government under the Biden-Harris Administration is not enforcing existing federal laws and protecting the border (not boarder). If they were, then why are the Mayors of Chicago and New York saying their cities are about to collapse under the burden of taking care of “undocumented immigrants”? Are you saying that the border is secure? If so, could you please submit a urine sample for illicit substance testing?
Detentions, and removals of immigrants are at an all time high.
Higher than under Trump…higher than under any president in history.
And Obama was higher than Trump as well.
In fact the two presidents with the highest detention and removal numbers are Biden and Obama. In that order. Trump is fifth. After Clinton and Bush.
That’s because Trump kicked everybody out that came so nobody came. If you don’t have much crime, there aren’t many criminals to punish.
That is correct dumbass, because they didn’t try to come over under Trump.
So, you’re saying that Obama and Biden are racist? They must be, if Donald Trump was called racist for enforcing existing immigration laws.
You are obviously at “an all time high”. Is that a crack pipe or syringe I see? I suggest you seek counseling.
Obama, the originator of separating families and “Kids in Cages”. No, not the imaginary ones that AOC wept imaginary tears over.
They refuse to enforce federal laws because they hate anything predicated on the Constitution. (They’ve been saying for years that the Constitution is outdated, so they’re making up new rules as they go along.)
(Curious how the left hated SCOTUS when Roe v. Wade was overturned (when the abortion issue was sent back to the states to decide), but now the left loves SCOTUS because of the recent border decision debacle.)
“Detentions are higher under Biden than they were under Trump. Even higher than they were before Covid.”
Cherry picked statistic. Detentions were lower under Trump because border crossings were lower. Next, you’ll tell me that Obama deported more illegal aliens than Trump. It’s True. Why, you may ask? Because your lord and master moved the goalposts. Any illegal alien that was spotted and returned to Mexico ON THEIR OWN was scored as a “deportation”. You’re correct, state’s rights are limited as to border security enforcement. States also have a moral and ethical duty to step up, protect and defend their citizens and border when the feds fail. And they are failing spectacularly. You sit there and preach duty, honor, country from your liberal bubble, while those of us on the border have been dealing with this for decades. I will publically sate that as a senior non-commisioned officer, if I was in the Texas National Guard, I’d be stacking concertina wire as fast as it could come off the truck. Spare me your phony, righteous indignation. Your platitudes are as fraudulent as you are. Stay in your beloved home, wallow in your liberal utopia, and leave the border crisis to those of us who deal with it. You’re dismissed. Fraud.
Article 1 section 8 clause 4 on naturalization?
Article 1 section 8 clause 18?
then based on powers laws are passed (you know that whole “i’m just a bill” cartoon thing).
Naturalization has Bo diddly to do with immigration.
This whole thread has a great tune
playing in the back ground.
Love Tom petty.
Nope, wrong again. Even DHS says the opposite and shows that more illegals are crossing than at any time in history.
Still mentally residing in your parallel universe, aren’t you? Where are these 9 million who crossed our border under Biden being detained?
Detained, processed, and released into the interior with a “promise to appear” roughly 9 years later.
Detentions of Americans (not illegal aliens) that is.
Article I, Section 10
“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”
I guess it all depends on what the definition of “invaded” or “in such imminent Danger as will not…” is.
“Detentions are higher under Biden than they were under Trump.”
By itself, a meaningless statistic, even if true. If illegal crossings are higher, one would expect detentions to be higher.
What diseases are they bringing with them?
How… progressive.
Article 1, Section 8 problems come with Article 1, Section 8 solutions. This is a state privilege thing now, bucko.
The Fed has failed on all accounts. They get to sit down harder.
Dumbass, that article is not a power granted to the states.
It is a power granted to the US government to federalize state militias. I think you know that which is why you didn’t quote it correctly…
“The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; . . .”
States have the power to quell insurrections. But not to unilaterally enforce borders or disrupt the federal government sole authority to do so.
And when Congress fails the shall, who owns that power?
The Fed only has the authority to do the things granted to it by the Constitution.
I wonder how well that’s working out for us….
Total removals, returns, and expulsions of immigrants are at an all time high.
You right wing propaganda fed drones just absorb and regurgitate bullshit without even checking.
As soon as a democrat takes office right wing media starts screaming about “invaders” to trigger your cave man brain to be afraid of “others”…
This despite Obama having higher levels of detention, and removals than any president before him…and higher than Trump.
And Biden having higher numbers than any president in history.
“This despite Obama having higher levels of detention, and removals than any president before him…and higher than Trump.”
Now go do the research and learn why those numbers are up. Very simple, basic math and political manipulation of the scoreboard.
I’ve called them “invaders” under every president. Every. Fucking. One.
Speaking of “all time highs”, the Mexican cartels are making millions a week acting as a travel agency getting illegals to the border. Wonder how much “the big guy’s” cut is.
“Total removals, returns, and expulsions of immigrants are at an all time high.”
Just because you keep claiming that and posting a link doesn’t make it true.
(Goebbels would be proud of you, though.)
In that day he’d have been waiting outside a Party Office drooling for the latest propaganda with a list of people he wanted to rat out.
I will grant this…congress is largely failing across the board.
Comprehensive Immigration reform is LOOOONG overdue.
But the President is not failing to enforce the existing immigration laws.
We don’t need immigration reform as much as we need enforcement. Your liberal/progressive masters choose to ignore it.
You don’t get out much, do you. The president isn’t enforcing anything on the border.
Immigration reform should be stay home unless you have something to offer. Don’t come here and suck off the American taxpayer, I owe you nothing. I welcome you if you have a useful skill or a strong work ethic, something that can make a contribution and not be a burden. Communists like yourself want as much poverty as possible as much division as possible so the government can exploit the situation and impose more authoritarian policies and limit our freedoms and steal our wealth ( redistribute) is what you leftist call it.
That is how all of the European countries do it.
You were making good sense with your first 2 talking points, until your last point. Then the stupid fell out.
They were talking about immigration reform back in 81 when I was stationed at Norton. Do you mean to tell me, let alone ask me to believe, that they couldn’t come up with something in 43 years?
Or has it all been lip service because this subject is hard. Or because politicians on both sides of the aisle have been lining their pockets on this and many other things going on in this country.
Point out where I’m wrong.
You pretty much wrote what Hack Stone just posted.
Sorry, I missed it. Commisar shows up and faster typers than I shoot him down.
You should have seen the 1930s. Between the dust bowl and the Depression the border was pretty much shut down and millions were sent home to Mexico.
Comprehensive immigration reform is a phrase as useful as “state of the art”. Everyone says, no one can define it. I’ve been hearing politicians calling for “comprehensive immigration reform, since well before I started voting. How come the Democrats, who keep calling for it, never got “comprehensive immigration reform” going during 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama and 3 years under Joe Biden.
Don’t forget bite me also said “high technology” was the answer to the border. Right after he said not one more foot of wall will be built
No amount of technology will ever replace physical barriers or boots on the ground. I worked on that technology, it’s great stuff. But spotting, locating, and tracking illegals isn’t worth a pinch of shit if somebody doesn’t catch and apprehend them. Sensors and cameras can’t do that.
More like he’s ignoring enforcement laws actually.
“Comprehensive Immigration reform is LOOOONG overdue.”
Nope. Enforcement of existing laws is long overdue.
Next time you post some funny shit like that, how about giving us a Preemptive Level IV Spew Alert. You should be opening for Dave Chappelle with material like that.
But they’re not doing it to – “ “The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; . . .””, they’re calling to federalize the TXANG for the exact opposite reason.
Do better
I’d go a step further, presume Texas believes it is ‘repelling an invasion’, and per asshole’s prescription here, the Fed believes that Texas is actually committing an ‘insurrection’ (since that word has lost ALL fucking meaning now), the Fed needs to steal the ‘militia’ (NG ain’t that, but that’s a discussion for later) from Texas to fight Texas for protecting Texas.
I’d love to see it.
He’s an idiot and may be ignored.
Texas alone probably has more guns than our military.
Not a bad thing.
Doesn’t it seem odd to you that it specifically mentions “repel Invasions”…
Of course it doesn’t. What was I thinking.
Oh where in the Constitution is immigration mentioned? Because I think everybody missed that part.
“migration” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1…
And the Framers thought so necessary they referred back to this section in Article 5:
It’s almost like they wanted to avoid issues of States bringing people in, so they controlled by one of the few powers afforded to them: taxation.
That isn’t funny. I know you know that they were specifically referring to slaves.
One could make a solid argument that they are specifically recruiting and importing a lower class to do all the s*** jobs. But we are now getting a bunch of other riffraff with them. We already have a multi-generational criminal class we don’t need another one.
“I know you know that they were specifically referring to slaves”
Unless it specifically states “slaves”, it refers to everyone. You are probably correct on their intent. But we don’t follow the intent of the law. We follow the letter of the law. The 14th amendment (birthright citizenship) was intended for the children of newly freed freed slaves who were now citizens. But it doesn’t specifically say that, so it still applies to everyone born in the US. I recall something about hell and good intentions…
It doesn’t really matter what you think about it because it expired more than 200 years ago. It was the only part of the Constitution that had an expiration date.
(You’re right. You can’t see the tiny cursive scribble with the expiration date at the bottom of each page because people are kept at a distance from the document which is at an angle, under glass, in bad lighting…and pictures aren’t authorized.)
Where does it say slaves, by your terms if it does not say that specific word it is not applicable.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1, is one of a handful of provisions in the original Constitution related to slavery, though it does not use the word “slave.” This Clause prohibited the federal government from limiting the importation of “persons” (understood at the time to mean primarily enslaved African persons) where the existing state governments saw fit to allow it, until some twenty years after the Constitution took effect. It was a compromise between Southern states, where slavery was pivotal to the economy, and states where the abolition of slavery had been accomplished or was contemplated.
So… they fucked up?
Riiiiight. “…Persons…” is defined under House, but then in Powers Denied they ‘forgot’ to redefine Persons.
So they were idiots?
Poor Craftsmen?
I can’t help it if you’re a poor student of history.
People are not a trade good. You can’t import them.
Either way it doesn’t matter it expired over 200 years ago. So it is completely irrelevant today. It has absolutely no relevance to the discussion any more than any other law that’s been gone for 200 years.
The idea that you think that it matters is idiotic. If you have any more questions about it just reread the above paragraph and then you’ll see what I mean. Because I will simply repeat it over and over again until you get it. Which will probably be never.
Um, ‘or’.
After that ‘or’ expiry ONLY then Congress may prohibit.
I can math too, if you’d like a little refresher.
“People are not a trade good. You can’t import them”.
The Mexican cartels transporting people to the border say you’re very wrong.
“Either way it doesn’t matter it expired over 200 years ago. So it is completely irrelevant today. It has absolutely no relevance to the discussion any more than any other law that’s been gone for 200 years”.
Yet you still introduced it to the discussion.
To be fair, I kinda did that.
My point is the Framers sought to put that power in Congress’ hands only after a certain date as the yoke of slavery was intently harpooned to righteous death.
Rohdog did
They made assumptions. The advantage we have now is that we can read their diaries and find out what they were talking about.
They do, in fact, do a lot of things. (double dos for a double dose of a pimp’s love is different than that of a square)
Can’t read this wall of text anymore.
May I suggest you snip on the bottom if you’ve got anymore wonderful things to say .
This wasn’t really constructive, per se, so the utility of carrying on, seems, so, Larsian.
I’m not trying to be funny, just pointing it out.
Congress, by default in the Clause, has the power to prohibit ‘Migration’. If States continue Congress can very much deem it ‘Importation’ and tax the ‘Person*’, just by passing a law.
The lowest hurdle.
I’ll walk down this ‘slaves’ route with you:
Since Congress has the 13th Amendment’s “…power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation”, they can define ‘sanctuary’ as ‘involuntary servitude’ and lay waste to States’ budgets by simply revoking remittances for said ‘Import’. (I find the disProportioning* of Taxes repugnant anyway, so I’m biased)
There is no way this resolves easy is all I’m saying. Those losers in the House need to un#uck themselves, and the States need proper representation in the Senate.
*Pesons. Capital P persons. as in: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned… which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons”,“…three fifths of all other Persons”, etc.
There is no delineation in the Clause, ergo… and hence the additional taxation power.
No because the migration you were referring to was not voluntary. They were importing slaves which were considered chattel. Alas, for you slavery is no more.
This is why Congress passed a new law which came into effect in 1808 when the clause expired and prohibited the importation of slaves specifically.
Today’s history lesson is brought to you by 5JC. I will give you my account number and you can Venmo me money.
I’m glad you agree about the ills of slavery and to the extent our Framers went to expel the abomination from our shores.
Sucks that the rest of the history of Takings isn’t know all to well.
“The winners write the history books” and all that.
There are no saints in this land.
Slaves don’t usually “migrate”.
Article 4 section 4 idiot. Which the federal government under the fake president has clearly not made an effort to comply with.
The federal government should be embarrassed and ashamed that states have to do their job. Nope. They don’t want the border protected.
Get help.
IMHO Major Moonbat aka Commissar is brainwashed to the point of a character in Orwell’s “1984”, he refuses to believe anything other than what he gets from his handlers and would rat out anyone he could if opposing beliefs were outlawed, he’s like those in Nazi Germany who ratted out their Jewish neighbors to the SS.
I like to think of him as ‘that guy”. Also, if he were drunk or high on weed all the time that would explain it.
IMO he’s also “that bitter little Man”, the one seen always huddled somewhere in his own little cocoon of hatred for anyone who isn’t just like him, I also think he believes that if he keeps regurgitating the propaganda he is fed, one day he’ll suddenly post some opus that will convert us en masse to his beliefs and validate his existence, but in reality he’ll just keep on being our chew toy while giving us an insight on just how fucked up and intolerant the left’s mentality is.
Actually, no.
The Supreme Court ruling only stipulated that Border Patrol agents could cut the concertina wire but did not explicitly order the Texas National Guard or Texas law enforcement agencies to stop erecting concertina wire. The Biden administration is creating a Constitutional crisis at the border, and things will become interesting if Governor Abbott moves to defy the SCOTUS order.
(To add: If you think senior officers (including General Officers) are required to understand the complexities of federal laws and the underpinning legal reasonings behind them, then you’re a moron.)
The Executive Branch has the constitutional DUTY to enforce federal laws that protect the borders of states, including existing immigration laws. Time and time again, the Biden administration has chosen to ignore federal immigration law and refuses to enforce it.
Article V, Section IV of the U.S. Constitution reads: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
Texas is claiming that because this administration continues to fail in that duty, doing so has triggered Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution which reads “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”
Texas already declared an “invasion” under Article I to invoke the state’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. Texas perceives that authority as the supreme law of the land, which supersedes any federal statute.
In Governor Abbott’s letter, he wrote “…the Framers foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border.”
The letter goes on to say, “That is why the Framers included both Article IV, § 4, which promises that the federal government ‘shall protect each [State] against invasion,’ and Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges ‘the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.’”
And hey, if bite me nationalizes the National Guard, then Abbott can send the Texas State Guard. As if commissary isn’t gagging on his bunched up panties already, he will really go into a tizzy then.
I’m very certain he’d have a willing army of volunteers to string concertina too.
“Bunched up panties”??? He seems the “Depends” type to me.
Commissar want FJB to federalize the NG because theres a chance of bloodshed like Kent State or the LA Riots in 92. Thats what liberals or hoping for.
“Threats and violence are ok when we do it!” –The Modern-not-so-modern Leftoids
Who forgot to lock the door? Commisar has gained entry again. Did he bring enough of the stuff he is on to share or is he being stingy.
Come to think of it, I don’t need any of whatever he has if it makes me sound that stupid.
Once again dumbfuck you are incorrect. The governor can refuse that order and not allow it to occur. The only thing the fake president can do is to withhold federal funding from the guard. It has occurred on several occasions in the past.
That’s still up in the air. It never went to the SCOTUS. But it seems likely.
Eisenhower federalized NG and ordered them to stand down and disperse. Thus allowing the Federal troops to avoid an armed confrontation over enforcing Brown.
NG final authority is US Constitution, via CiC, should the President so order.
Their game is clear. Manufacture an “insurrection” in one or more “red”/Trump states. Disallow the Electors under Article 14, due to appointment by “insurrectionists”. Prevent a Trump path to 270 votes, either for a Donk “win” or to throw the contest to the House for an “anyone but Trump” effort.
Expect also a bunch of epic-stupid false-flag riots, shootings, and bombings. (Or “close calls” of such.)
And we may soon see the puppeteers of Biden announcing “Amnesty and Pardon” for all illegals. Followed immediately by “hunanitarian” Green Cards, under more code-twisting. They may even call it “Enancipation Proclimation 2”, although I doubt they will limit the “where” . (Too obvious, eh?)
Blow out it you ass you Commie fuck!!! Your Daddy Pedo Joe defies the SCOTUS left and fucking right. The Gov. is rightly defending Texas from INVASION. How many immigrants are you housing? Fucking ZERO!!! Get on that list the Dems are pushing and open your home to half a dozen guys that don’t speak English, have prison tattoos, unknown vax status for a slew of nasty diseases, and have very low opinions of women’s bodily autonomy and their access to said women. Fuck you and the child molesting POS your worship!
Detentions are higher? How about the flow being 2x,3x higher. Fuck off now!!!
-38 HAS to a record!!!
AND YET Major Moonbat aka Commissar still considers himself to be some Town Crier of truth thinking he’s one day going to convert us, the delusional fool.
He is unknowingly providing a service. By his example we may have enough data to stay out of the Biden/Harris Camps for Glorious Knowledge!
Lars, this you?

I don’t want to know where he stuck the 25mm
So, States defying existing federal immigration laws and enacting policies prohibiting their employees from cooperating with ICE detainer requests is a good thing, but States following existing federal laws because the federal government refuses to enforce them is bad thing? Does Hack have that right?
This is not rocket surgery. The President is required to follow existing federal laws. He cannot arbitrarily decide that he will ignore legislation that was enacted under the guidelines set out in the Constitution. If he doesn’t like the current legislation, have his party introduce the proposed legislation, voted and passed by the House and Senate, then he can sign it when it gets to his desk.
Yep. I figured after 4 seconds of Trump as POTUS the Congress would rein in the power of the Executive by way of financial noose tightening.
My bet is they won’t do it when DJT gets rightfully elected to the office of president for the third fucking time either.
For a bunch of asshats that do next to nothing, getting paid handsomely for it (from the people they actually serve), Congress really fucks up everything it touches in the 3 days a month they’re at work.
It’s impressive! I’ve seen Privates that couldn’t maintain that record of dickstepping!
You hit a key topic.
Watch for some folks to Lawfare on “If Trump insists he won 2020, he is barred from a third run in 2024.”
And others just might say “You know what? Trump -did- win 2020. We deem him to have been the real President all along. Thus he is inelligible in 2024.” Others will object and keep it tied up to 2025.
Far fetched? Hopefully. Are panicked desperate crooks looking to avoid the consequences of Trump 2.0? Desperately?
Anyway you cut it we’re superfuct.
IMHO, It should matter to us more who is our butcher than who is president.
I wish both candidates for His protection and guidance.
Won’t work. The specifics of the wording are key. It shay shall not SERVE more than two terms. Trump did win, we know that, but he did not get to serve the second term so it does not count.
Recall Pelosi said Congress can “deem” a bill passed, as they “deem” other process done for convinience. (You cant have forgotten that, right?) Some state authorities have already “deemed” him “insurrectionist”. I believe Hawaii is currently working on a bill of attainder to do exactly that, without using his name. (“Anyone”)
Not saying it is “correct”, just that I can see them using his own words in yet another perversion of process, to keep him busy in court and not at work.
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once….”
22nd Amendment
Those that claim Texas is being “invaded” and therefore has a right to “defend itself” are either idiots or making a bad faith claim.
If it was an invasion then Abbot and DeSantis putting immigrants on buses and sending them into cities deeper in this country would be an act of treason.
Clearly even republicans don’t actually think it is an “invasion.
Also, he immigrants being used as pawns were not here “illegally”. They followed the law and had reported to authorities as asylum seekers. Which is precisely how the law was intended by congress.
Detain those that sought to avoid detection as illegal immigrants, and those that did not and requested asylum as asylum seekers under U.S. and international law.
The immigrants Abbot used as pawn had followed the law.
Really? Texas doesn’t need permission to control it’s borders from without.
A person, not of the United States, coming over a non-state line is by definition illegally entering, unless….
The Fed has given up on any pretense of managing the ‘unless’.
Fuck you. INVASION!
I’d be careful about continuing to the word TREASON around. It’ll become just like RACIST, INSURRECTION, etc.
Can you provide your home address so that we can send “asylum seekers” to bunk with you? It’s easy to say open borders for everyone, it gets dicey when you have to reach into your own wallet to pay for it.
Come to think of it, isn’t Oakland CA, where he claims to live, already a “Sanctuary City”?
Yes. That shithole had almost 13,000 car jackings and attempted ones in the past 2 years.
That might seem like a lot, But at least It isn’t Chicago, another wonderful sanctuary City.
“Those that claim Texas is being “invaded” and therefore has a right to “defend itself” are either idiots or making a bad faith claim.”
It’s an invasion all along the border. There’s no other word for it.
“Also, he immigrants being used as pawns were not here “illegally”. They followed the law and had reported to authorities as asylum seekers. Which is precisely how the law was intended by congress.”
Negative. You claim asylum in the FIRST safe country you reach.
You used the word “pawn”. You’re too indoctrinated to realize just who the pawn is in this game. Fraud.
But there are no safe countries.
In fact come to think of it, the United States is very unsafe. We had a huge rebellion a few years ago. 75 million racist people with guns voted for the most horrible person ever, and then violently tried to seize power. Some people were hurt.
On top of that we have one of the highest murder rates in non s******* countries around the world. Some of the countries the people are coming from that they say are unsafe have lower murder rates.
Of course, if you remove the numbers from certain demographics in deep blue cities, that murder rate drops to nearly nothing… It’s almost as if a very small portion of the nation, enabled by ridiculous democrat policies is responsible for the vast majority of crimes in this country..
The big open secret is the southern states have really high crime. And yet when you remove a certain demographic, which is very high in southern states, suddenly the murder rate evaporates. It’s more like it is in France or the UK.
Takes gall casting the “bad faith claim” stone, eh? Considering how a certain someone would eventually post a quote refuting a “never”.
Absolutely not. Since Abbott couldn’t deport them, he did the next best thing and sent them to sanctuary cities where they would be safe and welcome. And… Don’t even need to mention this but free s*** for life.
I just love your socialist Shtick my Conservative Commissar, you really got the everyone going this morning. You got some act going.
You can always tell when he’s active. The postcount goes up really fast.
Fast!!!, you mean it’s faster than a Mailbag at a railroad station whistle stop. Mail bags were hung on a pole at the station and when the train went buy, the bag got hooked off by the mail car. Trains never stopped hence the name whistle stop.
I think the Soros bucks are flowing again.
A Jerk-i has the Farce flowing through him….
Sadly, he didn’t avoid the Donk side of the Farce….
He only does this stupid crap when he is bored.
It’s the end of the month, Medi-cal is late with his meds.
…when he is in between classes, studying Alynsky and Marx.
If January 6 was an insurrection the border crisis is a massive invasion.
Lars, you are a willfully blind damned fool.
Anyone who is familiar with the Texas border situation knows we are being invaded, and by known terrorists, child traffickers, drug cartels and their ilk (your people).
Abbot has Constitutional grounds for all he is doing. This ol’ Texas boy wants it to move faster, but by goodness and glory it is happening.
If an “immigrant” does not follow all the rules, laws and procedures to legally immigrate here, they are a criminal, specifically an illegal immigrant. The second they cross our border. Period. Same for seeking asylum. It is illegal to simply cross the border and ask for asylum on a whim.
^^^Yep. If you try to sneak into a country like England, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and generally anywhere else on the planet, with the intent to stay illegally, those countries would consider you a criminal as well.
Something about “laws” and “sovereignty” and shit.
By your logic, I can come onto your property, set up a residence with tents, bring my immediate and extended family to live in the same tents, expect food to be provided, medical care and education for my children the whole time provided by you?
Where do you live? You seem to be open to the idea by the amount of energy expended to prove your point.
And, you can’t call me an invader, trespasser, or illegal. I’m just looking for a better life subsidized by you.
And I want a better mode of transportation than I currently have, so I will need a driver’s license, social security number for “work” and to “pay my share of taxes”.
Well, I see Hack Stone has said basically the same thing.
Sorry Hack.
And you need his car, assuming this welfare queen has one.
Just get a voucher for traveling on the California high speed rail. The 150 billion dollar boondoggle should be ready by 2030.
Californistan couldn’t tie its shoes in 6 years.
Besides, CalPERS will have imploded by then, Snake will have beat Basketball to the Death, activated the Sword of Damocles system and we’ll be rid President Adam, or Jerry Brown.
Pick your poison.
“Welcome to the human race”.
Haven’t heard them in eons. Thanks for the way back link.
20 years back I attended a Ministry concert in Hongcouver. After they finished their sets I heard the unmistakable sound of Jello.
We were then treated to a suprise LARD set.
Fun times
“$128 B”,… according to the LA Slimes.
New cost estimate for California high-speed project puts it deeper in the red (link)
So they’re shy a measly $100B. Oops?
Idiots and assholes.
It’s far more an invasion that Jan 6th was an insurrection.. but you already know that..
I’ve been wondering how the loonies could conceivably support this idiocy by the Brandon administration. I couldn’t even imagine the mental gymnastics involved. Now, after having seen one such contrived convolution, all I can do is shake my head.
I’m beginning to believe TDS causes permanent brain damage to include a peculiar form of dementia that manifests as an inability to recall common sense and critical thinking skills. Because no one capable of utilizing a keyboard can be this stupid. Occam’s Razor supports the suspension, or complete lack of critical reasoning as the only explanation.
“Four legs, good! Two legs be-e-e-e-tter!”
Or own zim/zer/
Don’t know if y’all have seen this, but here is the official statement from the Governor of the Great State of Texas:
It will be clear to anyone more intelligent than Lars ( a low bar, I know ) that Texas has a Constitutional right to defend itself.
Hey, seagull! Since I very seldom reply to your comments (a pure waste of keyboard ribbon ink) I’ll make a separate entry. Reach between your legs, grab yourself by the ears, pull your head out of your ass, and READ FOR COMPREHENSION THE CONSTITUTION. It is very explicit as to what is the duty of the Federal Government to defend the borders of the states. It is also very explicit in stating that when the Federal Government is NOT protecting the border, the State has the explicit duty and RIGHT to defend its’ border.
Whether you want to admit it or not, due to your TDS, we are not dealing with an immigration “crisis” we are being invaded, pure and simple. And, no, I don’t think that Gov Abbot should be sending busloads of ILLEGAL immigrants to other cities through-out the country, I think he should be sending them back to Mexico.
You showing up spewing your BS does does add to the comment count, so there is that. Come back anytime, the troops love having a chew toy.
KoB – surprisingly, I have to disagree with one point…Texas sending the buses back to Mexico. That is not within the power of the State. However, it is as 5JC said the proper, humanitarian action to send them to self-proclaimed sanctuary cities. Turning the “border problem” into a “backyard problem” is I’m sure a purely unintended, coincidental bonus.
And now, in typical Dem fashion, Mayorkas and Brandon claim the fault is the evil Republicans for not giving them more money. To help process them faster and provide for them better.
Roger all of the above, OAM. Sending them back is a pipe dream/wishful thinking on my part. Even if The Guv had/took the authority to send them back to Mexico, would the Mexican Government allow the busses/planes/trains whatever to come into the country and disgorge the passengers? I think not. I believe that the Mexican Government would line up their Military, Policia, Cartel Members or whatever, shoulder to shoulder along their border and stop the transports from coming in. And that is what we should do. STOP THEM FROM COMING IN! Until that happens, it’s just gonna get worse.
Ironically, I was watching at a broadcast of Star Trek, Deep Space 9 this week. Some of the crew members had ended up in the Sanctuary City of SanFran. It was NOT pretty, with the people packed in there like sardines, starving and unemployed, inside a walled section. Outside the “Elites”, were living large and ignoring the festering revolt that was coming. The year was…wait for it…2024.
I think I saw that one. Was that the one with the alternate history where the Democrats won the Civil War?
Nah, it was called Past Tense, a two parter. Here’s a linky to part one. I watch at it, mainly, cause I got a bad case of the hots for Jadzia Dax. Lots of other linkys out there on these episodes.
Part 2 linky…
Those sandwiches aren’t going to make themselves.
If you cross illegally into America twelve times, is the thirteenth time free?
Don’t forget to get that card punched. No purchase necessary.
Gov. Abbott has handed Joe a huge problem. If Joe Federalizes the TNG he runs the very real risk of being ignored, a devastating position for a President running for re-election.
If he succeeds in reopening the floodgates the invasion can no longer be hidden and denied. The IPs in Dem cities are already howling about the redistribution of “their” free shit to the illegals. His “safe” votes are evaporating as it is.
If he does nothing but send Strongly Worded Letters he looks feckless and weak, again not good for reelection.
Well played, Tex.
They’re not exactly doing a very good job of hiding it right now. Commissary believes that the border is secure but he has to. But him and that other antifa guy are the only ones to believe that.
Abbot playing Texas Hold-em poker with Biden, and Biden’s outta blue and red chips.
“Go fish!”
Joe Biden is not playing with a full deck.
Yep. SCOTUS didn’t go far enough. They didn’t write an opinion that almost certainly would have been more clear, and less ambiguous than what was announced the other day..
“The Supreme Court has made their decision. Now let them enforce it.” – Andrew Jackson
There it is. And in point of fact, they hnave no ability to enforce shit.
Just like enforcing the student loan forgiveness decision.
Hack Stone managed to 60 years of age before he incurred any student debt. He should have planned better.
How about anyone who went to Florida on Spring Break does not get student loan forgiveness?
Or attended a LSU, Auburn, or TX A&M game in face paint of those respective schools.
I wants my reparations on this issue!
Daymit, Reb!
My Northern blood affords me the luxury of not knowing or caring about college foolsball, but that last part with Alabama and the hat…?
#uck you, you teared up. I didn’t tear up as I know nuffin about no Ess Eee See sheeeet.
It’s a Southern Thing…we don’t expect y’all to understand. *grin* Ya know, like grits, sweet iced tea, unsweetened cornbread, real BBQ, sho ’nuff fried chicken, dumplin’s, peach cobbler, hot wimmins, fast cars, cat headed biskets… Hell, I was in the band, damn a buncha foolsball players, gimmie some cheer leaders and flag twirlers anyday. Speaking of hot wimmins, I shorely got me a case of the HOTS for Hannah/Hope…and she went to Auburn. I’d like a chance to turn her from The Dark Side. Check that channel for some more of her vids.
I stand with Texas. GGG Pappy Maternal died with Travis…GGGPappy Paternal was one of the last messengers to go out before the final assault.
Oh, how we squander what better men have given oh so much for.
May all those who served there be remembered until the last day and beyond.
Sounds very noble. He invited everyone in the world to come to America and claim asylum. That’s not how this works, even in Berkely.
You know so many failures, and yet when he got that one success, it’s a real barn burner.
One success? I must’ve missed that.
He told them to surge the border and they did it like there was free crack and Obama phones on the other side. I never said it was a win for us…
Got it.
The major moonbat will say that video was faked by the Russians. Except, many of us saw Gropey say it on live TV.
They gave no reason because there is no valid legal reason. They need to refer to that part in the Constitution that gives states certain rights and sovereignt. Particularly when the agents of the Federal government are clearly and blatantly in violation of same Constitutional duties.
The Constitution technically doesn’t “give certain rights” to the states. The Constitution is actually a limit on federal power. It says what the federal government is allowed to do, and then mentions certain things that the states cannot do, such as control trade at the border or limit civil rights.
All other powers belong to the States already.
That’s RIGHT. Kinda jacks up some of your arguments up above, but I bet you won’t see that.
“All other powers belong to the States already.”
Yep, and IIRC, the 10th Amendment is still in effect.
All other powers… “are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Largely irrelevant to this particular topic, but those last four words should never be ignored.
WOW…Talk about perfect timing….
10 Minutes WORTHY of listening and watching…The words say it all…
“The Declaration Of Independence (As Read By Max McLean)”
Please Share…
Dem pieces of shit are saying the quite part out loud…
Flood the country will ILLEGAL immigrants, grant them Amnesty so they vote for Dems. Only to be forgotten the day after the election to be yet ANOTHER PERMANENT UNDERCLASS dependent on Dem handouts. Fuck all you Democrats. Fuck you in your fucking asses!!!
Just a large scale application of the Coward-Piven strategy
What Joe and his gullible minions fail to realize is that:
(A) Texas was born from insurrection.
(B) Texans enjoy the hell out of it.
(C) They’re really fuckin’ good at it. They live for a good fight. After all, every Texan has a relative that fought at the Alamo! 😉
“[W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations” meets a pissed off and immovable object…
May God continue to bless the Republic of Texas!
I’ll just stick this right here…
How much do you lead them?
As in any property fence, two (2) feet inside the line. Oh…and double the tracers… for double the fun!
Not very much for the women and children, but a little more than that for the faster runners.
Heh. In most case you have to lag the target.
First things first? Send Mayorkas on a Clinton sponsored vacation.
Electrify the Rio Grande River and make it a crime against humanity for anyone to cross that river onto America soil without coming through foreign customs, first, and then being instantly deported the moment they step foot in the U.S. for violation of existing customs and immigrations laws, rules and regulations.
I say populate the Rio Grande with large alligators and piranha fish!
The American crocodile is a vulnerable species while the American alligator is of least concern. Unwashed swimmers might be enough to entice them away from the more brackish waters.
It’s a minor nitpick, but I genuinely think we can create a feasible plan here and for that it might help to get PETA and the WWF on board.
To make all the South American migrants feel less discriminated against, we could introduce some black caimans, as well.
Also, the jaguar could use some help reclaiming its full former range along that border.
America needs to be united and we all have one thing in common, a common enemy, the elected federal government.
There is NO reason for one American to raise an arm against another when then the enemy is so small. We don’t need a civil war between various states because the federal government has gone rogue and is operating as criminals to the detriment of those they are sworn to serve.
If The Delaware Douche wants to escalate with federal force against Texas then have him detained and held in contempt until such time that he may be relieved.
Join a United States and turn your anger towards those who have created this abomination.
Put the socialists on notice, all the way down to the cafeteria workers in the public schools, that we know they are, what they are and what they are doing.
Like Obama says, get in their faces. Hit back, twice as hard.
Dear Lord, let there be a gallows erected on the steps of the Capitol Building and may Nancy Pelosi be the first contributor National Justice.
And turn the Eccles Building into a gentlemans club with half off cover charge for any Vet?!
We could have a fund drive to sponsor a TAH booth in a dark, waaaaay back corner, put up a picture of Jonn and deride Dan until daybreak over daiquiris.
If I weren’t a lady (sometimes) I’d comment on your moniker for Brandon.
Tally for the win!
I want to make a comment about you only sometimes being a lady, but I’m spoilt for choice and can’t decide. Literally, too many jokes.
Said with love.
Aside from the D-rat pols, it is the unelected federal government aka deep state that is the problem.
I guess my question for Commissar is “Is there an issue at the border of Texas/Mexico?” If the answer is no, why does the federal government want to remove the wire? If the answer is yes, why does the federal government want to remove the wire?
“Federalize the National Guard”?
To what end?
Put them on Title 10 orders and have tear down the wire? Yeah let us know how that works out.
Have them just sit in the barracks?
I foresee a LOT of Class 4 dentals when they go through SRP. Suddenly the entire Texas ARNG is MRC 4.
“Yeah we’d like to go help the Border Patrol remove that razor wire, but all of our vehicles are dead-lined and we don’t have money or parts to fix them.”
“Oh no, the National Guard has been federalized”
Governor calls up the Texas State Guard. Who are NOT subject to Title 10 federal orders.
I’m pretty sure there’s not enough OCO funding left to call up 21,000 + National Guard soldiers for 6 months. And last time they had the NG on Title 10 orders, the Feds fucked them over with rolling 29 day orders that shut them out of most federal benefits.
Operation Lone Star is state active duty and currently voluntary (surprisingly to Lars, there are a LOT of volunteers). Wait until SPC Tentpeg gets federalized and has to drop out of college.
Federalizing the entire TXARNG would cause a huge shitstorm that Biden and the rest don’t even want to begin to deal with.
But what do I know, I’ve only been with the TXARNG since 1998.
Heavy Chevy might see some action if called up….
There’s on more buoy for the river right there…
You expect us to listen to someone with first-hand knowledge? It’s inconceivable!
Irish democracy!
Hopefully of resident human remora comes back to hear from the mouth of a subject matter expert.
Edit: Warning, the TX DPS agent has a crutch phrase. Right now I won’t spoil it for you.
He won’t watch it, he’d call it right-wing propaganda if he did. His mind is made up, he’s believing manipulated statistics, no amount of credible, eye-witness reporting will sway him.
I suspect Commissar will be absent for a few days as him reading all this caused a serious case of “Lip Cramp”.
With commisar gone, my typing speed will improve and I can keep up with the conversation at hand.
Where’s a minefield when you need one 🙁