Written Monday, Trump leads Iowa. Warning: Rant
As of Monday afternoon, the polls say Biden is leading the non-existent Democrat field, and Trump has a yuge lead on the Republican side. Going into the frigid Iowa polls (DAMN, it’s chilly out!) right now it appears we will have the election, a repeat, that no one wants. One of the candidates is a too-old lying blustering blowhard who cares only for his own financial gain no matter which foreign government finances it. The other is in the other party.
Biden loves to say he had 81,000,000 people who voted for him. Trump claims that in ’16 most everybody voted for HIM. Both of them are dead wrong – I’d bet cash green money that most of those votes in ’16 were anti-Hillary votes, and that most of the anti-Trump folks held their noses and voted for Biden. Heck, if the elections were confined to true believers who actually believed their candidates were the Next Coming of Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama, we would have a national voter base of 330,000,000 million Americans with maybe a few million votes cast. Luckily, the “please, not THAT asshole again” voters should make up the other 140,000,000 votes which will actually be counted.
It is a proven fact that most people dislike the government, and that even more think our politicians are doing a mighty poor job. The problem, is that these self-same people will continue to vote for their current reps and Senators regardless of what they have done. So many pols have become obscenely wealthy while in office (who was it who said something like “I’m not afraid of a millionaire taking office – I’m afraid of the politician who becomes a millionaire in office?” ) So many seem to get caught so often, you would think their rap sheet would look like a roll of toilet paper. But you know what? We, their constituents, re-elect them and say “well, it could be worse – they could be like Sleazebag MacIdiot in that state fulla crazies.” Guess what…they are ALL Sleazebag MacIdiot and we, my friends, are the crazy dummies that keep on sending them back.
Lord, it has been so long since I voted FOR for a candidate (certainly not THIS century.) I have have voted against so many it is tiring. Think it was Andy Jackson who said that anyone who actually wanted to be elected should be suspect? (Admittedly, he survived a coupla point-blank range assassination attempts – if anyone earned the right to speak ill of elected office, it would be him.)
Reminds me of Diogenes, who supposedly wandered around in daylight with a lit lantern looking for an honest man. Not sure he found one then, not sure we would find one now. At least not in, or wanting to be in, Washington.
Category: 2024 Election, Politics
Anybody is better than who we have in orifice right now IMO.
Maybe you can point out which Biden policy decisions are worst than literally anyone else would have ever come up with?
You go girl!
Umm, maybe the border? We couldn’t afford 5 billion for a wall but we seem to have unlimited funds for Ukraine.
Tell me I’m wrong.
Now we are going to be affording about ten million more illegal aliens under the D-rat/Prog policies and actions during this administration.
He can’t.
He won’t.
He won’t even address or acknowledge this.
What’d the studio exec say when Grandpa Simpson admitted to being a fraud for claiming to “write” Itchy and Scratchy skits for Bart?
“What’s that? I didn’t hear you… aaand now I gotta go.”
I thought we got rid of this clown for good.
He’s just like a nasty relative that keeps showing up at your door after you’ve thrown them out a dozen or two times…
Checks come in wumao?
Any and every decision related to the border, the economy, Ukraine, the first amendment, the second amendment… Technically, they’re not Joe’s decisions, but I’ll play your silly game.
Commisar… are you still here? Did you have to run back to whoever is giving you your info to tell them you need a better talking point?
Hello.. (tap tap), is this thing on?
Badly coded Com-Bot
Um Bidenomics!
The Border-already stated
The energy policy
The FAA, among other government groups that answer to and are beholden to this administration!
C’mon Man!
You know…, the thing.
Afghanistan rout on his Day One? I really expect better from you Lars.
Wow, that is wide open. Where to begin?
Execution and Enforcement of Laws.
Grade = F-
1- Poor leadership by example for various crimes including running a money laundering ring of payoff’s routed from his son through to the rest of his family. Then lying about all of it. Cocaine in the Oval Office. Illegally storing classified documents in an unsecure office closet, his garage and various other places.
2- Failure to enforce any border laws what so ever.
3- Defense and use of FISA 702
4- Various failed to attempts to create laws with ATFE regulations, Energy Department and others
5- Repeatedly claiming that the US will come to the defense of Taiwan in violation of US law.
6- Appointing a Woman to the SCOTUS who doesn’t know what a woman is.
Defense of the United States
Grade F-
1- Catastrophic withdraw from Afghanistan.
2- The border. Mother of Fucking God. Literally nobody could do a worse job.
3- Half ass support of Ukraine fighting Russia. Either help them or not. The whole stupidity of “we will give you artillery, but only short range stuff”; “we will give you intel, but not stuff that really matters” etc, etc. Either do it or not. By trying to run the war Vietnam style he killed any hope of the Ukraine winning and pissed off and strengthened Russia. This is what happens when you have a bunch of non-warfighters in the office.
4- Stupid, stupid, stupid. Spy balloon, Abortion, Space Force idiocy, DEI, Inviting China Secret Police Agents to the White House, the list is endless…
Foreign Policy:
Being Consistently Wrong Every Time
Opposed to Regan’s policy that ended the Cold War. Opposed the defense of Kuwait. Supported the invasion of
Afghanistan and then lied and said he didn’t. Supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Then lied and said he didn’t. Created the moronic Nuke Deal. Then Championed the withdraw from Iraq that led to the rise of ISIS. And then created the first volunteer militia of Afghanistan airborne troops as they plummeted from the sky on to Khandahar, while trying grip air craft. Dead marines, Fuck him.
The Taiwan Policy is awful and has antagonized China. First for stating that the US would defend it from China and then for saying that they could declare independence any time.
Suggesting that it would be ok if Russia invaded the Ukraine and green lighting the Nord Stream 2 is the worst foreign policy in Europe since the invasion of Poland. On the upside NATO finally did raise defense spending as Trump was insisting. So he gets 1/2 point for implementing a Trump idea. They were going invade anyway. The troop build up started the day he took office. But zero effort is still zero effort.
Mother of Fucking God did I mention the border earlier? Really that is fascinating case in national suicide.
Insulting the House of Saud and then going hat in hand to ask them to lower oil prices only to be told Fuck off. I would say it was an embarrassment but really it was raw humiliation with the House of Saud playing the role of dominatrix. They should have just pulled his pants down and whipped his ass live on TV.
Sending John Kerry all over the world to do fuck all.
Iran Nuke Deal, the gift that keeps sodomizing us. When the other shoe drops it will be… lit.
Grade D-
Lets talk in terms of results.
Highest inflation in 40 years.
Highest interest rates in 40 years.
Home ownership at lowest levels in generations.
Poverty levels sharply up.
A naked bribe to college students and parent of same to get their vote.
It could be worse. But since everything they do makes things worse that is just calling them lazy.
The depletion of the SPR to try to curry votes
The smallest % increase in wind power in last 20 years during his tenure. Smallest % increase in solar capacity in 20 years. (strangely opposite of his stated goals and odd given that solar is now cheapest).
Trying to force implement off shore wind
Increased regulation on petro industry to raise energy prices.
Declassifying the Houthis as a terrorist organization, then reversing.
Making the country dependent on energy from other countries.
Embracing identity politics.
COVID mandates.
Weaponizing the DOJ.
Re-entered the Paris Agreement.
(Need more?)
I’d rather be represented by lottery ticket winners then the yay-hoos the parties put up.
I don’t think the republican party wants trump on the ballot so there’s that. The people do but the party doesn’t.
The best indictment of our two major political parties is the best they could come up with were Clinton, Trump and Biden.
Of the 3, I pick Trump. At least Trump has a spine. Trump isn’t aligned with the globalist who would sell their grandparents if there was a buck to make. And that pisses the establishment off, on both sides.
“…It is a proven fact that most people dislike the government…”
Have you talked a Leftist? There in a codependent, abusive relations with their Uncle Sam.
If FJB doesn’t jump up in the polls they are going to trot Kennedy back out. In a three-way race with Kennedy running third party FJB wins. But they will see Trump dead before they will let him in office again.
Probably moochelle to give Obama a 4th term.
Stalking horse from West Virgina is stalking.
Manchin/Mittens 2024!
Not going to happen. The D-rat party officials and the deep state hate and fear Kennedy as president more than Trump. He is as opposed to Deep State as Trump.
A couple observations, rebuttals, and prescriptions:
The votes clearly indicate otherwise. Bad cold lockdown-facilitating, California-bailing out Orangeman has a fan base.
May God have mercy on
usour bumpstocks.He will ‘win’ for a third time and we will watch in real highdef the 3 a.m. bumpiness, but the hull done filled up pass’ recovery, I fear, for even A New York Democrat With A Real Estate Portfolio to correct. (“Prepare”!)
Come to the Dark Side® and nothing the government.
?!?!?! Sounds like an excellent choice for the big seat in November. Is there a website for which to donate or should we just send our monies directly to the MIC/big pharma directly?
These people aren’t our friends. They certainly aren’t our leaders. And quite honestly, from where I sit in the cheap seats, it is hard to call them Countrymen.
Tim Tebow seems to be honest!!!
Mail-in ballots, untraceable, unverifiable, unaudited and sent out in the millions, don’t care about your feelings.
Fake ‘money’
Fake ballots
Fake elections
Fake government
Fake food
Fake medicine
Fake liberty
Fake justice
Fugazi begets itself…
It might be too early for some to call it, but we’re destined for it: dis-United Fakes of American’t.
Reb, sing the song of our people!
Not sure just how much more evidence needs to be produced that the Uniparty is alive and well, the taxpayer is doomed, and unless something drastic happens, we have seen the last true, real, and fair election in this country. The despotic domestic enemies of We, The People have smelled the smoke, they know what works, and I don’t give a damn who is “presented” as a candidate, The Dominion System will determine the “winner”.
Prepare…the shotgun may sing the song when the fighting’s in the streets, but the guitar that I pick up to play will be tuned to 7.62X39.
Fool me once…shame on you…fool me twice…shame on me.
I agree that both parties represent the interests of wealthy and powerful people and corporations.
And it is clear the only consistent bipartisan activity is on provisions that serve large donor interests.
However, the parties are pretty divided on the future of this country and even within the parties we are seeing schisms.
So, while large donors can still “invest” in politicians (and apparently also judges) to get what they want…the parties are not otherwise united in a shared agenda.
Mail in ballots are traceable, verifiable, and audited.
You have no god damn clue what you are talking about.
Stop repeating lies.
Trump and his team was given an opportunity to present any evidence they had in over 60 court cases. Not only did they not have any evidence they were sanctioned for not providing it after repeated demands.
And to avoid publicly admitting they had no evidence they LIED and claimed they were not given the opportunity to present evidence. This despite numerous cases were judges are on record demanding Trump lawyers provide evidence of face court sanctions for filing false or frivolous claims in court.
Several Trump lawyers have been sanctioned, including their right to practice law suspended or jurisdictions where they lied. And Some Trump attorneys have already pleaded guilty to filing false election claims and documents after facing criminal charges.
His cronies continue to publicly claim they had evidence and they were going to release it…but never do.
And even during a lawsuit that cost Fox News over $780,000,000, Fox knew it was not even able to meet even minimal evidentiary standards that protect journalists and chose to settle.
Video evidence for you , seagull.

OR when the counting in PA suddenly “found” another 200K votes for FJB with none for Donald Trump.
Not suitcases, “rolling ballet storge container’s”
RuBBe FreemenZ
And the ballots in those suitcases were run through the scanning/counting machines multiple times. At 2:00 a.m., they knew how many more FJB ballots they needed. Also, let’s not overlook precincts that had more completed and counted ballots than registered voters.
TRUMP YOU and your feelings!!!
“Mail in ballots are traceable, verifiable, and audited.”
You’re wrong. Some areas sent out mail in ballots to every listed voter, no address verification, no signature verification, not even proof of life. Multiple ballots arriving at a single address. My boss’ brother got a ballot for their father, never lived at that address and dead for 8 years. Arizona does a good job at mail in ballots, but Maricopa county is pretty sketchy at polling places.
And speaking of evidence, I’m still waiting for the “bombshell evidence” Schiff had regarding Trump’s Russian collusion. Got any ideas on that?
You’re a fraud.
Let’s not forget about ONE house in Atlanta that on paper had at least twenty or more Registered Voters listed as living there and while I’m at it, let’s not forget about some moonbat third Party Candidate’s demand for an audit in Michigan that was quickly swept under the rug as soon as some MAJOR discrepancies were found in Detroit which is D-rat turf!
Major Moonbat aka “Commissar” loses yet again.
Did commisar leave an abusive relationship, discover he missed it and came here to get his nipples twisted?
Bounced his card with his Dom again.
The mollusk is so dimwitted, he forgot the safe word.
He got banned from the commie forum again, likely.
He craves any attention he can get while thinking that one day he’ll write some major opus to convert us to his side.
Holland Michigan… “19 people have been registered by the MI DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) to vote at a non-existent (fake) address. According to Vetter’s research, “There is no such address, and no one is paying taxes on the lot.””
Michigan’s 2020 Presidential election… where windows were covered at the Detroit TCF Center after Republican, and _only_ Republican, poll challengers were locked of the room where absentee ballots were being counted.
Move along, nothing to see here. To prove it, we’re going to cover the windows.
Explain this please I’d you’re still here
I saw several videos of questionable activities that just, went away!
Why aren’t you questioning it as well. It may be your guy one day!
nah, the repubs can’t get their shit together well enough to cheat like the dems..
They suck almost as much. I have learned that both parties members are out for what they can make for themselves rather than representing the people!
Cuttlefish, you seem to forget we had a commenter here whose father received a mail in ballot in 2020. But the father had been dead for eight years, and he had never voted absentee when he was alive.
Trump 2024 or it’s game over for America as founded.
Nonsense. Trump is the only candidate openly campaigning on abolishing key aspects of the constitution. And when he lost in 2020 he literally called for a termination of constitution.
Source please
List those key aspects. And then tell me how Joe Biden is protecting my constitutional rights, the first and second amendments in particular.
You’re a delusional fraud.
That and brainwashed cultist.
I submit that human turd with a face and a changing room at 1600 Penn Ave has used the BoR as his very own to-don’t list.
I wonder if he’s even read the fucking thing?
Still waiting, Commissar. Compile that list yet?
SFC D… I’m sure Commissar/Комиссар will have to consult his proctologist to locate that answer.
Wouldn’t the answer and his head be occupying the same space?
Well, if we speak out against Biden, we risk getting silenced in some of the worst ways. Look at the Worst Day in Universal History for examples of what happens when mostly peaceful protesters (for realz, not “fiery but mostly peaceful looters”) dare to be welcomed inside a public taxpayer-funded building three years ago and are still being rounded up.
As for the 2A, my early adult life was affected quite a bit by the sentiment that existed in large part thanks to Biden and the Assault Weapon Ban he takes credit for. I’m a bit of a gun guy and interested in both the history and function of many. Decades after buying my post-ban Bushmaster XM177E2S with heavy 16″-barrel, fixed A2-style stock, and no flash hider or bayonet lug, I fail to see where the two features it was allowed to keep (separate pistol grip and detachable magazine) made it any less capable than my modern Ruger AR-556 MPR. Uglier, maybe, but it fired the same rounds and was of much the same design. I did a short stint in jail for daring to own a super-scary black Mossberg with a pistol grip. Still scratching my head as to how a dumb teenager would be found Not Guilty for concealing a snub-nose revolver but guilty of concealing a 26″ 12-gauge. Oh, “assault weapon”, and according to the Trooper, “no civilian should be permitted to own such a weapon”. But I cling on to my disdain for both the Virginia State Police and the Clinton Administration. I’ll grow up when I stop breathing. 😤
Anyone convinced that Biden > Trump for constitutional rights is beyond delusional. I want good guns, the right to run my mouth, a secure border, and military interaction in only those foreign affairs that directly affect our quality of life in America.
Oh and for further evidence of Biden’s anti-2A stupidity that was the AWB, I bought my Mossberg 590A1 shortly after the 500 Cruiser was confiscated and destroyed for being an “evil assault weapon” that my super naive self driving to the range should not have been permitted to own.
I custom ordered that gun with a Side Saddle (a screw’s stripped out 25 years later, so I’m ordering a nylon hook-and-loop replacement eventually, I like the concept of tear and slap for different rounds), Speedfeed stock, and ghost ring sights, years before the newer version with the M-Lok fore end we occasionally get at work (am I still employed, who knows?!). When I went to pick it up the store employee told me point-blank that if it had shipped with the pistol grip Mossberg used to include with all of their tactical shotguns installed, he’d have been unable to sell it to me, since it would be classified an “assault weapon”. Being well under 21, I could do the paperwork and take receipt of the 590A1 with that Speedfeed stock, but the pistol grip was unnecessarily scary, just as my 500 Cruiser had scared the State Trooper and judge earlier that year.
Who is trying to subvert the constitution? Seems like Massachusetts wants to do away with the militia part of the constitution, which leads next to the right to bear arms
I know commisar won’t see or reply, but some of you may be interested.
You’re having too much fun with this, aren’t you.
-22 thumbs down! Is that a record?
Let me see, do I choose a cruise on the Titanic, or a flight on the Hindenburg? This is what our elections have come to.
As a blast from the past, here was Trump’s response after losing the 2016 Iowa Caucus to Cruz:
Imagine that. It’s always fraud, unless he wins! It’s gonna be an interesting year.
I don’t care about all the problems with Trump. I know he exaggerates everything.
I don’t care. He is the President we need to stop the march towards communism. There is no one else.
We are not marching towards communism. We have the worst social safety net of all industrial democracies. And have for almost half a century.
No communist has ever won a federal election for any federal office.
The highest office a communist ever held in the us one Montana state senate seat almost one hundred years ago.
A total of one state senator, one mayor, and five city councilman have been communist in the last 150 years.
There are over 400,000 elected offices in the US at the local, state, and federal levels. Over the last hundred and fifty years there has been tens of millions of elections for those offices.
Communists have won a total of 7 of those elections.
The “threat of communism” in the U.S. is a propaganda lie. Stop mindlessly repeating it.
There is some pressure to move our country closer to a social democratic model like we see in most of Northern Europe.
But social democracy is not even close to communism. Social democracy is literally a capitalist system. It preserves all the key tenets of capitalism including free markets, private ownership of the means of production, strong private property rights etc. It even preserves obscene levels wealth and capital accumulation. Northern European countries have billionaires too.
All of the social democratic countries score higher than the US on every single measure of quality of life and score higher than the US on freedom indexes.
Do Democratic socialists (baby communist) need rides also?
The lack of self awareness among 4chan trolls is astonishing.
This, from a self-professed antifa medic. You’re believing your own pathetic propaganda now.
Are we all now 4chan trolls? Are you the enlightened one whose been sent to lead us back to the righteous path?
All bow down to commisar, he is the chosen one.
Is a snark emoji needed?
Fuck off, Lars
Democrat = Communist, look at the D-rat party’s agenda and compare it to the Communist manifesto.
You lose.
The fact they couldn’t/can’t find anyone better than Pedo Joe has long been interesting to me. An admission (a quiet one) that they know they’re universally unlikeable in every direction they look. They can’t find a single person within their own ranks who even comes close to identifying with Americans because they know none of them truly have the best interests of Americans in mind so… “hey let’s trick them with this dementia riddled “moderate” career liar with a 0% success rate in a 50+ year career! And if that’s not gonna work we’ll just import voters to displace those already here by letting them flow freely across our border. Change you really CAN believe in!”
They despise this country all the way down to its very foundation.
I’m not too impressed with Republicans either, for the record…
They’ve been pissed off since Lincoln freed their slaves..
You and your ilk don’t want a safety net, you want a cozy hammock, supporting you and gently rocking you to sleep while you dream of all the free shit you’re “entitled” to.
As always, you’re a fraud.
He and his ilk believe that they’re on the cusp of some glorious revolution to some panacea for ALL of humanity’s ills, after which everyone will live in some wonderful utopia while in reality, they’ll all end up occupying mass graves after they, their herders and handlers are no longer deemed useful to the upper elite.
You mean the normal, historically proven result of socialist/communist revolutions?
Consueala banana hammockhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dtxmd5trrv6c&ved=2ahUKEwiy4_SYgeODAxUJtYkEHZryCYAQwqsBegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw3D6jGouhUFWPpa_LqARwou
Lets try this again.. consuela banana hammock
What about Bernie? You say Montana? AOC claims socialism! Dude! Do better!
BTW, you seem to know a little lot about where and when the commies were elected and to what office! Are y’all keeping track??
Most Bidenites I deal with look to the Government as the sovereign. “Lead us our Liege, our lives and our success is yours to bestow, without you we are nothing!”
They hope and believe you and we are nothing, cuz then they can control and rule us.
I got up at 0100, went outside shirtless and noticed the dropping temperature. Took a nice nap with the dogs at 0415 before waking up at 0600 with the intent to go into work. Never did. I was about to put some water in my paid-off transportermobile, noticed the ice on the windshield, and called in. Hell, I can take a government job where I’d have a paid day off today due to weather… That’s about where our .gov is anyway, what with Hidin’ Biden at his Rehoboth Beach house over half the time instead of trying to govern this once-great nation. I get it, that area isn’t the worst; I’ve been to Cape Henlopen and enjoyed it, but never on the taxpayer dime, and certainly not while in a position where I was failing our country miserably.
For decades now, we’ve been faced with two primary choices for presidential elections: that person, or the other person. Don’t like Hillary? Vote Trump. Don’t like Trump? Vote Biden. The same holds true for Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, you name the candidate. But we’re a Republic, where we have other choices. We can vote Green, Libertarian, Independent, or however we want. But wait, if we do our vote’s essentially been wasted.
Like many here, I’m much more of a Trump fan than one of Biden. He tried to keep his campaign promises and comes across as America First. We’d be well served if we focused on internal affairs like the budget, border security, and criminal justice. Instead, we have a joke of an Administration that’s focused on Firsts like ADM Levine and Sam Brinton, welcoming in millions of illegals, and sending billions of dollars overseas to prop up questionable regimes.
Yeah never vote outside your tribe but keep bitching about “why does nothing change”….
The propaganda that if everyone voted for a third party they’re wasting their vote is the best propaganda of all…because if everyone actually did vote third party in one single election cycle it would send a clear message the people are rejecting both mainstream options…
Pick a third party whack job especially a libertarian since they don’t want to do anything that grows government they’re unlikely to add any new laws for four years, and it’s only four years they could hardly do worse than the last four years…or don’t and keep on picking a turd out of the punchbowl and hoping the punch tastes better now…
I agree with your sentiment, except we have to remember that we’re hit with that propaganda on a daily basis. A lot of Americans only see Red and Blue. They’re convinced that a third-party vote is a wasted vote, and that the “lesser of two evils” is their ideal candidate.
Orange Man Bad vs. the Biden Crime Family. All others take a distant back seat to these two because, well, US national politics. I didn’t really buy into the RFK, Jr. concept, but think that he might have been a viable alternative to the mainstream politicians. He’s a little whacky but comes from an old-school establishment political family that pre-dates a lot of the BS that 1960’s era and up Washington affairs have. And, well his uncle allegedly had a good time with Marilyn Monroe and was married to Jackie, so there’s that. Beats Billary Clinton, Michael Obama, or Dr. Alice Cooper-Biden…
The punch isn’t going to get any better tasting. They’ll do everything in their power to ensure Trump doesn’t get another term. Biden will likely be their candidate of choice until after the election, at which point they’ll figure out his replacement. Whether they invoke the 25th Amendment or he simply has a particularly bad fall, his VP (Kamala or not) will take over, before possibly being replaced themselves. Cackling Kamala isn’t executive leadership material and people much smarter and in the know than I are aware of this. If she’s allowed to take the helm, expect her to be touted as the First Black, Asian, and Female President, while she’s carefully guided through the rest of Biden’s term and a successor is groomed for ’28.
Kamala entered the political scene after spending time under the desk of Willie Brown. He was married and Kamala was his “side chick”.
You have to get a head somewhere.
Who rattled Kommissar’s cage and woke him up?
Oh….wait….he’s already “woke”.
(when is he going to pull a Bernasty and land his airplane at -6ft AGL?)
Or at least move to one of those “democratic socialist” paradises he goes on about?
How are things in that D-rat paradise called Oakland CA? Yeah, stay there and don’t reproduce.
You lose.
“Stay on the meds”
DR Bidin (baby sitter)
Her “Dr.” degree is in libraries, or whatever you call a librarian. Not someone to be taking medical advice from.
I’m debating going to law school and maybe getting a PhD. GI Bill and VA benefits should help. I know it won’t be all peaches and cream, but if I carry through with it, I’ll have my retail email signature listed as the following:
Dr. [fm2176], PhD., Esq., SFC, USA(R)
Gun Vault Specialist (Demotable)
I know it’s not proper etiquette, but who really cares if I do the work and don’t even attempt to pass a Bar exam?
Yeah, the U.S. falls in low categories because Biden and your party have been working feverishly to lower the standard of living, reduce freedom, and destroy the enonomy over the last few years.
He’s already in one.
Yay. We don’t need these troublesome elections any more. Klaus Schwab of the WEF says we should just use AI to select our leaders.